Ah hahahahaha~ :D Guess what?! I GOT MY EXIA FIGURE ....like yesterday >.>
xDD rofl ...anyways, I'm still super happy :D happy happy (sing-song tone ^ ^). Well, I've also decided on his nickname to make him a little more mine/unique. Exia-Near; is what I shall call him :) ! Why? Oh, well because I saw the movie Death Note: L Change the World. It was a really cool movie :D I loved it! Death Note is very awesome. I recommend you to watch the movie or anime or read manga. (if you watch the movie you should watch the first two before the one I just mentioned ^ ^) Anyways, the relationship between Exia's nickname and the Death Note movie is the ending of the movie.
At the ending of the Death Note movie, L. names the little boy Near, and says something along the lines of "You shall be called Near because whenever someone is saved you will always be 'near'." ^ ^~ I thought it was pretty cool. Plus, it sort of relates to what Exia is :D. I shall explain for those of you who don't know Gundam00. Exia is a giant kick-ass robot that helps stop war. It's controlled/piloted by a very very sexy man named Setsuna F. Seiei. <3~ Since Exia helps to save people, I thought the quote and meaning behind the word "Near" was pretty special and cool, so thus the name of Exia-Near was created. xD It sounds kind of stupid when I write about it, but whatever. Oh, I feel as though you should give proper credit to my dad; he's the one who came up with the name. I just agreed with him xD.
Oh! I also got pictures to show you :D.
Exia-Near in its box ^w^. |
The back of the box xD. Sorry that it's a little blurry ^ ^;; My camera is a littler ...er >.> (I've said this many times xD.) I thought the back looked pretty cool, so I took a picture of it. |
This is Exia-Near out of his box ^ ^ He's standing on my eating table xD and yes I know, my table clothe is very colorful. My dad says it makes eating more fun or something like that xD |
lolz Anyways, today, I went to the dentist. . . well technically it was the orthodontist. I have to get braces TT~TT. Well, to tell you the truth I'm actually pretty okay with getting braces; like I'm not afraid about me looking ugly. However, I am quite sadden that I can't have coke anymore D: it's the most terrible thing about getting braces. Sigh~ I should have gotten braces long ago like I was supposed too. But braces are so expensive that my dad and I have been procrastinating about it ^ ^;;. My appointment was at 2:00 pm. . . but I didn't get called for until 3:00 pm xD. They were pretty busy. It was okay though. I got to take a picture of Exia-near next to an ironic-ish(?) magazine.
So anyways, at the dentist, I just got x-rays for my teeth. I'm getting my braces on this Friday though (Not to excited about that xD). My stupid tongue kept interfering though. The lady was trying to take pictures of my teeth, so she stuck some weirdly shaped mirror in my mouth, and semi-sprayed air with this thing (like the water pic one, but air instead of water). However, during these pictures, my tongue got in the way, and covered the part of my teeth she was taking pictures of. TT~TT I was stuck with that mirror in my mouth for like 5 minutes before she finally got a "good" picture. My throat ended up dry, and I needed to cough really bad xD. The dentists/orthodontist (w.e.) actually laughed at me. Which is really mean > <. But I got to admit, I probably did have a funny expression on my face xD. Then I went home.
Oh! I also ate kit-kat (chocolate cookie like thing? can't describe it >~<) and payday(some kind of caramel and peanut bar) candy; which both have milk in it. ^ ^;; which is probably really really bad for someone who is allergic to milk. xD but I think I'm outgrowing the milk allergy; I don't get allergic reactions from small amount of milk. ^ ^ I can actually eat ice cream without getting all red and dry!! :D Which is totally awesome! You don't know how glad I when I ate ice cream for the first time in like 2 years. xD but I can't get carried away or else I really will get an allergic reaction.
It wasn't a very exciting day, but that's what happened. :D but it was good enough for me.