Saturday, April 16, 2011

Age of Empires

So how many of you out there ever hear of the game Age of Empires? I have version three, and I play it all the time with my family. It's one of the most fun activities I do with my family. And when I say my family, I basically mean my whole family. That includes my dad, little sister, and little brother. I have another little brother, but he's too small to be able to play the game. I have tons of fun playing Age of Empires. I used to play it by myself. But I have more fun when I get to play with my family. The more the merrier, right? Before, I didn't want to play with them. I just wanted to do my own thing, you know what I mean? However, my sister kept bugging me, saying "You should spend time with the family. We need family bonding." and she just kept going on and on. So I finally said yes to one game, but I found it so much fun that I started playing with them every weekend. We split into teams. It was my sister and I against my dad and brother. I am a very competitive person like my dad. I don't let him beat me. And if he does somehow end up beating me in score, I try and get him the next time. The first few games my sister and I were on a winning streak. I was so happy that I could finally beat my dad at something. He likes to call himself "The Gaming King" and we were his little "apprentice gaming princesses and prince". I didn't like being the "princess". I wanted to rule the games! After awhile though, my brother had gotten better, and he wasn't a disadvantage for my dad to have on his team. My sister and I started losing. Losing doesn't taste as sweet as victory. But I guess it's okay for them to win every once in a while. We started to get equally good, so one win for each teams started to happen quite often (we usually only get finished playing two games in a day). That started to get boring so, we started versing the computers; all of us working as a team for a change. That was even more fun. Separated, we're okay, but as a team we're invincible! It's kind of cool to spend so much time with your family. I feel kind of bad though. My friend always tells me how she's jealous of the bond my family and I have. I'm not sure what I should say in response. It ends up getting really quiet between us. I usually end up awkwardly laughing it off. There's nothing I can do to help, so I feel useless. I hate feeling useless, but it can't be helped. Sigh~ my brain hurts whenever I can't find a solution. Anyways, I feel really happy about my family bond. I'm not exactly sure as to why it makes me happy though. I mean I guess it's because I like the fact that I can be so comfortable around my family. I never wanted to be one of those families that ignore each other, and only see each other during meal times. That just never seemed like a pleasant idea to me.

This was my first blog post! ^ ^ I wonder what you people think of me.
Hope you have an awesome day. I know mine was.
Bye byes~

1 comment:

  1. No I have not heard of the game, Age of Empires.
    It seems fun from what I heard here.
    First post of your blog! COOL :D
