Sunday, May 1, 2011

Yesterday with My Aunt

Yesterday was pretty fun :D
My aunt demanded that we go to the mall and some place with some kind of ice dessert. Italian Ice, I think that's what she called it. Before we went to the mall, we went to my house and rested for awhile. I was eating a snack and sat down when my aunt said "Oh my god! You got a big hole in your butt." And I was like "....what? o.o" She pointed to my butt and was like "In your jeans, there's a hole!" and I looked down at my jeans. There was a GIANT friggin' hole in my jeans! It went like half way around my leg. My dad and sister started cracking up. My aunt was like "Didn't you feel like some kind of breeze or anything?" "I felt nothing! How the hell did I get a friggin' hole in my jeans!?!" It was so stupid xD. Before this little incident I went to go eat at a dim sum restaurant (I said so in my last entry). I wonder if I got my hole there. If I did, that would have been embarrassing. Now that I think about it, I did get a few funny looks from some of the elderly Chinese woman there >.> This one lady at the table next to me was staring at me as I sat down with a funny smile. I was like "what's her problem?" xD but I think I know now. Lolz I didn't really like those jeans anyways. My dad is keeping them so we can hang it on the wall and make some kind of wall pockets or something xD. Anyways, me only having 2 pairs of jeans left made going to the mall an even better idea. When we went to a store (Gap I think) my dad and I went to the jeans section, while my aunt went to go get clothes for her children. I suck when it comes to buying clothes because my dad always did it for me, but my dad knows nothing about girl's clothing sizes. So when we went to the jean section and saw stuff like 24/0a and 26/2L. And me and my dad was like "WTF!?! O.o what do these numbers mean and why the hell are there letters?!" We had no idea what the heck the sizes stood for. It was like you had to be some kind of high level spy that's good with codes or something! So we called my aunt over to help us because she's a girl who has been buying her own clothes for quite sometime now. She comes over and looks at us as if we're stupid xD. She goes on saying something about how L = long and r = regular. When she was talking about what the numbers mean, I had no idea what the heck she was mumbling about. I think the 24 in 24/0r or the 26 in 26/2L represents the waist and the 2 or 0 represents the length. I'm not sure though! Sigh~ why is everything so complicated. And the most annoying part is that, yea they make stupid codes for clothing sizes but that there's also (yea there's more to the annoyingness of it all) different styles. There's like sexy boot or perfect boot or long and lean. And they all fit differently. I remember we got different styles in the same size but some were too long or some were too loose. My aunt made me model the stuff for her, and she was so loud in the fitting room. Everyone was looking at her funny, which caused them to look at me. > < it was so embarrassing. In the end I bought two pairs of jeans after trying on about 7 different styles and sizes. We spent like 2 hours in that store. After that I was so tired. Yes, I know I'm a girl, and should be used to shopping for hours. But I rarely go shopping. I just buy everything online. It's so much easier ^ ^;;.  We spent like another 3 hours there. That's 5 hours of shopping I could have spent on watching anime TT^TT. Afterwards we went to that Italian ice place. It was pretty good. I got strawberry banana flavor. My dad got pina colada (i think that's how you spell it). My aunt started complaining to my dad (she's the younger sister and was the baby in the family. so she speaks her mind a lot) about how he should have gotten a more "unique" flavor like cantaloupe because most places doesn't normally have those kinds of flavors or something. But my dad was like "I'll eat what I want to eat :P" xD my dad is funny. My aunt was like "Hmph >3< well you're stupid." Lolz I watched these two fight all day like how two siblings usually do. On our way to the mall they spent the whole time arguing about who's car was better. My aunt was like "Town and Country isn't as good as Toyota. I have a Toyota." Blah blah blah.. And my dad was like "You're so Chinese. Chinese people get Toyota." xD I was like "huh?" what does race have anything to do with what car you like? Maybe he ran out of comebacks. But I don't get what that's suppose to do because we are Chinese xD. My dad likes to be different so maybe he was trying to say "You're like everybody else." I don't know. But it was funny watching them bicker. It was over stupid stuff. My dad was like saying stuff like "Town and Country isn't as expensive as Toyota and you get better stuff." And my aunt was like "No" and so on. xD It was hilarious. Now I know how my dad feels whenever me and my sister fights over stupid stuff. We didn't get hope until 11:30 pm yesterday. Which is really late for us. We usually come home by like 7 xD. My family doesn't get out to often. We're all otakus. xD even my dad. He'd rather stay home and watch the new Naruto episode then go out and find a girlfriend. Lolz. Anyways, yesterday was fun and I liked it :D

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