Friday, July 29, 2011

The Dentist (and Exia-Near?)

Ah hahahahaha~ :D Guess what?! I GOT MY EXIA FIGURE yesterday >.> 
xDD rofl ...anyways, I'm still super happy :D happy happy (sing-song tone ^ ^). Well, I've also decided on his nickname to make him a little more mine/unique. Exia-Near; is what I shall call him :) ! Why? Oh, well because I saw the movie Death Note: L Change the World. It was a really cool movie :D I loved it! Death Note is very awesome. I recommend you to watch the movie or anime or read manga. (if you watch the movie you should watch the first two before the one I just mentioned ^ ^) Anyways, the relationship between Exia's nickname and the Death Note movie is the ending of the movie.
At the ending of the Death Note movie, L. names the little boy Near, and says something along the lines of "You shall be called Near because whenever someone is saved you will always be 'near'." ^ ^~ I thought it was pretty cool. Plus, it sort of relates to what Exia is :D. I shall explain for those of you who don't know Gundam00. Exia is a giant kick-ass robot that helps stop war. It's controlled/piloted by a very very sexy man named Setsuna F. Seiei. <3~ Since Exia helps to save people, I thought the quote and meaning behind the word "Near" was pretty special and cool, so thus the name of Exia-Near was created. xD It sounds kind of stupid when I write about it, but whatever. Oh, I feel as though you should give proper credit to my dad; he's the one who came up with the name. I just agreed with him xD.

Oh! I also got pictures to show you :D.
Exia-Near in its box ^w^.
The back of the box xD. Sorry that it's a little blurry ^ ^;; My camera is a littler >.>
(I've said this many times xD.)
I thought the back looked pretty cool, so I took a picture of it.
lolz xD I got carried away, and took a picture of my goat :)
and the paper with that says "Emiko's Day" is just something I doodled earlier xD.
Oh! My goat is called Go-T by the way. rofl that's what it said on its tag, at least.
I think it'll be posing for us more times in the future ^ ^;; or not, I'm not sure.
This is Exia-Near out of his box ^ ^
He's standing on my eating table xD and yes I know, my table clothe is very colorful.
My dad says it makes eating more fun or something like that xD
lolz Anyways, today, I went to the dentist. . . well technically it was the orthodontist. I have to get braces TT~TT. Well, to tell you the truth I'm actually pretty okay with getting braces; like I'm not afraid about me looking ugly. However, I am quite sadden that I can't have coke anymore D: it's the most terrible thing about getting braces. Sigh~ I should have gotten braces long ago like I was supposed too. But braces are so expensive that my dad and I have been procrastinating about it ^ ^;;. My appointment was at 2:00 pm. . . but I didn't get called for until 3:00 pm xD. They were pretty busy. It was okay though. I got to take a picture of Exia-near next to an ironic-ish(?) magazine. 
lolz xD the ironic part is that it says "Innovators" on it.
Innovators are the name of these really cool evolved human beings in the anime (Gundam00).
And my dad just told me that the magazine, Forbes, is a popular (or was it famous?) magazine.  Any of you read it? ^ ^
So anyways, at the dentist, I just got x-rays for my teeth. I'm getting my braces on this Friday though (Not to excited about that xD). My stupid tongue kept interfering though. The lady was trying to take pictures of my teeth, so she stuck some weirdly shaped mirror in my mouth, and semi-sprayed air with this thing (like the water pic one, but air instead of water). However, during these pictures, my tongue got in the way, and covered the part of my teeth she was taking pictures of. TT~TT I was stuck with that mirror in my mouth for like 5 minutes before she finally got a "good" picture. My throat ended up dry, and I needed to cough really bad xD. The dentists/orthodontist (w.e.) actually laughed at me. Which is really mean > <. But I got to admit, I probably did have a funny expression on my face xD. Then I went home.

Oh! I also ate kit-kat (chocolate cookie like thing? can't describe it >~<) and payday(some kind of caramel and peanut bar) candy; which both have milk in it. ^ ^;; which is probably really really bad for someone who is allergic to milk. xD but I think I'm outgrowing the milk allergy; I don't get allergic reactions from small amount of milk. ^ ^ I can actually eat ice cream without getting all red and dry!! :D Which is totally awesome! You don't know how glad I when I ate ice cream for the first time in like 2 years. xD but I can't get carried away or else I really will get an allergic reaction.

It wasn't a very exciting day, but that's what happened. :D but it was good enough for me.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

One Nicely Packed Weekend

My weekend was nice :D
I got to spend it with my friends. On Saturday I went to the beach with Rin-chan and Luka-chan. Unfortunately, Rin-chan was afraid to go in the water, so she didn't get to be very much involved :( . I think she was a little scared because the waves were very big and high. Luka-chan and I were being slapped and harrassed rather roughly by the waves. It was so troublesome xD. I felt like I was being tackled by a football player. My back got scrapped against the sand several times. I'm surprised I didn't start bleeding ^ ^;;. It was fun though! We all dug a really really big hole, and put our feet in it. The ocean water came into the hole, and it was like a little foot spa xD. Afterwards we went to the dollar store and messed around. We started to put on random things around our heads and necks and hold stuff in our hands. It was fun taking pictures xD. But my stupid camera ran out of batteries D: . I totally forgot to charge it before I left. Sigh~ that really sucked.

Today (Sunday), I went to Carvel the ice cream shop/parlor with Luka-chan and Nyu-san. Rin-chan and P. and Je. couldn't go :( they weren't allowed to. Even though I'm allergic to milk (not lactose intolerant), I still ate ice cream xD. I just made one little exception today.
...oh wait...I don't think I've mentioned that I'm allergic to milk >.> hm..which was is semi-important, huh? Well, I am ^ ^. I'm not lactose intolerant; meaning I can ingest milk without throwing up or anything. I'm allergic to milk; meaning my face gets really red and dry whenever I eat dairy projects.

Anyways, continuing with my story :D . So I went to go eat ice cream, and I had my favorite flavor: cake mix. xD it sounds weird, and no one seemed to know what it was either, but I ordered it for Luka-chan anyways. She was very unsure about it, but she ate it anyways. I think she liked it. Anyways, after not eating ice cream in like months it tasted delightful!!
After eating ice cream, we went to the park afterwards. We walked around the pond for a bit, and then went on the swings. While on the swings, we took turns pushing each other until we all eventually got swings ourselves. ^ ^ it was quite fun.

Sigh~ it's exhausting when you hang out with your friends. You have to make sure there's even flow of conversation, and that everyone is having fun. Plus, you got to check about the price of stuff, and time. Inviting everyone is difficult too when you'r doing spur of the moment type things. xD
But I guess the fun and time spent with friends is worth it ^ ^ . Well, you have to worry about these things when you're the one taking people places, but I guess if you're the person attending the outing then you just got to worry about what you're bringing. ^ ^;;

Well, that's all for today folks.
I hope you had just a great of a weekend as I did :D
(and I think that sentence was grammatically incorrect xD)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Just a Bunch of Miscellaneous Information

Well a few things happened that I guess could be interesting.
Yesterday, the UPS dropped off the tablet my dad ordered a few days ago. :D
Yes, I got a new tablet ^ ^ I was pretty excited.
The brand of my tablet was Adesso. I'm not using it for drawing purposes though; more of note taking purposes for class. I'll use it to write my school notes on it, and then afterwards when I get home I upload it into my computer. The reason why the tablet will be useful for school notes is that, it'll translate my notes into computer text. Then I would be able to search through my notes via the computer instead of having to flip through so much paper. Yesterday, I had fun playing around with it. It's pretty cool. Don't ask how much it costs because...I have no clue xD my dad was the one who bought it. But I think it was around $140. I think it did cost that much. I remember my dad telling me. Yups. :) $140 including shipping. It's much cheaper compared to wacom (another tablet selling company or brand or something of the sort. and it's kind of expensive from what I hear xD).
And besides the news of the tablet, I'm going to the beach again ^ ^;;
However, this time I'm going with my friends :D so it'll be a little more interesting.
I'm going tomorrow on Saturday :) with Luka-chan and Rin-chan.
Katrina-chan unfortunately couldn't come because her parents wouldn't let her :(
Nyu-san doesn't want to go to the beach. She says she's too busy with tutor homework. But she finishes that quickly. So I think Nyu-san will be embarrassed to have us see her in her bathing suit. xD thus, I didn't push her to come.
Also, I'm going to get a little Exia figure :)
My dad's buying me one. The reason why I'm getting one though is so I can take pictures of it. .. um what I mean by that is I'm going to carry Exia with me, and take pictures of it wherever I go. Thus, I can post more photos on my blog :D the main purpose for this Exia is to substitute for me in photos, since I don't like taking pictures of myself. ^ ^;;
:D but I'm super excited because as you should know, I'm a total Gundam00 fan. So getting  Exia figure is so awesome ^ ^ !! Which reminds me, maybe I should show you some pictures of my gundam models :D I got some of them, and actually built like ...3(?) of them myself. :)
My dad says that since I'm going to use and refer to my Exia figure quite often, I should give Exia a unique and personal name (nickname-ish?). The only problem is....I can't think of anything to nickname Exia ^ ^;;.
Which is quite odd, since I can usually come up with names on the spot! I do it all the time while writing in my roleplays. (which btw you should go check out my other blog if you haven't already.)
I was wondering if you (the person reading this blog at the moment) had any ideas for what to nickname Exia. I'd love to hear some ideas :D I won't be getting Exia until a few don't expect cute little Exia pictures just yet. ^ ^;;

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Feeling Bla

Okay, so first things first. I have no idea what a bla feeling is xD
It's just how I feel at the moment, really. There's no other way to describe it.

I don't know what to blog about today, but sigh~ I would have to say that I'm having some problems.
TT.TT I miss K. !!!  D:

Well, I have his email and his phone number. I also know about his facebook account.
Plus, I know where he lives. (for sending letters possibly?....or other things like window watching xD rofl jk he lives on the 6th floor so that's physically impossible >.>...not that I would do that...xD)
So basically I have all the information that I stalker could ever possibly need. ...*cough* I mean contact info. ^ ^;;
But I can't do anything with it!! T~T
Hmph. :T What I mean is that it'd be weird if I called him out of the blue. (my friend said that I should casually call him and say that I was bored and wanted someone to talk to. But that's awkward too >~<)
I have no idea what to send him in an email.
And I don't have a facebook account, so I can't post some random cute-sy message on his wall to start some kind of conversation with him.
Furthermore, I've been having endless thoughts and dreams about K. lately as well.
I want so badly to do something, but my brain has not been able to come up with a single idea of what to do.
This is such a sad situation to be in. :( so useless
My friends say I should move on. I feel as though I should move on.
But I can't!! D:  (it feels mean to obsess over a guy and then just quickly forget about him when it becomes inconvenient.) [the only way where it'd seem less rude is if I start like another guy >.>]
Looks like I'm just going to have to wait until this phase is over. (which sounds totally inconsiderate)
Sigh~ and he was such great find in the male species. I mean how often do you meet a guy who is incredibly kind, respectful of women, a complete gentleman, funny, and insanely handsome? One in a million.

And btw don't you just hate it when hand-sanitizer spurts all over you when you open it?
It's a pain in the butt. Especially if it gets all over important papers.
...^ ^;; yeah that was random. But only because it just happened to me xD.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Beach Again We Go~

So from the title you could tell that I went to the beach again. Summer time is a time of fun and beaches xD

Anyways, this time I got some nice pictures :D
This beach was a lot better then the last one I went to.
We went with my dad's friend's family again.

I made my first sand castle!! :D
I've always wanted to make a sand castle.
I don't know why's just something I've always wanted to do. ^ ^
Well, at least now I can cross it off my bucket list. :) 
[wow I'm glad to say that I've been crossing off quite a few things on my bucket list :D]
Yes I made stairs on my sand castle xD
It was so plain. I had to do something to it.
Here is my castle at another angle. I also built a moat/protective wall around my castle.
I couldn't let the water come and destroy the castle!
that puddle of water is the "moat". [the hole that we dug and ocean water went into it]
the thing that's all lumpy in front of the castle is the protective wall :)
This is a picture of the ocean wave on the beach. I love this beach because it's pretty clean.
A jell fish that wounded up on land.
Sadly it died.
But the children (my little siblings and my dad's family friend's kids) enjoyed staring at it.
My brother actually poked it with a stick ^ ^;;
Looks like poking random things with a stick runs in the family. (i do it all the time xD)
And doesn't this jelly fish sort of shaped like a foot?
This is a picture of a cloud I saw while on the beach.
Doesn't it look like a mouse? or some kind of animal? :D
The sun behind it makes it glow and has a nice affect.
I thought this cloud looked like a robot or person waving hi.
My sister has no imagination and didn't agree.
Do you think it looks like a robot waving hi?

It's my little brother's hand (Ga.)
My foot! :D
Ah ha ha ha~ I'm so weird ^ ^
I was standing on "sand clumps".
I don't know why, but I like stepping on them :)
it feels funny when you do.

So anyways, I had lots of fun. 
The cleaning part after the beach is a total pain the butt :P
I hope you like the pictures. xD
And I love looking at clouds by the way...that's why I took pictures of interesting ones.
I can always find cool shapes in the clouds ^ ^
...but for some reason no body else I can see them >.>
My friends think cloud watching and people watching is lame, and they don't understand it.
I love doing both xD

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


That's all today was really; ordinary.
It was just a mixture of tinierme and studying. Plus, some Psych. Psych is a super awesome TV show, which I have all 5 seasons set of. :D it's almost as good as Dexter and Doctor Who (other TV shows). I also talked on the phone a bit with Rin-chan ^ ^ which we were mostly conversing about tinierme and studying xD.
So today wasn't anything special. Except for the fact that my brothers were totally killing me today. Crying, whining, and fighting was all they did; nonstop. D: It was a killer. And what I mean by that was that their annoying attitude/mood were killing me. Meaning they were a pain in the butt!
but I was able to handle them because I'm cool like that :D lolz jk
Sigh~ so that was about it for my day. Got quite a bit of studying done too ^ ^

Monday, July 11, 2011

So Much Studying!!

I know I've already complained about studying, but since I couldn't really figure out what I exactly I should be studying, my dad has decided to help me.
He found me this really great website that helps "drill" you into learning. By "drill" I mean, help you become faster at solving equations and stuff. This website has helped me quite a bit. But my dad is making me study so much, it's tiring. TT.TT It's summer. All I want to do is sleep and spend time with my sweet sweet gorgeous computer. (xD lolz yes my computer is gorgeous)
Sigh~ but I really want to do well on that test next year.
I don't think I really explained what this test is, so just to give you a better idea I shall explain.
This test will basically decide my future! It has a whole bunch of stuff on it that is like two grades more advanced then the grade I am in. It's a test to see who's smart and who's not basically. And there are schools that only except the smart people. Everyone wants to get into those schools, but they only have a limited number of seats.
Anyways, my dad wants me to study all day everyday. But you know how tiring that would be? xD
Thus, I made a deal with him. Four hours on the weekdays, and two hours on the weekends. That way I can still waste time on  have fun with my computer ^ ^.
I'm worried about my friends though >.>
Some of them are very self-confident about them getting into the school they want that they don't think they need to study. But I'm worried if they don't study enough, they won't get into their desired school. It's not that I don't have confidence in their intellect. It's just that, there are things that they could work on or review or be faster at. Speed is everything on this test. The faster you can finish this test the better because then you'll have to review and work on the harder questions.

my dad hasn't been making things easy for me either. He'll ask me to do a question, and watch over my shoulder. I start to get nervous, and my brain doesn't function well. >~< so I couldn't answer the question properly. I mean seriously?! It's nerve wrecking when someone watches you intently! So my dad lectured me and basically described me as "dumb" in a long fancy way. I wanted to say "It's not my fault! I know how to answer the stupid question. It's just that you watching me makes me nervous!" But I couldn't say that because he'll say I'm just making excuses > <
it's annoying when he doesn't understand and gets all grumpy at me.

Sigh~ I really hope I'll make it into a good school

ps. most of you might think I'm talking about college (SATs) and maybe some of you aren't.
I can't really tell you if I'm going to college or high school or maybe even a middle school. (lolz who knows, maybe middle schools have big tests over here, you never know xD)
It's not that I don't trust you (my readers). It's just my dad says I need to be cautious on the internet, and not leak out any confidential information.
But since I love my readers so much, I'll tell you this:
I'm not in elementary school.
Lolz xD that is practically a given from the time you've started reading. But hey, I confirmed your guess right? ^ ^

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Another Trip to the Beach

Today we went to the beach again. Except it wasn't just me and my family this time. My dad's best buddy from high school invited us to go. The beach we went to was the same one my family and I went to for July 4th. My dad's buddy, H., said they should have fireworks that day. We decided to go with H. and his family because we didn't get to see fireworks on Independence Day. The fireworks weren't going to happen until 9 o' clock or so. Thus, we had to find something to do for 5 hours xD. The beach is also part amusement park, so we decided to hang out there. But the tickets for the rides are so damn expensive TT.TT we only got to ride a few. Well, the younger ones got to ride a few. I only got to ride the bumper cars since I had to drive for my brother who is too short to do it himself. I was okay with that ^ ^ I love bumper cars! :D
Today was my first one actually driving the bumper car myself. We don't go to amusement parks often and when we did it was when I was little. So my dad drove for me for all my experiences with bumper cars.
Anyways, it was so much driving one! :D I was really good at it too for my first time. ^ ^ I had total control. It was hilarious though. Because Z. (the little brother I had to drive with) was screaming the whole time! It was his first time riding, so he didn't expect it to be fast and bumpy xD. My sister didn't know how to drive (it was her first time too), so she kept spinning rapidly in circles. xD It was hilarious. My dad and H. joined in too. I kept bumping into H. xD It was quite awkward, but still funny.
I wanted to go again, but they were so expensive. A ticket was $6 each. That mean for all of us it costed over $30! It sucks :P I couldn't go again.
Afterwards, we went to the kiddie section. I of course had no fun there. But it was fun watching the little ones laugh and have fun ^ ^
Then we went to the beach. And guess what. After we waited until 8 o' clock, we found out that there was no fireworks!! >:\ that's not right man. Second time this has happened. Turns out they have fireworks every Friday. So we're going next Friday. Sigh~ I really wanted to see fireworks :( even if they're just loud colorful sparks in the sky that get boring after 2 minutes, I still want to see them.
Since, it was late, we all just went to a nearby calorie monster McDonald's xD.
Then we came home and started watching Dexter. Dexter is this super awesome show about a serial killer. xD You should really find a way to watch it ^ ^
We got the whole series, so we watch an episode or two every night.
But each episode is like an hour long >.> so we all end up staying up until 12 or 1 o' clock.
Which causes me to not want to wake up early and study, but I have too TT.TT

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Independence Day

I totally forgot to tell you about my July 4th! I'm so sorry >~<
Well, my July 4th was...okay I guess.
There's this beach that has a fireworks show every July 4th. Furthermore, my brother keeps complaining about how he wants to go to the beach and wants to see fireworks. Thus, my dad decided to spend our Independence Day at this beach. Hit two birds with one stone ^ ^ (this saying sounds violent xD and mean towards birds). Anyways, when my family goes out it takes forever. You know how hard it is to get two toddlers ready for the beach? Very hard. Plus, my sister didn't have the slightest clue on how to prepare for the beach either, so I had to tell her what to do. I swear, she's too spoiled and lazy. Everyone basically does the work for her. But my dad has been trying to get her to do simple chores like the dishes or something. She's not very good at them; needs more experience.
I packed my bag with basically everything. A towel, extra clothing, a jacket (just in case it suddenly gets cold. it happens xD), sunscreen, and so on. I like to be very prepared ^ ^. I'm glad I brought the sunscreen because my dad forgot it. I saved the family from sun burn ! xD
Once we finally got to the beach, we had to find stupid parking. Afterwards, we then had to find a spot on the beach. But my dad wanted to sit somewhere near the food area. Which was all the way on the other side. TT.TT there was so much walking. Once we get to the food stands, my dad gets some corn dogs and funnel cake. I was like "We just got done eating lunch!" and he was like "I thought you guys might want a snack." My dad is crazy >.> . . . The funnel cake was good though ^ ^
As we were standing there eating, we noticed signs that said "No fireworks on July 4th." Everyone in my family got so disappointed. I mean fireworks was our main reason for going to the beach.
However, my dad was glad I noticed the sign or else we would've stayed there until 10:00 pm clueless xD.
The beach was fun. I accidently grabbed onto a tiny crab thinking it was a pretty rock. When I saw the legs wiggle around everywhere, and felt it against my skin, I dropped it and screamed. Then I shook my hand (as if all the crab germs would fly off) and started shouting "Ew! Ew! Ewww!" A nearby elderly-ish person saw/heard me and started laughing. >~< Which wasn't nice at all. My sister started laughing, and said that happened to her too. Apparently, she told dad, and he said that we should have ve caught it, so we could eat it. I was like "Firstly, the crab is too small to be satisfying in anyways. And secondly, ewww > <" I'm telling ya, I have a weird father. After two or three hours we left.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Okay, I have a problem. It's bad. This is bad. TT.TT and I can't stop it.
I can't study for more then half an hour without starting to get drowsy afterwards!!! HALF AN HOUR!!
TT~TT I just can't stay awake. It's like I start out all determined, but then the words start to blur and my eyes begin to close themselves; my  motivation disappears D: and I fall asleep. But I somehow luckily never end up falling/drooling on my book. I don't drool much, but even the slightest bit of it can ruin the book.
Sigh~ I really have no clue how to solve this problem. It happens with book that I'm actually interested with too. Like, I'm reading this book called Stolen by Lucy Christopher, but I can only read for about 30 minutes before I start to get sleepy. This book is pretty good too. TT.TT Am I cursed?! So I've developed a schedule, where I only study a subject for about 30 minutes before switching to something else.
If it continues like this though >.> I have a really bad feeling about my chances on that important test I've mentioned a couple of times.
Not only have I been falling asleep from books, I've been getting distracted lately. I can't keep focus. :(
When I start to get bored, I fantasize or think about more fun things that I would rather be doing. TT^T so everything ends up rather unsuccessful.
....Well to tell you the truth >.> this is my first day getting into my studying schedule. Perhaps, I just have to get used to the schedule; give it a couple of days I guess.
Sigh~ why do I have to have reading assignments? Personally, I like math better. I finished my math homework in half a day without getting bored. Math is just so much easier for me too. >.> However it's opposite for some of my friends. Rin-chan likes English better. She's pretty good at it too. Math is her least favorite subject. Me and and Rin-chan are very different xD, but we surprisingly think alike often too (like we have the same opinions on people and stuff).
Anyways, back to my problem. I need to find a way to stay awake while studying.
I could try and use clothing pins to keep my eyelids open like they did in the manga Yankee-kun to Megane-chan. xD that sounds painful though...and I don't have clothes pins. xD lol fail.
What do you do when you're having trouble with studying? Any suggestions would be helpful ^ ^

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Late Spring Cleaning

If you look at my house you'd think it's pretty cleaning; excusing the few toys (okay a lot of toys) lying around the place. However, my dad decided that we needed to clean up and make space for other junk (*cough* I mean valuable items...).  Thus, we took out a pack of wipes (baby wipes was all we had at the moment xD), and we went to work. Sigh~ my sister's desk wasn't so dirty, just a little cluttered and unorganized. Dad has been bugging her about cleaning it and how she should be responsible. It gets annoying after the tenth billion time. >.> you'd think my sister would have had the brains to do what my dad says. But no I had to deal with my dad's lecturing; when he wasn't even lecturing me! Now, my sister's desk might have been unorganized and all over the place, but you should have seen my brothers' desks. They were DUSTY!! I'm allergic to dust mites, so it was scary cleaning it up. I tried not to touch any of it and clean it at the same time...>.> it's possible. Dust is not my friend. I was able to clean both my brothers' desks before my dad and sister even got done with my sister's desk. They shouldn't have put so much work into cleaning it because I doubt it'll stay clean for long.
Anyways, I eventually got around to cleaning my desk. I don't like cleaning other people's things. I really only care about cleaning my stuff, but I was forced into cleaning the other stuff. Sigh~ yes I know it's selfish to only think about my hygiene, but that's just how I am ^ ^.
My desk took the longest cleaning because even though I'm relatively cleaner then the other three children living here, I have more junk on my desk. xD Well I mean stuff tends to collect up when you got random study stuff, old school papers, little pens here and there. Plus, I have these boxes under my desk (to store more junk), a shelf (full of more stuff), and a three drawer bin to take care of. Thus, I had to move everything and clean out the dust, first; which was a lot of work because there's a lot of dust and stuff to move! When I wiped the desk, I noticed that it suddenly got whiter xD (I have a white desk). That meant there was a layer of filth on my desk. Ew >~
Cleaning is good. It makes your environment healthier; which in the process makes you healthy too. But it's a total pain in the ass to exercising xD.