Monday, January 30, 2012

Just Shut Me Up PLEASE XD

I have no ideas what to write about at the moment.
LOL So I guess I'll tell you something interesting that I've talked about with my friends a few times.
Yea, been saving this idea as a back up plan XD because not everyday can be an "exciting" one.

Okay, so you know what I'm going to do when I'm older? LOL Y'all should know that I'm planning to live up to a 100 years old at the very least :) I'm hoping to find a guy who'll try to live with me until then XD. Haha so you really really gotta love me because I'm planning on staying with you for quite a while~.
Anyways, I have a very bad mouth. It always just spits out the stupidest words ever XD.

LOLOL I'm not sure if I should even tell you this because it's kinda awkward...but what the hell XD I'll tell you anyways !

Okay, so me and Luka-chan fight ALL the time ! LOL We're the best of friends ever, and we always laugh together very much. But sometimes we'll just fight over the stupidest things, and get into big arguments. Our way of fighting is weird. LOL We do a lot of poking (ahhaha no hair pulling XD). And instead of cursing we usually shout weird stuff at each other like "You giant green hulk, king kong impersonator ! Yammy loves you!" ROFL XD So yea we make no sense.

Anyways, one time after a fight, I had made a very bad comment. That I feel so stupid for XD
I was like "Isn't it funny that we're so friendly one moment and then fucking each other the next?"

I meant like arguing, but the F-word came out instead XD. Like you know how people put the F curse infront of like every words and what not? Haha well I do that to some words, so it came out weird.  <--yeaa there's my stupid explanation XD BUT YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME !


I wish life had a undo button !!!! XD ROFL

LMAO Anyways ! we laughed about that the rest of the day (and a few after that XD). We plan to call each other at the age of 90-something, where we're all old. We're going to call each other and be like "Hey, Emiko! Remember that time when you said that funny thing?" And we're going to be laughing like crazy to the point our dentures come loose, and we choke to death on them. LOL Then ! since I'm going to live up to a 100, someone will come save us, and we're going to move in with each other.
YES! I plan on living with Luka-chan in my old age (or maybe neighbors at the very least). I'd rather live with my friends, and help each other out instead of having some random person from an old folk's home take care of me XP. I mean that's so boring :3 and unoriginal. LOL How are a bunch of old people going to take care of each other when they can't take care of themselves? I don't know XD But like everything else in life, I'm just going to wing it, and see what happens :'D
Oh, and don't be all negative on me and be like "What if you two don't keep in contact~?" LOL Not a problem! Because I'ma hire a professional detective to find her for me :'D. I might try to find her myself x3 but knowing me, I'd fail. So I'ma just go w/ a pro detective :3.

So this is my retirement plan:
1. grow old (no shit sherlock XD)
2. be rich ( //hopeful :'D )
3. live happily and complete bucket list
(I should share my list with chu guys! I have the weirdest things on there XD)
4. grow even older
5. laugh w/ Luka and live nearby her :)

Oh ho ho~ I'm so immature x3 lololol. But I can dream~ !

*forever a scone~ :'D


  1. To Gleek-kun...

    =___= what do you mean by "semi-true" ??

    Gleek-kun, you really need to know what NOT to say >__>.

    No ! Best friends. Do not insult our friendship by calling us theoretical sisters :3

  2. hi gleek kun
    but u guys are sisters ur close enough im not insulting ur friendship

  3. To Gleek-kun...

    LOL It depends on YOUR definition of "sisters" :3

    friends and siblings are two totally different things ^___^

  4. ..........
    I wish my friends were that awesome.

    However.....why am i not surprised by your comment? xDD JK, JK.

    PS. I just totally burst out laughing reading this post and woke up my mom. xDD She's gonna be piiiiiissed......xDDDD

  5. To Anonymous...

    I'm sure your friends are just as awesome :D ! so dont worry ^___^

    LOL you must have a sister ?

    XDDD rofl Hope she didn't get pissed~! glad it made you laugh XD

    ps. sorry for taking so long to replyyyy D; so. much. hw.
