Sunday, March 9, 2014

you know.... i kinda miss the days without League of Legends and without a boyfriend -- where all I did was watch movies and homework all day. I was SO much more productive. lol.

but at the same time, I like my life now too.... so i don't know about this feeling of nostalgia toward my old self... i just don't know. hm.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Everything is Better Now! Yipee!

I should've updated about this sooner. lol.
BUT WE ARE GOOD NOW. like for a week now. XD
I'm still upset that he didn't come see me on my anniversary. But like, the day has passed, and so will the anger.

However, if he doesn't bring me flowers the next time he comes over to my house, I'ma kill him. LOL.

Anyways, cute conversation of the night:

me: good night. I love you c:
him: I love you more! more than bacon and eggs!
him: well maybe not, but pretty much on the same level!
me: GOOD. because I thought you were going insane.
him: XD good night

lol. yea, we're that kind of couple... XD
the only thing we fight over on a daily basis is food.

(pssst. but here's the secret. he totes loves me more than bacon and eggs. LOL)