Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'm it!

Haha, I'm it! since I was tagged by the lovely, Miki ♥. (get it? it's a pun from the game 'tag' x3).
A real sweet person. I demand all of you to go check out her blog ;D
I can't really post anything special due to all the craploads of work I have to do (gosh, being a nerd ain't too great sometimes ;P). This'll be my lil' quick post, so I don't feel bad for not posting anything for a long time later xD

(because there's always some kind of law anywhere you go. That's just life, folks ;D)
 1. Each person must post eleven things about themselves on their blog.
 2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create eleven questions for the people you tag to answer.
 3. Choose eleven people and link them in your post.
 4. Go to their page and tell them.
 5. No tag backs.
 6. You legitimately have to tag.

What is your favorite hobby?
Unless, watching dramas or blogging my life away counts, I don't really have one currently ;A;. //sobb. I am desperately trying to find one at the moment though. Dx

What did you wanna be when you were little?
Hmm..this is a hard one because I was the kind of lil' girl that wanted to do everything XD. But, I believe, I wanted to be a doctor when I was little because I like helping people :D. I changed it though because I thought doctors were scary, and if I became a doctor, I'd be scared of myself. And we all know, that wouldn't be just terrible because who could ever be afraid of lil' awesome ol' me ;D.

What is your favorite food?
Eggs ♥ ~. I'll any kind of eggs, anything with eggs in it, or eggs in general. I find them yummy no matter how they're cooked or prepared ^3^.
I also love beef very much as well. (this is something my sister finds scary because I was born the year of the ox in the Chinese zodiac. so in my sister's logic, I'm a cannibal because ox is a kind of beef.)

What are some childish things that you use to do and still do today?
Oooh~ I do many many things XD.
For instance, I still walk by skipping whenever I'm happy. On occasions, I'll also sing that little song, "Skip. Skip. Skip to my lu." or something like that?
I get excited whenever someone gives me a balloon, especially bright red ones (I don't know why..xD;;).
And I still try to balance on the edge of the sidewalk quite often :3

Funniest moment?
One too many to say.
But I think the funniest moment I've had so far was... o.o wow, it's really too hard to say.
Hmm.. I'd say every day I spend with my friends is the funniest moment of my life <3

What is your dream job?
To become a robotic engineer that one day builds a real life gundam \(^o^)/ !!

What traits do you see in a good friend?
Traits for a good friend is respect and understanding.
Without respect for your friend and their wants, a friend relationship will not last long. For instance, if a friend asks for the other friend to stop doing something that really bothers them, than a good friend will respectfully acknowledge their wish and stop.
Understanding between friends is needed because if there is always conflict and misunderstandings than too many fights will occur, and eventually tear them apart.
If you could get any animal as a pet, what would it be?
Kissing fish~. I think they're kinda funny how they always kiss each other xD. It's also quite cute. I saw them once in a restaurant, and they really quite intrigued me. ^3^.

and darn :T If you didn't specify it to be an animal, I'd totally wish for Sebastian from Black Butler to be my pet x3 ufufufun~.

Would you rather get eaten alive by a kitten, or walked on to death by a pig?
Hmm..well seeing such a cute thing such as a kitten to eat me alive would scary O_O.
Then again, being walked on to death by a pig sounds incredibly painful...>___>.
I think.. I'd choose to be eaten alive by a kitten :D. I mean, at least, I get to look at something adorable before I die >w<.

What is your favorite thing about your family?
My favorite thing about my family would be how close we are with one another. There's never any major conflicts, and I can always talk to any of them if I ever need to. We also have things like fruit night or game night or anime night xD. I especially love movie night :D.
I also like how we all have similar oppinions :D. It helps us have less disagreements in the house xD; which is a good thing since we're all super competitive and stubborn. We'll try ever last possible option/debate/reason/w.e. before we ever bow down, and admit we're wrong XD. 

FRUITS, duh~. I mean veggies are yummy..ish, but it'll never beat the tastiness of fruits ^__^.

Questions for the people I tag ^3^

  1. What is one thing you don't ever want to lose?
  2. Name something that you would feel uncomfortable buying alone in public?
  3. Would you rather be stuck in a room watching non-stop Barney x Elmo yaoi forever or be stuck in a room with the person you hate most forever?
  4. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
  5. You earliest memory from childhood?
  6. Do believe in love at first sight or lust at first sight?
  7. What are two things you must absolutely do before you die?
  8. Who's your favorite person in the world? (can be someone you know or a celebrity or something)
  9. Do you think aliens from other planets exist?
  10. What traits a person can have do you find most annnoying?
  11. Who are some people you would die for?

uh... I tag everyone who reads this post! //total cheater and lazy bum xD;;
You can either post your answers to the questions in the comments below or post it on your blog, and share the link to it in the comments :)


  1. AL here/Being lazy/Your cursor is annoying/Sashiburidanai!

    1. Well, I don't have such things (people included). :T
    2. Anime CD's cuz it's considered girly here <__<
    3. The person I hate (which is myself) xP
    4. LOTS AND LOTS. Well, It ranges from putting my finger in an electric socket to jumping off a cliff. o.0"" I know.
    5. Hmmmm....., annoying siblings.
    6. One is just Ew and the other is WTH for me. -__-
    7. i) Become an Army Doctor ii) Change the world. Funny how I haven't succeeded after 9 years. :/
    8. You ;) that's a joke from miles away xD it would be my brother.
    10. When they make me an instant object of a lecturing/teasing tirade and when they label me as crazy. <.< I'm not crazy, just creatively insane. :P
    9. Would I be interested in astrobiology if I didn't? however the concept of them having superior intelligence than mankind is ridiculous.
    11. I'd put a great quote here but it's not in english. :/

  2. 1. Food >:3
    2. Er...I could name a few~ For example, condoms, vibrators, get the idea xD
    3. Person I hate the most
    4. Hm...I don't do a lot of crazy things, I mean, you know how /normal/ I am ;). If yelling at a teacher counts, I think that's as far as I go.
    5. I remember riding to school on my dad's bicycle
    6. Both ;) but I think I'm leaning more towards lust xD
    7. Read Series of Unfortunate Events again and write a longass will
    8. Nyu~~
    9. Yeah, why not?
    10. Sarcasm. Like the mean kind, not the normal kind.
    11. Honestly, anyone (yes I'm THAT big of an idiot :V). But if I had to choose...Nyu and all of my stalkees~

  3. hi gleek kun here
    1. What is one thing you don't ever want to lose? My money XD
    2. Name something that you would feel uncomfortable buying alone in public? Umm this is tough, I guess groceries?
    3. Would you rather be stuck in a room watching non-stop Barney x Elmo yaoi forever or be stuck in a room with the person you hate most forever? Well then id be stuck with you XD so I guess the most hated person cause then id sing no stop and anyone them XD
    4. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? This is confidential
    5. You earliest memory from childhood? Umm when I couldn’t go to sleep at age 5?
    6. Do believe in love at first sight or lust at first sight? Well this is tough I do belive and love (though I want to remain single the rest of my life) but I guess I do
    7. What are two things you must absolutely do before you die? Id like to kill some people, lol I’m kidding. Okay id like to meet my idols, and when in highschool or later in life call all my friends from and meet up with them to see how they look, etc but won’t be much help cause of facebook 
    8. Who's your favorite person in the world? (can be someone you know or a celebrity or something) my favorite person in the world is umm this is hard so im gonna list some people all my friends, emiko of course, and the whole glee cast
    9. Do you think aliens from other planets exist? Hell to the no
    10. What traits a person can have do you find most annoying? To droan on and on vout something, to forget bout me and move on to someone else, and not to appreciate the friendship we had
    11. Who are some people you would die for: well all my friends and the glee cast (GLEE MUST SURVIVE) cause I’m not sure what my dream is and all my friends have a lot to live for

  4. To Tio,
    LOL I personally like my cursor. It's adorable ^3^.
    Haven't seen you around on meh blog in awhile XD (or have I? //bad memory ^ ^;;).

    aww <3 you're brother? >w<. that's just so sweet :') dunno if I can say that 'bout my sis xD jkk.

    Few questions:
    why do you hate yourself? D: I mean you're pretty cool, imo.
    was it a small cliff? o.o
    why do you want to be an army doctor? ^ ^

    To Ai,
    LOL I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU FOR NO. 2 !! I mean, it'd just be so awkward to buy those. You can just imagine the kind of looks you'll get Dx.

    And yesh, Nyu is an awesome friend >w< !!

    Few questions:
    hee hee ^w^ will I be included in your will? (give meh all your left shoes plz x3)
    Am I included in no. 11? :> (lie and make me happy XD)

    To Gleek-kun,
    LOL you make a very good point at the money thing XD. I cannot stand losing money. It's annoying as hell.

    Few questions:
    Why groceries? O___O"
    How is it that I am your most hated person... and one of your favorites? o.O //confused.
    Why don't you believe in aliens?! :O *gaspp

  5. gleek kun back
    yeah emiko you have a point but i was being sarcastic bout the hate part

  6. @Emiko: lol I guess? but why only left? and they wouldn't fit lol
    and er...I mean I do stalk you, but I think you're more of a friend to me so no :(

    Yup been a while since I've been here. Schoolwork <_<
    OK well I hate myself for...well that goes really back and I'll have to write a book for it so you don't get confused. I have no friends for being nice! can you believe it? D:< real hard to learn manners in their absence.
    As for the cliff, it was, well taller than a two-story house (and I was going full speed on a bike too) xD Only managed a wound on my cheek and there are still traces of it left.
    An army doctor to serve the nation and the people, I wanted to be something like a foot soldier first(to fight on the front lines) but seeing as I can become a doctor if I work hard enough which many people can't/wouldn't I shouldn't be selfish and decided to be one. :3

  8. To Ai,
    LOL because ..I don't have enough left shoes? XD
    And haha, I was only joking about number 11. Dun need to die for meh ;D because this world's better off with you than meh~.
    Besides, I'm a tough cookie x3 nothing can kill me >D !

    To Tio,
    Well don't worry. If you ever think the world has left ya, dun forget I'm always here for you ;)
    And LOL you can practice your manners with me, I suppose? but really, all you got to do is smile, and learn to keep your mouth shut when you have nothing nice to say XD.

    Wow! Two stories! Well, I'm glad you survived!! Knowing me, I'd epicly fail, and die instantly XD.

    Being an army doctor is a really admirable thing ^ ^. I hope you can succeed at it :D.

  9. Well I find myself here at two am asking WHO THE HELL is Tio? The Idiot Orchestra? xD
    Wait you are here? :O I thought you were in my closet...wait...if you're here then who's in my...*screams*
    Also, I am the ultimate survivor who has passed by eating some random eucalyptus leaf and putting my wet finger in an electric socket. XP

    1. LOL I refuse to call you Al or Cal, so I'm gonna go with calling you Tio. ^ ^

      why are you up so late? >:O that's not good for your health, mister!

      And no :3 you can't take my place as the tough cookie around here!

    2. Just call The Lazy One. Why do you refuse anyways SEMI? :(

      and I'm an insomniac so I disregard that statement. I don't get enough time for this in the day.

      Sorry, but cookies are prone to crumbling. :/ something like a tough kettle.

  10. Here is my response

  11. Oh just check out my blog Emiko. I'm answering the questions with Katrina's questions right now~
