Friday, November 18, 2011

Toys for Tots

It's one damn a.m. :V I'm sure as hell tired, but I am posting a blog entry before I go to sleep.
I stayed up tonight, so I could finish my stupid math project. Didn't get to finish it in the three hours that I spent on it, but I just got like two more paragraphs to write. That makes me happy xD. I can finish it by tomorrow since that is the case. Then I'll be done with it (yesh!). But I got my English project to do too OTL. But I can finish that real quickly. I just need to finish reading the last 60 pages of my book, and write about it and whatnot :P.

Math project was a pain in the ass though. I had to do a report about the seven bridges of Konigsberg. It's a really interesting/fun topic, but writing about it is a real drag. My dad said he wrote a report about it too, and it turned out to be about 7 pages. ...I can only write about it in three pages (double spaced) :P. I'm said to be a good writer, but dad is better. That annoys me :\ probably because I'm very competitive xD (yesh, I'm even competitive against my own dad :3).
Speaking of competitiveness, like a day or two ago I donated money to charity because of my weird competitive personality xD. My teacher is doing a make a difference activity by raising money for an organization called "Toys for Tots." It's run by the U.S. marines, and it's an organization that donates unopened toys to the needy children.
Here's the incredibly cute commercial for the charity:
So all the classes that my teacher has are competing against each other. Which ever class can raise the most money will get a party or something like that. I don't really care about the party that much, but the very idea that my class losing annoys the crap out of me. Thus, when my teacher showed the amount each classes raised, I saw that we were not in the lead anymore. I donated 20 bucks. LOL it was hilarious though because when I pulled out that 20 from my wallet, Rin-chan was like "Wah~ Is that a whole 20 dollar bill?!?" and after everyone heard that they all started clapping. It was so weird ^ ^;;...I have no idea why they were clapping. Maybe they were happy we were in the lead again? Maybe they were glad I was being so "generous"? Maybe they're just weirdos? The unfair part about it was that X-chan donated $20 the day before me, and she didn't get a happy applause. Today, two other people gave in a charitable amount and they didn't get an applause either. So that really confuses me. Maybe people were just in a clapping mood when I donated? xD lol. Gleek-kun was happy though. He really wants to raise money for this charity. I have no idea. I think it's because he wants to earn more than my teacher's classes from last year (so maybe his reasoning has to do with competitiveness like me?). Our aim is to earn $2000 :3. I wonder if we can do it~. It's only been the first two~three weeks, and we have already raised $200, so I think we're going at a good pace ^ ^. in a way I guess I'm being selfish and generous at the same time xD. Selfish because I only donated for my own purposes and wants. Generous because donating is donating xD doesn't matter why you do it.

Anyways, this is a seriously good cause to support. If it is possible, please donate some unopened toys if you can or find/convince other people to help. If you do I'll love ya forever~! :D :D
lol probably not the best motivator xD but seriously, it'd be very much appreciated if you help support this wonderfully thoughtful cause.

Wouldn't it make you feel all happy to know that you caused a child somewhere in this world to smile?

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