Hahah sooo~ like two months ago xD I had some of my friends come up with questions for me instead of vice versa. Here are the questions and answers below~. The format of it might be weird and unlike the interrogation time questions because I was too lazy to edit and convert them. So~ enjoy (?) xDD
Katrina-chan's Questions
1. Would you rather have your vital regions invaded by Prussia or get locked into a closet with France?
V-vital regions O_______O;; ??
Erm….I think I’d rather get locked in a closet with France. If he gets pervy, I think I can take him on >:D
2. Who's worse, Yammy or Maria Ismail? (sorry if I got the girl's name wrong, I couldn't remember what it was… if you don't know who I'm talking about, it's that girl from Gundam that Emiko hates ^ ^)
That woman is trying to steal meh man!! Of course I’d hate her the most :O
Plus, she’s suuupppperrr stupid~~!! I just don’t like her. Sigh~ I’m so mean xD
(ps. I have actual reasons for not liking her character. Don’t think I dislike her just because she flirts with Setsu-kun. I’m not shallow/crazy like that. xDD)
3. World War 3 happens cuz Prussia came back for his revenge. You:
A) Fight against him
B) Team up with him
C) Proclaim permanent neutrality
D) Kill everyone
E) Go live in outer space
F- I’ll go slap some sense into Prussia, and say “YO! THIS IS MY COUNTRY! BACK OFF!!” xDD lolol Revenge is stupid~~~!!
4. What does frying pan + ax + knife +
AK 47 + pasta + maple syrup + hamburger + scone + *insert censored object here* equal?
6. If your real siblings were anime characters, who would they be? (what I mean is pick however many siblings you have, and replace them w/ anime characters; and if you're an only child, do whatever you want)
Hmmm~~~ this is a tough question xD lol.
Well my sister would be…like Kon from Bleach, but not as cute xDD. She’s super annoying, conceited, and talks too much. LOL xD (I’m so mean to my sister xD)
My little brother, Za., would be like …Keigo Asano from bleach. He’s really hyper, talkative, and weird like that guy xDD.
My littlest brother, Ga., would be like idk xD there’s not many baby characters I know. But maybe like Choiji from Naruto. He eats a lot, and is super jolly and hyper xDD.
7. What did France do to Number 5? (I'm talking about Question 5, not Nnoitora)
Haha Questions 5 was scarred for life because France raped it or France scared it away with his weird pervy-ness. xDDD Or maybe they went to go have tea together or skinny dipping xDDD. Lol idk. A date perhaps?? France could do a number of things to cause Question 5 to disappear XD.
Jessa-chan's Questions
1. You found out Nyu’s biggest secret (ex: her crush, weird habit, etc.), and she said she would do anything for you to not tell anyone. What would you ask her to do?
2. Ai ran away from New Jersey, and went to the state you live in. She had came to your house first, what would you do with her?
3. If Gleek asked you and your friends to a Glee concert, would you go? Why/why not?
If I get to go for free then sure :D :D *is a total free loader*
Buuuut if he made me pay than no. I’m too cheap to pay for that xDD especially since I’m not a crazy fan like Gleek-kun.
4. You and Rin are at a hotel, and you see that Rin’s crush and you crush are talking to each other. They spot you two looking at them, and they come up to you guys. (You two are obviously starting to get nervous, and turning light pink.) However, your crush is in love with Rin, and Rin’s crush is in love with you. What do you do?
I’d punch him :V
LOL that’s what I’d want to do at least. If my crush were to like Rin-chan then I’d be kind of frustrated and upset that I’d want to punch him xDD *is apparently violent*.
Haha but since I can’t punch the guy I like then I would hmm….
I’d first of all have to reject Rin-chan’s crush because I cannot take another friend’s guy. That’s just not right :\ .
After that there’s not much to do…. I guess I’d have to find a new crush(?) xD LOL IDK! This question is difficult :3
5. If Emiko and Luka are drunk, and the two have to go home, who do you think is going to drive? (How much each person is drunk is up to you to decide.)
If a drunk Luka were to drive, WE’D ALL DIE !!!! And I don’t mean just the two of us!!! She’s probably going to drive up sidewalks and crash into buildings and hit trees.
Damn with that woman she’ll probably crash through a building, cause it to combust and fall over, thus, causing it to crash on top of hundreds of people.
(a lot of people have little faith that I can uphold this promise :V)
So this scenario is invalid :3
6. Choco and Pari are at Katrina’s house, and a lightning bolt hits a tree to block the front door. Unfortunately, that was your only exit. How will you get everyone out of the house without breaking anything or digging up stuff?
Open a window and jump out, DUH xD
LOL or use meh almighty phone to call the helpful police people :3
Or email Nyu-san to come and destroy the retarded tree! xD
Or I could call Setsu-kun to come use Exia to move the tree.
Or I could get Grimmjow to cero the damn tree away.
7. On a scale of 1-100 (1 being the least), how good of a friend is Jessa? What do you plan to do for her birthday? (please answer the question for everyone.)
LOL This is an unfair questions :V it’s like blunt favoritism being shown in a mathematical way.
Hmmm~ but if I had to decide ….I guess you’d be a 94%
because you're super helpful with homework and school work and stuff.
but the 6% you lost was due to that you used to spam me (though you've gotten better), and stuff and yea~.
I got you one of those Russian doll things :D
For Luka-chan I’d have to honestly say 95%
She's so lost into the anime world that I've lost a lot of her~. But we're still best friends (I think..depends on her), so this number will vary depending on my mood xD.
I giver her my love for my birthday xD.
For Rin-chan I’d have to rate her as (?)
The 5% she lost was because she doesn't hang out with me that much anymore D:
Always with Luka-chan~ :PIdk what I plan for her birthday. Probably something to do with purple or Len.
For Gleek-kun…he’d have to be…idk..xD I’ve only known for a year. But he’s probably in the 85~90% area :3
He’s not a perfect 100% though because he has also started spamming me and for some reason he has the annoying habit of pointing his finger (or object in general) close to my face.
I think I’ll do something glee related(?). But he said he didn't want anything~. So I gave him the privlege to breathe the same air as me :3
For Katrina-chan she’s perhaps…98% (?)
She’s only like 2% away because she doesn’t spam me that often …well not with annoying or boring messages at least xD. And if I don’t reply to her spam, she doesn’t bug me about it for days. She just moves on. I like that :D.
O.O I’m not even sure when her birthday is…LOL But I would so totally try my hardest to get her some super epic Hetalia related item :D :D :D
For Choco-chan I’d give her 100% :D :D :D
She helps me with anything I ask about. And she’s super nice and doesn’t insult/smack me or tell me to shut up :D :D
For Pari-chan I’d also give her a 99.99999…%
Not 100% because we don't talk that often, so I don't have a complete reason. But she's pretty damn close to a 100!!
I love her for putting up with all the random crap I tell her. I also bug her with long ass emails, but she reads them anyways :D. And she never spams me xDDD
For Banana-kun (does he count in your question or is it only in my opinion? :3) I'd give him 100% :)reasons shall be known to me only :3 cuz I feel like being mean at the moment xD
Pari-chan's Questions
1) if u can kill one of ur friends who would it be? y??
Hmmm....LOL XD IDK! Killing is mean ^ ^;;...
If I mention a name, they'd be upset. I don't want frowny faces :3
2) if i liked the person u liked, what would u do to me? (telll me the truth!!!)
LOL XD I'll totally kick your ass.
Haha It's the best woman wins >:D And I'll try my best to beat you, woman~!
So don't think I'll go easy on ya just because your meh friend xDD
But if he ended up picking you, I can see why he would. I mean you're super pretty, cool, funny, and just plain epic <33
If you make him happy. And he makes you happy. Then I'll be happy :D :D
So if you beat me, you beat me. There's nothing I can do about it.
But if you were to beat me unfairly than I'll kill ya ;D
3) what is the first thing that comes to mind when i say MONKIES?? what about BANNANAS???
First thought that comes to mind when you say "MONKIES" is that you spelled monkeys wrong xDDD LOLOL
First thought that comes to mind when you say "BANANAS" is Banana-kun :3
And then second thought would be about how my aunt doesn't like Bananas because of their "texture." Third thought would be about how bananas can make people think super pervertedly xD. Fourth thought would be the actual fruit. xDDD
haha xD I answered a lot for this question. Do I get bonus points?? :D :D
4) when u think pervy, what is the first color that comes to mind? y? white....
^ ^;; I would explain why....but I'll be seen as gross xDDD
5) if u were to pick a culture... what would u pick???? (tiwanies...lolz xD)
...I ....o.o
lol you spelled Taiwanese wrong. xDD you need to work on spelling. lolol
Anyways, back to your question. I like being Taiwanese :D :D It sounds cool, and the culture is cool, and it's just awesome.
Being part Vietnames would be cool too! LOL Because Rey-kun (from youtube (Rey Hayabusa)) is Vietnamese. xDD
LOL BUT WAIT! I am already part Vietnamese.
HAHA xDD So I am happy with my culture/race/ethnicity~~~ <333
6) wat do u think of ur self?
You should know that already x3
Choco-chan's Questions
1. What do you do during your free time (i'm honestly curious, especially after what u told me in science
:( )?
LOL I don’t really know how to explain what I do during my free time. xDD
Umm…hmm…I guess in my free time I play on DCW and talk to Banana-kun. Sometimes I go onto my blog to write an entry. Other times I go surfing around on deviant art. I also reply to the mass amount of emails that seem to pile up in my inbox xD.
Haha xD I should do something productive like read a book or study. . . buuuut~ I’m too lazy for that. Lolol I’m such a terrible nerd xD.
2. Do you enjoy being pervy?
Yesh~! :D
It makes life funnier to live xDD. Gives you a whole new prospective of things~.
Haha but I am not trying to convince people to become pervy. It’s just my way of life :3.
If you do somehow end up becoming perverted minded, I would suggest to go for the fun perv instead of the creepy perv xD.
3. How would you react if you woke up to be a really hideous guy, say afatsum? [hehe] {NOTE: name was disguised for identity reasons :3}
To look like that guy would probably be my worst night mare :3
Lolol~ I’m so mean xDD.
4. What would you do if all the alarm clocks in the world ended up in your house and started ringing? [?????]
I would take a hammer and smash them all~.
5. How's Life?
It’s super awesome~~~!!! :D
Filled with lots of smiles and retarded moments <333
6. What color do you like the least? Why?
I actually like all the colors~ some more than others, but I don’t dislike any of them. But if I had to pick one it’d be "Marina Ismail purple" or "Yammy Brown"
xDDD LOL let me explain!
"Marina Ismail purple" is the shade of purple in which Marina’s outfit is mostly made up of. I’m terrible at explaining colors, so just go look up Marina Ismail on google.
"Yammy brown" is the disgustingly revolting shade of his skin. xDDD
LOL So the shade of brown that relates to Yammy is gross because Yammy is gross :)