Tuesday, June 14, 2011

So Embarrassing!!

Okay, so I went to the park at the end of school on Monday. It was a really fun time. :) K. was there. (lol I haven't talked about him in wrote about him in awhile.)
However, P. is going was going away to India for the summer, so I was kinda bummed out because of that. (she left today, but since this happened on Monday, I'm talking in semi-past tense)
Anyways, since my friend P. was going away to India, she wanted to see some "action" before she left. The word "action" kinda disturbed me. . . >.> but she meant romantic stuff like him asking me out. Which I know will never happen. sigh~
Well, since she was so determined to see some of this "action" she decided to play telephone, and she dared me to say "I love you." as the message to K. I was like "-_______- no. way." So I told her to do it, so it'd be less weird to say it in his ear or him in mine.
P. was like "Okay, you stand there (me next to him), and you stand there (some other random people)."
So she made it kinda obvious that she wanted some kind of specific order, so that when she told the message, he would say it in my ear. So when he heard the message he looked at her then me, and was like "Uh....." with this really cute expression that showed he was having a "wtf. im so not doing that" kinda expression. I was thinking "Oh my god! D: this is so stupid." so I guessed he was having trouble whispering in my ear or something, so I decided that in order to get this over with, I moved. But P. was like "What are you doing? Go back over there!" That probably raised K.'s suspicions. Eventually, after much "arguing" (very playful fighting), K. decided to just say it. So he leaned into my ear, and slowly whispered the words "I love you." . . .
It was supposed to be "romantic", "awesome", "nice", and "amazing"; or something like that. However, he didn't mean it. It was fake. It was fictional. It wasn't real. And coming to that realization sucks and quite depressing.
P. and everyone else (meaning just about everyone but K.) went all bananas on me and was like "OMG! He did it! blah blah blah..."
I should probably mention that K. was the only one of his grade there because I asked him to come, and J. was suppose to be there, but he left earlier then expected.
Anyways, K. said he was leaving, so everyone was like "Aw~ don't go." And they were all looking at me saying "Go convince him to stay!" and stuff like "Follow him!" I was still too shaken up by the whole telephone thing, and way too embarrassed. So when he was leaving, I think he heard people telling me those things, and I was like "He can go wherever he wants! I really don't care." I yell to everyone, loud enough for him to hear. I like him, a lot. But I don't want to tell him, and I sure as hell don't want him to know through such embarrassing actions. In truth, I didn't want him to leave, and I was kinda like "Someone please convince him to stay > < !" Then Z. (someone who I hang out with at the park often, and a person P. has taken interest too.) was like "Wait K. don't go!" I was like "YES!" Z. doesn't know I like K., he wasn't there for the whole telephone thing. But he hangs out with K. too, so yea. Anyways, it turned out K. was going to a deli nearby.
During the time K. was at the deli, everyone was telling me "Oh my god! I think he likes!" or "He so totally likes you!". Someone actually told me why they thought that he like me, and said, "He hesitated/didn't want to say 'I love you' in your ear. That means he likes you!" So I was surrounded by a few people, shouting "He likes you!" at me, and it was all very awkward. I protested and said "It's awkward! That's why he didn't want to." Mel. (one of my class mates, and P.'s close friend) was like "That's not true. I mean, I whispered it to C. (some guy that I probably won't mention again) with no problem."
I wasn't sure what to think. I didn't want to fool myself into believing something that wasn't true, and get hurt later on. I'm kinda just going to wait, while dropping hint bombs the size of China. I know hints never really work, but it's all I'm willing to do. There's nothing else, I can do until I'm truly ready to do something. xD which makes sense right?
When K. comes back from the deli, he has nothing in his hands. I'm guessing he just needed some space from all of us, and time to think. Which I can understand. When someone likes you, you have to register a number of things through your mind.
After he came back, I tried to play it cool. He was walking away, and about to leave. I only have two weeks before school end (not even, like a little less), and I'm sure as hell not going to waste any of it. So I run over to him, and say "Hey, are you really leaving?" and he's like "I called J. and he's not at the library." (earlier he told me that he might go to the library) I was like "Oh.." He then said "I might just go home." I of course said "Aw~ that's too bad. We were just about to play manhunt (combo of tag/hide and seek). It'd be fun if you join in." Somehow I was able to convince him to stay and hang out. It was kind of fun. I didn't get to spend much time with him. But it was really fun being chased by him xD.
He was really tired, and seemed kind of sick. So he wasn't really trying. I don't know why but he was coughing a lot. I felt super worried T,T. He keeps playing though.
Eventually, it's time to go home, and I start walking with him.
It was pretty nice.
I told him about how it's annoying that he never speaks to me unless spoken too.
He was like "because there's nothing to talk about!"
And I'm like "Sure there is. There's lots of things."
So he was like "Fine! Tuesday (or was it Monday...) I went to my school's orientation."(he was trying to start a conversation on his own.)
I was like "Oh, that's cool. It's a pretty good school."
"I went to the all high school/college/middle school (you choose) orientations a few months ago."
"What's that?"
"It's where all the school reps. meet in one place, and tell you about their school."
"Oh, yea."
"I got a bunch of free learning stuff there."
and the conversation continues sort of like this. Eventually he tells me about stuff at his school. Like how he got to meet his teacher, and stuff. He listed cool things that they had like science wings, lots of clubs, cute girls....okay, so when I heard him say that I felt something in me snap, and I got kind of angry/jealous/hurt. But I pretended not to care. He's not suppose to know that I get affected by those kind of opinions. However, now that I'm looking back on that time, I can remember that he said the words "cute girls" long and slow yet in a quick and brief kind of way. There was a kind of different tone when he said it. Odd. Hm..probably doesn't mean anything. Whatever.
So eventually he reaches his house, and I have to walk 5 more blocks by myself. I like those extra 5 blocks, I get to think a little with the calm breeze on my face. It's quite calming, and an easy to think in environment.

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