My Wishes

Just a list of things I wish to happen in the future.
It's quite an interesting list x) some are serious, some are funny. lol
If you wish for me to talk about one in further detail just leave a comment; including your reasoning for why you wish for me to talk about it more in the comment would be nice as well ^ ^
or if you just want to comment to me about something.

Surprisingly This list is fun to read through xD it'll make you laugh.

"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now."
(haha xD incredibly cheesy of me to include this)

note: the ones that are crossed out are the wishes that came true :)

I wish to become a successful robotic engineer.

I wish to build a gundam, or at least a prototype, or at least contribute to the creation of a gundam.

I wish to one day meet the members of Kat-Tun before they grow old and ugly. xD jk on the "ugly" part. Those sexy guys can never be ugly ^ ^. Especially Kazuya Kamenashi!!!

I wish to have a better/nicer relationship with my sister. Or at least less fighting.

I hope I get into M.I.T. for college. *crosses fingers*

I wish to live up to at least a 100 years old. (lame reason for this xD)

I wish to be able to buy the complete collection of Gundam00 manga.

I want world peace! XD

I wish for me to become a millionaire. Who doesn't? xD

I wish to marry a boy who looks like one of the anime characters I'm obsessed with x)

I wish for my mom to leave my family alone!  (Idk if I've talked about this, but I dislike my mom. Odd I know, but true ^ ^;;)

I wish my dad will be able to buy his own house. (this is confusing and odd, but it'll make sense once I explain it)

I hope all my family members live long and happy lives. ^ ^

I wish doomsday never happens xD

I wish my sister realizes the importance of studying/not being lazy/taking care of herself in general.

I wish Setsuna F. Seiei was a real human being!

I wish I wasn't such a huge procrastinator x)

I wish homework didn't exist. or at least summer vacation homework xD

I wish social studies was more exciting/fun. Or at least give me an exciting social studies teacher! xD wish came true \(^o^)/ yay.

I wish I could remember all of my crazy dreams.  (yes all of my dreams are crazy)

I wish I weighed 110 pounds instead of my current weight. OTL

I wish I had some sort of amazing talent. (ex. piano, drawing, sports, etc)

I want to be an idol! x)   <-- not going to happen unfortunately

I wish everyone thought of the glass half full instead of half empty!

I wish I had epic cooking skills.   <--I shall make this a reality!

I wish I had a cuter wardrobe.

I wish I had money to donate to charity! to bad I'm poor OTL

I wish my blog was more popular.   <--this will happen someday!! believe it!

I wish I wasn't allergic to milk. TT^TT I miss eating cake.

I wish to eat all I want without becoming fat.

I wish I had my own room x)

I think Kat-Tun should be more popular in America x)   <--Yes they're that good!

I wished Kazuya Kamenashi was a few years younger xD so I'd have a better chance age wise. lol

I want to go to a live Kat-Tun concert! and perhaps back stage passes? :3

I wish I had the money to cosplay!

I wish I had money in general! xD

I wish there was such a thing as an actual T.A.R.D.I.S.!! (doctor who.)

I want to guest star on Cartoon Kat-Tun   <--to bad I'm not famous enough and can't speak Japanese xD

I wish I could read minds!! 

I hope I get to finish everything on my bucket list! \o/

I wish for me to win the lottery x)

I wish good fortune for all the people who support me for whatever I do.

I wish Luka-chan stopped thinking negatively xD it puts a damper on my mood.

I want Kazuya Kamenashi!! in my closet would be good x)

I wish life was fair.

I wish I was witty enough to come up with my own good quotes instead of having to look them up on google.

I wish I was taller by at least two inches.

I wish I was less gullible.

E=mc^2         <-- haha wtf?

I love myself ♥

I wish I didn't wish for so many things xD

I wish there was more time in this world.

I wish I never had to study!

I wish I could speak Japanese, Chinese, Canadian, French, Spanish -aw fuck it- I WANT TO SPEAK EVERY LANGUAGE IN THIS WORLD!! :D

I wouldn't mind KazuyaxKoki pairing x)  fufufufu~

I wish learning things was easier!!

I wish for flawless skin!!

Mabooshi~!! \o/    <--japanese word x)

I wish I didn't have to wear glasses.

I wish I was an anime character.

I wish toys did come alive xD like in toy story.

I wish I never had to grow up!

Damn, why is it so late? (3:16 a.m!) :O

I wish my blog got more views.

I wish I could understand twitter ^ ^;;

I wish I knew what flirting was. (i seriously don't understand how to do it OTL)

I hope I'm smarter then the day before.

I wish there was a time machine.

I wish I had A or AB blood type instead of O.  (haha xD the reasoning for this is stupid)

I wish that Marina Ismail didn't exist! (Setsuna's mine, hoe!  <--is unable to use the "B" word xD)

I wish I wasn't afraid of sock monkeys ^ ^;;

I wish I had a better childhood.

I wish there wasn't anymore suicide in this world.

I wish for another purse. (so girly xD)

I wish I was able to walk properly in heels. (It's so hard xD)

I wish to be able to go to sleep earlier ^ ^;;

I wish I didn't have haters.

I wish I could go to cosplay conventions whenever I wanted to.

I wish everyone a good night~ ;D (good morning?)(good afternoon?)(gah! w.e. xD)

okay, well first of all:
Damn! If you read every single one then you either got a lot of free time, or I'm just awesome xD perhaps both?

Well thank you for at least skimming through it ^ ^    <--most likely what happened for most of you xD

*yawn* well like I said randomly in the middle of this, it's like 3:30 a.m. so I really gotta get to bed...that and I can't think of anything else to put xD. So this is it for now. But I might add or take off stuff in the future. I'll tell you if I do, so it makes checking up on it easier for you xD aren't I so nice? What no?! \o/ how mean? Haha xD just kidding. I don't have any haters out there. Because I killed them all Muahaha!! >:D
*cough cough yawn cough* Sorry! Gomen Nasi! I can't think straight when I'm tired. Gah~! The sleepy head ache is kicking in. Okay good night~ ;D then.   <--I will probably feel really stupid about this in the morning xD

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