Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bad News

LOLOL Sigh. School is once again killing me
Yup, I have tons of studying and homework to do.
Thus, this leads me to the bad news of today. I won't be posting again until Saturday.
TT^TT so sad, ne? ...did you just say no?? :O LOL I feel offended XD. Haha jkkk~ I know you people love my blog posts, deep down x3.

But sigh~

Got to hand in a science project research paper tomorrow.
just got started on it today
and I'm an idiot for blogging this instead of finishing it XD
fml Dx

Got a science mid-term this Friday
 i am luckily doing better. i can actually semi-understand the alien language my teacher speaks ! :'D !!!
but i still needa study very badly. i'm so gonna die

Got to memorize a song by this Friday
i have the memory span of a goldfish T^T. i am so doomed OTL fml fuuuuuu
this'll be the end of me D;

Dad has ordered me to learn new vocabulary.
gotta learn 10 new words by saturday.
but i also gotta copy each one 25 times plus definition.
and all that crappp.
this is luckily not to hard ^^. the only problem is that i didn't start on this yet either ~ xP

and my dad is evil and got me like four books (over like 500 pgs each) that i have to read T^T.

Oh gawd. If I die, you know why

LOL Anyways, I gotta go finishhhhh or I shall be in a load of trouble in the near future.

Emiko over and outta here~ ;D


  1. Mii-mii, I'll miss you. I'll see you in the afterlife.

  2. ^omg "mii-mii"? O.o

  3. AS IN:


  4. To Eva-chan,

    so sorry, Eva-chan~ ^ ^;;

    I've been so dead with work (school work tbh) that I haven't been able to reply D;

    but haha xD I like diedd.

    it's vacation, and I'm still stuck with so much school work >___<""
