Sunday, April 22, 2012

To Be a Better Person :D

Grr, so I've finally taken the initiative to become a better person xD.
LOL I've been complaining and been complained to about how I need to improve on certain things. However, I've never really done anything about it >___> since I'm lazy D; which isn't good. I'm trying to learn a thousand new vocabulary words before I go to high school xD. Which is pretty darn impossible since I can't remember crap for life :P. Haha that's why I'm going to take little steps :D. I'ma try and learn a hundred words by the end of May. Let's see how that goes xD;;. I'm also going to get into shape! Yea, needa exercise. xP. I'ma also learn photoshop and the piano.

Now why the sudden need to do all these things? Well, I'll be going to Bronx Science soon, and that place is probably full of smart-ass, talented kids. I don't wanna seem like a total fool in front of all these insanely smart people Dx. I mean I'm okay with acting like a fool in general, but I would like to be a smart fool xD if that makes sense to any of you.

Plus, I'm really starting to get annoyed whenever someone asks me what kind of talents I have. It really sucks when I have to say "none." I swear, I really don't know how to do anything TT^TT. I can't sing, play any kind of instrument (except the triangle xD), or any other kind of trick. It's also really annoying when I don't have any kind of hobbie :T. So I'm hoping by taking the initiative to learn and try new things, that I can find something I'm passionate about. Because I've been bored nowadays ;A;. Being bored sucks.

I've called my attempt to become a better person, Operation Badass. ^3^ you know how when you give names to things, it makes you more attached to them? Well, I've decided to give my attempt to improve a name, so that I will be more determined to complete it :D. And if it as a funny name than it'll make things more fun xD.

Anyways, here's the plan ;D

By the end of May, I'm hoping to learn a hundred new words :3, hopefully lose like I dunno two or three pounds? XD if that's possible, and learn a lil' bit of photoshop.
Not planning on learning piano yet. Not until the summer :T.

And I feel the need to blog about Operation Badass because it feels more official if I do :3

Learning new vocabulary and exercising more is something that you can probably guess how it will help me improve.
Learning photoshop and piano might be a bit harder for you to understand how it'll help me improve. By learning those two things, I will gain skills that will make me talented :D compared to the ordinary person.

har, well, I got to go now, so bye byes~ ;D


  1. hmm........
    I have no talents either. My academic skills are average, I can't play any instruments (well, I do play the piano a little, but I can't read a music sheet or play with both hands at once), I can't sing, I can't draw, I can't take care of little kids, I-- //shottodeath
    don't worry, I have it worse than you. I have no talent AT ALL

    Oh wait, I do have one talent. Reading. I can read for the whole day and not get tired.

    au revoir~ I must go study for the math test

  2. Talent, talent... I use to take piano...
    Yea I feel like my skills are average XD
    Um... I can't sing for life XD
    Drawing... sort of... only for school purposes though XD
    If you ask me to draw something, well then, I probably would fail xD
    Taking care of little kids, Katrina? Yea I got experience :D
    I got talent of staying onto one topic (not multi-tasking) ---> Yea I have no clue how to say it but if I was reading a fanfic or something, I would stay on the computer and continue to read it to the end, ignoring everything else basically.
    Math test? Nah, no worries ^^
    Don't worry Emiko and Katrina, you guys got talent, you just don't know it :D

  3. hi gleek kun here
    emiko don't worry bout looking like a fool ur one of the most wonderful people i've ever met. so if wat u do makes u look crazy in front of those know it all kids then thats their problem its wat makes u unique.
    umm just a suggestion try another instument nvm i take that back don't want u to pratice drumms or blow the horn loudly during the daytime anoying ur siblings
    btw won't ur book be an accomplishment to shove in their faces
    for excersise why don't u try swimming or walking in the park opn weekends i doo that even in the rain

  4. To Katrina,
    I know how you feel! D':
    I can't do anything either TT^TT.
    I mean, I'm sure if you tried, you'd be great at it, Katrina! because you're cool like that >w<!!

    Reading is a good talent! Ohmigosh, I can't even do that D: I have the attention span of a goldfish. a very tiny goldfish :O after reading for like two minutes, i'll get bored and sleepy~. So it's super cool that you can read for long periods at a time :D

    To Jessa,
    LOL You're really good at school work and stuff, Jessa. So you shouldn't have to worry about anything xD.
    And being able to stick to one thing until the end is called determination :D or perseverance. That's a good skill to have because you can get things done easily like that :)

    I don't have a talent. But I have the potential to do many things. Whenever I start something, people always tell me I am very good at it. However, I never have enough patience to become skillful in it, so I have never gained any sort of real talent.
    That's why I have decided to really try this time because I believe I can do this! ^__^

    To Gleek-kun,
    Ah, I have no shame in acting crazy xD. If I did than I would've been normal a long time ago~.
    I just wanted to be able to say that I'm not just a crazy person. I want to be at the very least, a smart crazy person :)

    I'm going to learn how to play the piano. I don't see why you would suggest something otherwise. It's a very nice instrument to know how to play. I already have one at home too. Once I'm done with the piano, I'm going to learn the violin as well, since I have one at home also ^3^.
    If at all possible, the drums sound like a very cool instrument to know :D. I have very bad lungs, so a horn of some sort is out of the question :P.

    A book is an accomplishment, but not something that will last forever. A talent in an instrument or something is something I can use to continually impress people with by learning new songs and so one.

    Swimming is difficult since that means I have to go somewhere to practice. I do not have the luxury of going where ever I like when I want to. Same thing goes for walking in the park. I'm still not at the age to venture on my own yet.

  5. I know like nothing lol. I use to play a little saxophone, and play like 2 songs on the piano, a few guitar notes and that's it ._.

    Woo let's do Operation Badass together.

  6. Hey Emiko! I LOVE your blog! I go on it almost daily >_<
    How long did you have this blog and how did you get it to be so popular? :O

  7. To Anonymous1,
    Wah~ :O That's so cool!!
    You may think you know "like nothing", but I'd agree otherwise. I mean at least you know how to do those things~!

    And yea! :D Let's do Operation Badass together x3
    You may have a head start, but I'ma catch up soon~! Believe it! \o/

    To Anonymous2,
    Hi! :D It makes me so happy that you love my blog so much >w<
    I've had this blog for about a year now :'D (i wrote a post about it titled, I'm Truly Grateful)
    And I'd have to thank my friends on how my blog got to be kind of popular. Some helped in the most embarrassing manner,>___> but it helped nonetheless, I suppose xD.
    Also, I shared my blog on websites, such as pingoat and technorati. And optimized my labels on my posts, so that more people can find my content :)

    LOL but other than all that, it was mostly my friends who contributed to my success ^__^

  8. I'm bad at all of those xD

    Yay! :D
    Head start? I'm probably behind xD
    Good luck to the both of you! ✌

  9. You have such great friends >_<
    haha, xD I get what you mean by embarassing manner lol.
    ^^ Congratulations on all your success so far :3

  10. Yep, Emiko's a great friend to have :D
    It's the right friend to have.
    Ahhhh true Emiko about schoolwork. Thanks for the word :D
    Don't worry Emiko, school is the thing you need to focus on right now. You wanted to be an engineer, didn't you? Focus on things that will have you to reach your goals xD
    Learning to play the piano? Nah, unless it will help somehow in the future. For you, I don't see it happening D: (SORRY!)

  11. Emiko, you're a determined writer, you know right? It's not easy to maintain a blog for as long as you have. If it were me, I would've given up after the third post. You write well and you persevere. Usually, people will need someone else to point out their flaws and talents. You don't always know them yourself. Of course, it's a great thing that you're trying to become a better person. We all should do that--(I'm personally too lethargic). Good luck with your goals, but know that you have the awesome factor down already xP

  12. aww :3 ^ that's actually honestly one of the first stranger's comment i've seen. at least i dont think i know them lol.. almost all the comments are from gleek kun and jessa cheng and .. people..

  13. To Anonymous1,
    You may feel behind, but once you get past the beginning, it gets easier :D... or at least that's what I've heard XD.

    To Anonymous2,
    I do have great friends :D I'm very lucky to have met them out of like..the 8 billion or so people on this earth ^ ^.
    And thank you!
    Congratulations to you too!! ..not sure for what, but I hear the more you say congratulations to someone, the more chances of their success :)

    To Jessa,
    I shall learn the paino my dear~. I mean, sure, the one I have is collecting dust at the moment, but I will learn how to play !! Believe it!

    To Anonymous3,
    ;w; //tears of joy. YOU made my day, you know that? Gawsh, I don't know who you are, but I love you! <333~. Thank you for calling me awesome (not many people do xD). But in all honesty, YOU ARE AWESOME!! <3

    I don't think people don't necessarily not know their flaws. I think they're just denying the fact that they have them. Nobody is perfect, but it should be our goal to get as pretty damn close to perfect. ^ ^ good things are just going to happen on their own.

    To Anonymous4,
    LOL there's been a few. Not many. But I agree, most of the comments are from Gleek-kun and Jessa-chan. They're just... active on my blog, I suppose.. xD;
    Haha, hopefully more and more people will come to read and comment on my blog as time goes on :D

  14. Awkwardly joins conversation....

  15. Anon3 says:
    <333333333333333333333 You know who I am. love you too.

  16. Ah I feel insulted by, what?, Anonymous4 I think.
    I'll let it pass though, since I'm in a good mood right now. If I saw that later, I would be majorly pissed!

  17. To Anonymous3,
    I know you? o.O don't sound like anyone I know.
    give meh hint :D ...and rofl, I must be close to ya if you can say you love me.. or ..x3 ufufufu~.

    To Jessa,
    why? :O
    it's not like they insulted you.
    they were just stating like a.. fact...because you do commonly comment...they're just saying you're not a stranger to my blog. Is that a bad thing? xD

  18. Ah, I don't remember why ^^
    It was yesterday...
    Uh, I think it's because it sounds like they don't appreciate our comments or something.
    It is a bad thing sometimes.
