Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Roller Blading Accident

I love to roller blade! It's just so much fun. But I just started, so I'm not very good at it.
I can skate around without falling pretty easily... I just don't know how to brake. xD
So on Friday, my family and I went to the park. I put on my roller blades and was just rolling around the place. We all eventually met up at a bench and was getting ready to go. I asked my dad to get my shoes for me, so I can walk to the car. But he was like "No. Just roller blade over there, and get them yourself." I was like "But I can't roll down hills because I don't know how to stop." And he just left. I was like "-____-;; ...." I sat there waiting. Thinking my dad was going to get my shoes for me, but he seemed to be taking his time. I was able to see our car from where I was sitting. My sister looked at me, and I made a "hurry up and get over here" motion at her, but she just closed the car door. My family is pretty mean xD. Then I saw dad start to drive away. Panic surged through me. I thought maybe they either didn't know I was still on the bench or decided to ditch me! I sat there for a few seconds thinking "Oh..they're just tricking me...right?" But then I quickly put my roller blades back on and started roller blading. I was in a hurry so I didn't even fully strap them back on which caused me to be a little wobbly. I go all the way up the park and to a hill I know is not too steep. As I was going to this hill I was thinking, "Okay. Calm down. You know the way home. It's just a couple of blocks away. No need to worry." Then I got to the hill, and down I went. I started to gain speed, and I was like "OH SH*T!" I didn't think about the fact that even though the hill isn't very steep, I'll still gain moment. I'm such an idiot. I couldn't stop, and I was nearing the street. My first instinct was to grab onto the pole, so I can stop. And I unfortunately followed that instinct. However, you know those brown electrical wire poles that people staple stuff on? When That was the pole I grabbed. And you know those staples? Well the pole was covered in it, and I just so happened to grab onto a very staple filled section of that pole -___-. My hand got cut as it rubbed against the pole, and I fell on my bottom to top it off. And strangers were looking at me with pity filled eyes. Sigh....I fail at life. My sister opened the door and started laughing. I got up, and started yelling at my dad the whole way to my car. I got into my car, and took out my first aid kit out of my bag. (yes I carry a first aid kit with me everywhere. I'm very clumsy ^ ^;;) I had to put 5 band aids on my stupid hand because it got 5 stupid cuts in different areas. They were all relatively small wounds but they still hurt like hell! My brother started calling my dad a traitor for not helping me. My dad was telling me it was my fault for thinking he would abandon me, when he was really just driving the car to the bench I was at. My sister was just laughing the whole time xD. My other little brother was supposedly calling my name the whole time they were driving to the bench. At least I know that if I go missing my little brothers would be the first to notice/care.
Sigh~ my family is just too weird.... and my hand still hurts TT~TT. Good thing it was my left hand. I'm a righty.

ps. I bet you're wondering why I'm writing this now when it happened on a Friday. xD Well, I just remembered about it was I was staring at my hand. I decided to write about it because I thought it was blog worthy. lolz.

Monday, May 30, 2011

My Camera is so Old

My camera sucks xD. I should really buy myself a new one. I've had it for like 3 or 4 years I think. The picture quality of my camera isn't so good. The pictures always come out blurry no matter how steady my hand is. But sometimes it makes for cool effects. Like I took a picture of Ca. and she had her hands up in the air with a big smile. Somehow everything in the picture except her was blurry. When I say blurry, I mean like it was as if the background was running away. If I photoshopped a roller coaster in, it would look like she was riding a roller coaster. xD It's kind of cool. Some of my other pictures turned out pretty cool too. They habe random lines that are blurry, and it looks like ghosts. I joke with Luka and say "Oooh! The ghosts are trying to contact us!" And she starts laughing. I have one weird picture of something skin colored with a random black circle eye looking thing in the top left corner. It looks like a close up of a demon's face. xD It was quite fun seeing the pictures I took. I don't even remember taking some of them. Anyways, even though it creates these cool effects, I still need a new camera because those cool effects aren't very usefull when I want to take an actual picture. Plus it looks kind of crappy so people make fun of me for it. The good this is though, once they see the funky pictures I get, they kind of like my camera.
I must be confusing you, huh? I keep saying I don't like my camera, and yet I say I think it's cool. You can hate and love at the same time. xD
I tried to convince my dad that I need a new camera, but he just said that I'm not using it right or it's on the wrong setting. Sigh~ but I spent an hour playing with all the different settings, and the pictures still came out weird and blurry. I'll just save up some money for a new camera then. TT^TT but that means I can't buy any anime stuff. ....Hm...what to do...? I know, I'll ask my dad to get it for me for Christmas. ^ ^ that's my plan B. But then again, that's kind of mean >.>
I'll save up my own money. sigh~

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Favorite Season...

Did I ever tell you people how much I love Autumn? ^ ^
Well, I do. I know right now it's Spring, and it's kind of weird to be talking about Autumn now. I was just on my computer, randomly searching, when I suddenly started thinking about Autumn. It made me miss the beautiful season.
I like Autumn for a number of reasons.
I mostly like the wonderful season because of the trees. In Autumn the trees change colors, and the way the colors all compliment each other is just beautiful. They're warm, soothing colors of red, yellow, brown, and orange. It's just so beautiful to see. I don't know how to explain it, but when I see the trees in Autumn, I feel a smile creep up at the corners of my mouth.
Ooh! Another reason why I like Autumn is that it has two names. xD lolz, yes I know that's a silly reason, but that's how I am. I'm weird. So deal with it :P. Fall and Autumn; two different words that describe the same thing.  I remember hearing a story about why the season was called Fall. It had to do with a turtle. I would tell you, but that seems like I'll get off topic and this blog entry will end up being super long. So I'll save the story for another time :). In my opinion, the word "Fall" describes the events of the season, and the word "Autumn" describes the elegance of it. I don't know what's the greek/latin/or w.e. language it originated from means, but Autumn just has this feeling of elegance and beauty to it. I like that :D
I also like Autumn because of the leaves. The leaves are nice and crunchy. So when they fall, they make funny sounds when I walk on them. In my neighborhood, the people shove the leaves to the sides of the sidewalk, and it collects up. I love running through it! Since it's all collected up on the side, there's a whole bunch. It makes walking in it easier and more fun. I like kicking it up in the sky, and hearing it crunch softly under my feet. It's so much fun! Last fall I gathered the leaves up in the park, and jumped in them. I've always wanted to that! Lolz, yes I know, I'm too young for that, but I couldn't help myself. I've always seen people do it on T.V. and it looks like fun. So I tried it out for myself, and it was fun! xD
Fall has nice warm weather too. It's not too hot or too cold. It's just right. Lolz is it just me or did me saying that remind of of the children's story "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"? Maybe it's just me... xD
Anyways, my friend said she likes Autumn because she likes the Fall fashion. I guess that's a good reason to like Autumn, and I like the Fall fashion as well. But I think that's a silly reason to like Autumn. :) Oh, well that's her opinion, and I shouldn't change it.
The meaning of Autumn is nice too. It's the end and a new beginning at the same time. My friends say it just represents the end. But I think it's both because when the leaves fall it is the end, but it also gives new leaves a chance to grow. So in a way it's like a new beginning as well. :) I don't think I'm explaining my theory well enough, but oh well.
I found out that K. likes Autumn as well :D So that's even more reason to like Fall.
All these pictures were taken off the internet. I must remember to take pictures of my own during next Autumn. Once I do, I think I shall post them on my blog ^ ^

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Science Project In Detail

I think I told you about my science project already, but I'm not sure. If I did, I don't think I told you about it in detail. So that's what I'll do now.
My science project, in my opinion, was pretty epic. I got a perfect 300 score on it.
It was about gears. I wanted to see how the size of the driver gear affected the driven gear. (if you don't know any of the terms, just keep reading or google it xD)
The most amazing part about my project though was the display board. :D That's what got my project most of its attention.
I like positive attention and compliments. ^ ^ When you compliment me, I'll act modest, but I'm most likely to be thinking "Ha! I know I'm awesome." Lolz, but don't feel offended because that's just how I am and I know I'm not that awesome. It just makes me feel better if I think I am xD.
Anyways, my project got so much attention (which I'll describe later) mostly because of the middle part. You know how display boards have like 3 parts? Well the large middle piece is where all the magic happened or at least that's where I applied the magic xD.
My dad and I wanted to go all out.
So first we decided to do the title for my board. We had this really great idea of putting  the word gear everywhere in different languages. My title for the board was the problem: "How does the size of the driver gear affect the driven gear?" But it wasn't just some simple word-art on Microsoft Office Word. We used photoshop to make the title. I used the directions on this website:http://layersmagazine.com/blueprint-style-text-in-adobe-illustrator.html to make the font for my title. It turned out pretty cool looking, and it was very simple. I suggest you to try it if you ever find something it can be used for. In the background of my title we put the word gear in different languages. The languages were sort of faded and light color, so it wouldn't take attention away from the title. The title has to stand out in order for it to be good. Afterwards, I pasted on my data tables, pictures, and charts onto Microsoft Publisher. Publisher allows you to edit the paper size and stuff, so I think that's why we used. I don't know, my dad is a total computer nerd so he must have had some special reason for wanted to use Publisher. I also put detailed captions on my pictures. I gave a whole explanation about the gears and the relationship I was showing between the two gears. It was mad crazy. I also bought pictures on istockphoto.
I went to a Office Supply store that prints stuff for you. I wanted to print the middle piece part on one giant sheet of paper, and my printer's too small, so that's why I went to the print store for it. When my dad went to go pick it up 4 hours later, he came home with it. I was so excited to see it. However, when I finally saw it, the paper was so messed up! The text somehow printed over each other, and the charts printed over each other. It was a mess :O we went back to the store and complained. We paid $48 for that giant 24" by 36" (about) paper! So obviously we're going back to complain. The guy tried printing it again, but something was wrong with the printer, and the tech guys don't work on Sundays, so it was terribly stupid. But on the bright side, the guy gave it to us for free! :) Good thing they can't give customers bad products, or else I could have sued them (not that I would have >.>). We got our money back! And ended up getting two giant papers!! My dad and I just pasted the correct text over the screwed up parts. It actually turned out pretty good. :) I was happy.
My dad screwed on gears to the left side of my board too! It was cool. When I was going to school, I accidently scratched my hand against it. It looked like I got a vampire bite on the back of my hand xD.

My board was so cool/impressive, that a teacher who teaches a grade higher then mine found it cool enough to show his classes. xD When I was talking to him one day (first time I've spoken to him) I was like "So, I've noticed you like showing off my board." And he was like "Which one?" "The one about gears." Guess what his answer was. "Oh! So YOU'RE the gear girl!" ...gee what a nice little nick name: gear girl. xD That sounds so stupid. Oh well. He said it was really impressive and he liked it.
Almost all my classmates voted for my board as first place. I don't know about anybody else, and the winners hasn't been announced yet.
My classmates, said they liked it too. One of my friends said they'll copy me and when the teacher asked where did they get the idea from he'll say "Emiko taught it to me! Oh yea!" xD It was a lot funnier when he said it.
My science teacher was showing it off to all the teachers, that I was asked about it randomly sometimes.
Being able see your hard work paid off is a good feeling. And it's not that hard either. You just have to want to do good, and if you try hard enough you can. :) just use the internet to its fullest. lolz.

What a Fun and Disappointing Friday

Today was ...busy.
I won third place in a Chinese Painting Contest, and had to go to the award ceremony today. My dad and I took the subway there. I like riding the subway for some reason, so I enjoyed it ^ ^. The subway to me is so fun. You get to see so many different kinds of people, and it's like a whole new experience each time I go on. Also, this youtube video made me love the subway even more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rFaGtx8PGw
It's very cute, and inspiring in a way I guess. I have yet to ride a ferry, so I can't wait until I do.
Anyways, back to the ceremony. It was kind of boring ^ ^;; no offense to the people who put it together. There was also awards for the essay contests. The ceremony felt like it dragged on forever. And when I finally got my award, it was a fail cheap trophy and a certificate with a cheap frame. The best part was the certificate for proof, and the $50 gift card for Barnes and Nobles....but I mostly get my books from the library...>.> so that's pretty useless in a way too. xD lolz. I'm an ungrateful person (jk). But what I am is a total freeloader xD. I took some of those free stuff they handed out, and left. The award was great and all, but third place is like...well..not as good as first place xD. But it's still an honor to get third place. After the ceremony, I went back to school, even though there was only like 2 more hours left. My school was having a free day today, so that meant outdoor activities and a movie. I made it in time for the movie. My friends were lining up to go to the auditorium, so they were in the concourse. There are windows in the concourse, and my friends could see me coming. They were like chanting "EMIKO! EMIKO'S HERE!" As I was coming, I could here them. I was like "Are there people calling my name?" I just thought I was hearing things. But when I came in, everyone was pointing and smiling shouting my name. It was kind of a big entrance I guess xD. I felt special ^ ^. I didn't even get to tell the security guard that I came. My friends just pulled me over, and was like "Oh my god where were you!?" and "HOLY SH*T YOU'RE BACK!" xD The weird part, is the 'where were you' question. They all knew where I was xD. Anyways, they started tackling me, and hugging the crap out of me. A few were even groping (rubbing) my head. It's nice to know friends care about you ^ ^. Then I ask Nyu-chan, "Why the hell did you call me? You knew I went to the award ceremony." She called me twice, and I was in the subway so there was no signal. She was like "Oh, yea. I just wanted to yell at you." ....-.-....I was expecting something sweeter like 'Oh, I forgot, and was worried.' but it's only expected that Nyu-chan would say something so rude. The reason why she wanted to yell at me was because I got a perfect 300 (the highest score you can get) on my science project. My friends all got in the 200s, maybe even in the 100s. They're all jealous. And they all wanted to kill me. After our "heartfelt" reunion, they all attacked/poked/tickled. It wasn't painful, but I'm very ticklish -__-... xD my friends can really get revenge. All like 6 or 7 of them started poking me at once. It was terrible. I couldn't protect myself. They eventually stopped. 
So then after, a guy who is rumored to like, attempted to start a conversation. He's actually pretty nice, and I enjoy talking to him, but K. is the only one for me. I'm still friends with him though, and he doesn't know that I know he likes me xD. By the way, let's call him M.  Anyways, I felt kind of bad, once I got there, my math teacher came to me with food. I was like "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not really hungry." Then she gives me a "wtf. oh, hell no! Don't tell me that" kind of look with a sprinkle of sternness, and said "I! Packed this for YOU. So you're eating it!" I was like "O-ok..." The school had some kind of barbeque food. It looked gross. We all know that school food sucks O____o;; . So I gave it to my friends who wanted it >.> They're weird people.
Anyways, I ended up watching "Knight Rider" the batman movie in my social studies teacher's room. It was crowded and my friends and I had to share 3 chairs when there was 5 of us > < it was so squished.
When school ended, I was so excited to go to the park! I couldn't wait to see K.
But when we got there...he wasn't. I just thought, "Maybe he's still at the bus stop picking up his little sister." I called him just to make sure. Turns out he wasn't coming because he had to help his mom pack or something. TT-TT I was so sad. I started fake crying. P. was fake crying too because J. was there, but she was sad that she couldn't talk to him. xD She's not very good with the conversation starting. M. knows I like someone else, and he seemed to get pretty jealous, so he was like "Oh, stop the crying. Let's go do something." So not seeing K. was pretty disappointing D':
M. took advantage of that. When we were playing manhunt (a form of game that's sort of like tag and hide and seek put together), he kept following me -__-;; And when I tried to run and catch the other person, he was like "Why don't we just stay here and talk? When you get tag that's it." But in manhunt, you're suppose to get the others who aren't it yet. Sigh~ it was quite annoying. P. knows I like K., but she liked teasing me about it anyways. M. wouldn't stop though! He kept trying to get me to just walk around with him. So boring. If K. was there, I'd be stuck to him like glue, so M. wouldn't have been a problem. But K. wasn't there, so .... Yeah it just sucked.

So like the title. This Friday, was a lot of fun, but very disappointing towards the end.
Well, as long as I had fun most of the day I guess that's whats more important. :D
I'll see K. on Monday...damn that's memorial. Never mind. But definitely on Wednesday...I hope. Who knows some stupid event/problem might come up on Wednesday.
Sigh~ well I'm still going to think positively :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

A Girl's Rules to Gettin' Her Guy [vice versa?]

It's kind of funny, I sort of have these rule like things for getting a guy to like me. I shared them with my friends, and they say that they're really helpful. I thought maybe I could share them with you. This necessarily isn't only for girls. The rules I am about to tell you will also work on girls. It's very universal...or at least I think so xD

Note: If you don't agree with this then tell someone who cares. This is based on MY opinion, readings, and experience (which is slim to none).

Hidden Rule (or something you should all keep in mind)Be yourself
Reason - you do not want a guy to like a you that's not you.

1. Be friends with his/her friends
Reason: If his/her friends don't like you then he won't like you. 
People's opinions and choices tend to be swayed by others.

2. Talk to him/her
Reason: The person will never have mutual feelings for you if he doesn't know you. Get close to them, find out more about them. (This is also beneficial for you as well. If you only admire from afar, and never talk to them, then you will only know the him/her in your fantasies. Fantasies can be deceiving, and cause you to think he's someone who he's not. When you talk to him/her, then you will know for sure what/who you're in love with.)

3. Flatter him/her
Reason: people are sometimes not as confident as you think they are. Compliment them will make them feel good and think kindly of you.
WARNING!: There are some people who defy this rule. These types of people are conceited and you will only boost their confidence in a bad way. In this case still compliment them, but only when they feel less confident/sad/nervous  about something. This will remind them about how "great" they are, and will always remember that you're the one who helped them remember that. (or at least I think they will.)

4. Be Patient
Reason: Following these rules might help you improve your relationship with your crush, but don't expect it to work right away; give it a week or two... perhaps months (depending on the type of person).

5. Gather Information (This branches out into different things)
       -ask people about him [2 questions per person, so no one gets too suspicious]
Reason: you want to see if they're a nice person. If a lot of people don't like them, then that's a bad sign. Doing this rule can also help you find out facts about him, that you might be able to use as a conversation starter.
       -observe him
Reason: seeing what kind of shoes he/she wears or the way he/she sits could tell you quite a bit about they're personality. 
       -stalk them (OPTIONAL)
Reason: I don't mean the creepy stalking though! xD
Sometimes life isn't nice to you, and doesn't provide you an easy way to see your crush, so maybe you can somehow find out a little about his schedule, so you can see him/her more often. (That's what I did. In my opinion 2 hours every other day isn't enough xD) 
Warning! Don't appear around him/her "coincidentally" too often. They'll think you're staking them. Even though you kind of are, you don't want him to think that. 
(yes I know this rule is kind of creepy. that's just my personality I guess :P)

*use the gathered information wisely. For example if you find out he likes dogs, don't say "Oh, you like dogs right?" if he didn't tell you then it'll be creepy.  Use your information like this: "Dogs are great, huh?" that'll start a nice, easy conversation.

another hidden rule: Don't forget about your friends
reason: even though you really like this person, and you're trying to gather information don't forget to spend time with your friends. Life without friends is just empty and sad. A new boyfriend/girlfriend isn't worth the loss of friends.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Turns out I have more time then expected! My dad hasn't gotten the green screen I need for my project yet, so the filming got postponed until next Saturday. So that means no more cramming a whole bunch of work into 4 hours!! :D
I'm happy with all the free time I just got now. I almost finished my project because I thought I had until this Saturday, so now I can be lazy again. Yay! ^ ^
This also means I'll probably get to go to the park tomorrow, and see K.!!
I haven't really talked to him that much lately, so I can't wait!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Homework Sucks

I haven't blogged since the past few days lately. I just wanted to apologize for that ^ ^;;.
You can blame my social studies teacher for that -____-".
He decided to give me and my class a test (which was easy), but he also gave us an essay test. An essay test is where we write an essay without any resources except for our outline. So I basically had to spend the past 4 days or so studying my butt off. And I only had 40 minutes. Sigh~ I suck at writing essays, so it was a pretty difficult task to do. I think I did pretty good though. I finished just 1 minute before time was up. Not only did I have to study for an essay, but I also had a project to do. And guess who gave it to me. My stupid social studies teacher. It's due in like a week or two I think. I have to make something using imovie. But in my opinion apple sucks, and I don't own an apple computer. So I'm using Adobe Premium, which is a program professional commercial makers use according to my dad. Me and Luka are going to appear in the movie, and we're narrating stuff about our topic. We're using a green screen, so we can put pictures of historical stuff behind us. I think it'll turn out pretty cool too :).
However, even though it's due in like two weeks, I have to finish researching and planning the story plot before Saturday. Luka and I have to start filming ourselves on Sunday and Monday. We also have to leave next weekend for editing time. And then soon after the project will be due. It sounds like there's a lot of time, but in truth it's actually very little. Sigh~ homework is such a pain in the butt and it sucks.
Even though I said I have to finish before Saturday, I want to finish before Friday (so that means Thursday is it) because I want to be able to go to the park with K. on Friday. And my dad probably won't let me unless I have like 99.99% of the project completed.
Katrina-chan has also been bugging me to continue the roleplay we've been doing, but I'm so busy that I haven't even thought about doing that. I don't know how the hell she can find the time to do school work and the roleplay. I guess she has a lot of free time on her hands. I am the one who has after school stuff, so I guess it makes sense that she can do both.
Oh and, to top it off, I have regular homework, science assignments, and chores. Plus with the hot/humid weather over here, I've been feeling so out of it lately. The air is sticky and heavy, so it makes me feel tired and lazy. I end up sleeping once I come home, and don't start working until 7 p.m. and I finish working by 12 a.m. So I've been working my butt off, and I hate it -__-. I'm lazy and I just want to sleep all day xD.
But all this hard work is for K., so it's worth it  ^ ^. I love spending time with him, so if it means doing extra work for longer periods of the day, then it's worth it. I will doing anything if it's for K. (unless it's something like murder, I can never do that). An example of my loyalty, I go to tutoring to learn extra stuff that's harder then what I should be learning just so I can have a 15 minute walk with him after wards. This is significant because the time is so little and I spend 2 hours in tutoring. Also I'm not suppose to be there, but the tutor doesn't care xD.
Luka, my partner, hasn't been doing as much work as I thought she would, so that puts me a little off track. I feel like I've been doing most of the work here. I mean yea, she did 60% of the research, a little over half. But I'm the one that's planning the movie. I'm the one designing the movie, and making sure everything will turn out right. And I'm the one that's going to edit the movie in the ed. So I'm doing the 90% of the work that is my teacher is mostly grading -__-. How the hell did that happen? It's suppose to be equal. I think I shall bring this up with Luka tomorrow. If she doesn't do a little more work, I'll take full credit. ...xD naw, I'm just kidding. Taking full credit would be mean, but I would have to get back at her somehow >:)
Anyways, it's late (11:48 p.m late) and I should really be sleeping.
I promise once all these stupid projects and stuff is over and done with, I'll write blogs more often. But for now, there might be some gaps inbetween blogs until June 10th.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Rain. It really has its ups and downs.
I really like the rain. In my opinion, it's very pretty. Seeing those tiny droplets of water fall from the sky, and plop on the floor in a nice splash. It sounds pretty as well. ^ ^ the rain is sounds soothing. It seems rushed and yet calm at the same time. It has a nice after smell too. I love the rain.
So those were its pros.
But I can really hate the rain too.
For instance, it can be annoying as hell -.-
It causes an interruption in activities. When you want to do something outside, but the stupid rain doesn't allow you too.
Sigh~ for example, today I wanted so badly to go hang out with K. at the park. But it was raining. It was only drizzling, not even that much. I asked my dad if I could go to the park to hang out with friends, but he was like "No. It's raining." TT~TT stupid rain.
The part that makes me the saddest is that everyone else would probably not go to the park because it was raining, so that meant I would get K. all to myself. TT^TT but my dad was stupid and said no.
When I came home guess what he said. "I can tell Emiko has friends now, since she doesn't want to come home after school." -_____-" what's he trying to say? Did he not think that I had friends. Sigh~ My dad is strange even if he was joking.
I kind of hate the rain since it can be an obstacle for me to deal with sometimes. I can get pretty angry when something (or someone) becomes an obstacle between the person I like and me. It gets quite annoying, especially when you receive many obstacles. Well I never show that I'm angry in front of others.
Well as you can tell, I have very conflicting emotions about the rain. ^ ^;; how do you feel about the rain?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

A 100 Questions

Luka-chan sent me an email of a 100 questions. She challenged me to answer all 100 of them, so I did.
I guess they can help you know me a little better :). but then again you could just check out my "About Me" page.
Well here they are:

1. Who would you like to kiss? K. of course <3~
2. Do you have a fav anime character? Setsuna F. Seiei ^ ^
3. Fav animes? Gundam 00
4.What would you do if someone molested you?
I would kick his "manhood" and then kick him again while he's down. Than jump on him many many times. Finally I'll run the hell outta there and call the police.
5.How old are you ? Why do you want to know?
6.Are you a virgin? Yes, and proud to say so :)
7.Fav anime pairing? Um...Inuyasha/Kagome (inukag) or Naruto/Hinata (naruhina)
8.Fav color? olive green 
9.Fav flower(s)? tulips and red spider lilies and lily of the valleys 
10.Fav fruit? strawberries

[yes or no]

11.Hav you ever dreamed about the one you love? Quite often actually ^ ^;;
12.Ever dreamed about being raped/almost raped? yes, I have dreamed about being almost raped. It was quite a scary dream. '~'
13.Raped/almost raped? No, and I hope it stays that way.
14.Laughed until your tummy hurts? yupps, practically everyday of my life
15.Laughed until your head hurts ? yupp
16.Have a best friend? yes, but she can be a total pain in the ass someti
17.Stole something? nope
18.Got a 100 on a test before? I ain't in the advanced class for nothing.
19.Dreamed about being killed? Yea! (it happens very often)
20.Dreamed about being chased? lots
21.Met a retarded person ? yes (...Luka-chan)
22.Bitched at someone? not sure what that means. but I have cursed someone out before. it's a good way to get your anger out ^ ^
23.Made someone cry? yea. my sister. she can be really sensitive sometimes... >.>
24.Are you good at drawing anime characters real or not real? only sometimes. but that's only if I get lucky. My art powers only work sometimes xD
25.Met a hobo? saw one
26.Donated money? yea, but not to the hobo...mom wouldn't let me :(. But I do like putting coins in those funky colored coin charity things ^ ^)
27.Ever gotten horney? no -___-
28.Got drunk before? never (don't want headaches and puking is gross > <)
29.Flirted? I think I have...not sure because I don't know what counts as flirting.
30.Cursed at your parents alloud in any language? I'm limited to only one language, and that's English xD. But if you call stupid a bad word, the yes. However, I don't think stupid is a bad word so I don't think I've ever cursed at my dad in another language.
31.Play any online games? Depends by what kind of online games you're talking about.
32.Which ones?  If you mean games that are online (as in internet) then yes. I play on kongregate, pocky ninja, and a few others. If you meant those multiplayer, you can talk to anyone around the world, and team up games then no.
33.Ever got scammed in a online game? Ahhh. I see. So you meant the second online game. No I haven't been scammed before. But some stupid friends of mine has.
34.Met an annoying person? I'm surrounded by annoying ppl
35.Know anyone in jail? I know someone who was in jail
36.Name 3 of lady gaga's songs. telephone face,alejandro,paparazzi
37.Ever wished you were a vampire? not really 
38.Ever wished you were a anime character? Oh Hell Yes!!
38.Ever wished that a anime character will love/like you? Yes!
39.Have SEVERE HATRID for a particualr anime character? Marina Ismail. That hoebag is 8 years older than my Setsuna, and she thinks she has a chance with him. Pfft. What a pedophile.
40.Ever wished/hoped/thought that you can be raped by a anime character? No...-___-

[true or false]

41.Humped things for fun? false -.-
42.Talked about perverted things? True ^ ^;;
43.Watched porn or hentai? False...but a lot of my friends think I do -_-
44.Role played? true
45.Pretended that u were a anime character/princess and acted out a part in private where no one can see you? Um...false. (what a weird questions...)
46.Cried yourself to sleep? true...
47.Had your heart broken :(? true
48.Broke someone's heart? I don't think I have >.> so false?
49.Had a crush on more that 2 people? true
50.Like music? true
51.Like horror movies? true
52.Like anime and manga? TRUE
53.Read/watched more than 2 animes/manga? true
54.Cried in public? true but nobody noticed
55.Take long showers? TRUE...it's my thinking place
56.Like the pool? true
57.Like books (not manga or comic)? true
58.hate bugs? False. Bugs are cool! :D
59.Had a fight with someone? unfortunately true
60.Acted like a asshole? true XD
61.Saw a shooting star? false D: (but, K. tells me their beautiful. and you can see at least 3 every night in India ^ ^)
62.Like odd/gross foods? false
63.Saw a lunar or solar eclipse? 
64.Worked on a project? What kind of project?
65.Took your anger out on a object? true
66.Got pissed at a object? true
67.Got pissed at your drawing beacause it wouldnt turn out right? TRUE 
68.Had CRAZY dreams? true, basically every night
69.More than 1 person has a crush on you? ...I don't know 
70.Ever dated? false

[this or that]

71.Sasusaku or sasukarin ? sasusaku
72.Guy or girl? if you mean like love/date then guy 
73.Apples or cherry? apples
74.Anime or movie? anime 
75.Long hair or short? short 
76.Whore or slut? Whats the diff?
77.Type or write? type, it's so much easier
78. green eyes or blue? green ♥
79.tree or flower? tree, they last longer and help me breathe
80. noodle or seafood? noodles!
81. 12 or 13 ? 13
82. Pie or cake? cake, I've never been a big fan of pie > <
83.Song : toxic or so hot? never heard either
84.Cosplay or fancy dress/gown? cosplay.
85.Candy apple or caramel apple? caramel, but in my opinion, they're both too hard to eat.
86. Shower or bath? shower 
87. kiss or french kiss? kiss
88.evil or good? good
89.hair color: black or brown? brown, but I like dark brown
90.centipede or millepede? centipede (less legs)
91.lady gaga or taylor swift? both
92.creme or sugar? sugar
93.water gun or water balloons? water gun, better for attacking. but water balloons are more fun.
94. fuck you bitch or bitch,fuck you? is there a difference? but I'd probably be most likely to say the first one.
95. suicide or murder? suicide. why do I have more of a right to live then the next? that is why I shall not murder. my hands will always be free of blood.
96. you would use a microwave to ...... ? i would use it to make me food. but if you piss me off, I'll use it to fry your brains! >:)
97.your fav season? fall (I was so happy to find out that K. likes fall as well)
98. like cosplay? I like professional cosplay
99.what do you think the next question is gonna be? no looking !!!! um.......what's the point of this question.
100.Was this quiz useless? hell yea xD I don't know why I bothered doing this. 

Wow...I can't believe you read this whole thing o_O...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Forgive and Forget

I forgave Luka-chan, even though she sort of embarrassed me, and might have ruined the very fragile friendship I have with K.
If you do not understand what I'm talking about that is because you are new to my blog and have not read my previous entry. Let me give you a quick explanation then. Luka-chan is my best friend, and she basically embarrassed me in front of my crush, K. I felt utterly betrayed and angry. Luka-chan might as well have wrote "I like K." on my forehead. 
Luckily, I was able to fix everything. I told K. that people he didn't know knew him because I told them about him. And he dismissed the topic after that. ^ ^ K. is so nice.
Anyways, I may have forgiven Luka-chan, but I didn't let her go so easily.
I ignored her for the whole morning and 1st period. Basically the longest time we've been together and not talk. She kept trying to talk to me, but I didn't answer. I pretended she wasn't even there; not even looking at her. During first period, she sat there doing her work instead of bothering me. I could tell she was in deep thought.
When it came to 2nd period, I told her why I was angry.
She truly is an idiot. Luka-chan didn't understand what she did wrong. I was like "You kept on bothering him! Getting all up in his face and shouting 'HI!' Not too mention he doesn't know you and you were asking for his last name!" Okay...now that I am saying this with a calm state of mind, this doesn't seem like a big deal. But > < if it were you, you would have been utterly embarrassed as well. It's hard to explain. 
She sort of understood how I felt, but I think she doesn't fully understand because she's never liked a real life person before. Therefore, she doesn't know the feeling of wanting nothing to go wrong in front of the eyes of the guy you like. You want everything to go right....
So yea, me and Luka are good, and best friends again.
Except, I'm still a little suspicious of her, and not so open with her as I once was.
That's just how life is though. Once you lose someone's trust, you can never fully gain it back.
But I shall forgive and forget about that. It isn't something to ruin a friendship over.

Monday, May 16, 2011


I feel...like crying. My pride prevents me from shedding a single tear though. Why is it that in life, everything can go so right, but suddenly goes oh so wrong? :'( I just don't understand.
Today, I was humiliated, betrayed, angry, scared, and sad; all at once. I still feel those emotions now.
I used to like a guy who was a complete jerk, and I just don't know what I saw in him. All he has going for him is looks. And it took me awhile to realize that. But I now started liking K. He's basically perfect. I've always pictured myself being with an Asian guy, but K. is Indian, and has opened my eyes.
I've never really talked about the jerk I used to like with you guys, but I think you should know about him a little before I continue with why I felt those horrible feelings today.
I felt like I could trust my friends with the secret of me liking SF. (the jerk I used to like). For the first few days, they were like "ok..." but as time passed and they saw him in the halls everything went down hill. Every time they saw him they were like "Ooooh." or "Emiko! There he is!" :\ you can see how annoying that must have been for me because we pass him in the halls quite often. My so called friends made it so obvious that I liked him! I was just so damn pissed off. I still talked to him though. But as more time passed, and my friends kept up their childish behavior, he started to slowly stop talking to me. It went to the point that he even started insulting me. It made me quite miserable.
So once I started liking K., I just couldn't trust anyone. I didn't tell anyone. And everything was good. People still teased me a bit though because they like starting rumors. But it wasn't anything major.
Then I told my friend P. because I know I can trust her. Plus she trusted me with the secret of her crush, so in return I told her mine. Plus I have the feeling that she thinks that guy she likes, J., likes me. So she was really conservative with me, but when I told her that I liked K., it seemed like she was happy again. I guess she didn't have to worry that I would steal him from her. Not that I would, but some people just think that kind of stuff no matter how much you trust the person. I also told Luka-chan because she's my best friend. I feel like I could trust her. We're close... I also told Jo. because she had killer eyes when I didn't tell.. I got frightened. And eventually about 7 different people now know. How did it start from telling just one person to having basically everyone knowing? TT^TT I'm such an idiot.
Anyways, in gym today, was where all the drama and daje vu  happened.
[warning: I can tell this is going to be a long entry...]
Okay, so K.'s lunch period is right after mine. K. likes to go to gym during his lunch period. And on Mondays I have gym after lunch. So when gym started I was so happy. I wanted to talk to him. Stare at him. Hang out basically. But my stupid friends -__-, what troublesome beings they are. I sat near him, and my friends and I started playing a game. Then I got bored, and decided to walk somewhere else. Everyone of course followed me (I'm not sure why). I couldn't get alone with K. at all though! Which pissed me off. Anyways, I passed by K. and became too shy to say hi, so I just kept walking. But my "friends" started shouting "Hi K.!!" and stopped to talk to him. I became freaked out/worried, and started shouting "What are you doing? Come on let's go over here." And K. was freaked out because like 5 people he didn't know knew him, and started crowding him. I was like "> < Oh my god." I felt like dying right there. I just pulled them away, but stupid Luka!! She stood there with that evil bitchy smile of hers. I stood at the other end of the gym, and started motioning for her to get her fucking ass over to where I was. (I am letting you know that I am getting angrier and angrier with each letter, so I might start..cursing a little.) But she didnt move an inch. I then went over to her, and started to pull her away. But that idiot! She didn't start walking, and she made me drag her. She was making weird noises too -.-;;. It was somewhere between a whine and a dying animal. K. was like "o.O;;" and I was like "ugh -.-" Luka can be such a drama queen, and Jo. finds her adorable for some reason...>.> she's nuts for thinking that witch is "cute." Anyways, after my several attempts to get my crazy "friends" away from K., L. (a stupid loser who is really annoying and perverted, and I for some reason hang out with him. He's also in K.'s class) started to notice and was like "Ooh! I know who you like. It's K.!" J. and L. has this weird determination to find out who I like, so that's why he made a big deal about it.
I was like "No.No.No! >~<" I felt like walls were closing in on me, and there was no where to escape. I was falling into a deep pit of darkness. I sat there watching everything I've worked so hard for fall apart right before my eyes. When I say "worked hard for", I mean I've spent so much time trying to get closer to K. But when my friends started to freak him out, that all went out the drain. I felt this odd squeezing in my heart, and my brain was collapsing on me. I couldn't think.
Finally gym was over.
I never wanted to go through that again. It felt like total de ja vu. It felt like SF. moment all over again!! I did not want that to happen; never ever.  I don't ever want to combine my love life and friend life together ever again. I mostly hang out with K. during after school activities. During after school activities, I'm like in a whole separate world.
I felt humiliated because everyone was making fun of me. K. saw how weird my friends were.  > <
I felt betrayed because of everything. I thought of Luka as my best friend. And even though everyone contributed to my misery (everyone embarrassed me in front of K.) Luka was the one to lead the attack. Everyone has just been cool about everything, until Luka started causing ruckus!! You know how sad it is when you can't trust your own best friend? I really need to rethink my choice of friends.
I felt scared because I don't want K. to stop talking to me like SF. did. I like talking to him...When I'm with K., all my worries just seem to...disappear for those few fleeting moments. I ...he makes me happy.
And I felt sad because I was humiliated, betrayed, and scared but I can't do anything about it. I want so badly to rewind time.
Why did I name this entry trust? I'll answer that.
I'm a nice person, and people tend to take advantage of that. I never get angry and I'm very go with the flow kind of person. I give people way too many second chances. And Luka just killed hers.
When I was younger, like elementary school young, I had developed some...trust issues. I got betrayed way too many times, and it just seems like I haven't learned my lesson yet.
I just hate that I can't find a friend who I can truly trust.
I have a feeling that Luka is out to ruin my life. I remember she was so nice. But now she always looks at me with this look of jealousy, and her tone towards me isn't the same. Plus, whenever I ask for help on a school question, she insults me and then tells me the wrong answer -__-. What a nice friend right? *sarcasm* I can't really name any other examples as to why I feel that Luka is this way towards me, but I just get this feelings radiating from her. You know what I mean?
Sigh~ life just isn't so good for me right now.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Group Poem: Epic Win!

On Friday during English, some kind of visitors came to my school. When visitors come we usually do group work. I'm not sure why. So my English teacher Ms. D, decided to make us do a poem about a picture. My table got a picture of some woman handing her baby to some man. We weren't sure if the baby was being taken away or if she was giving the baby away. The picture was kind of confusing because we didn't get any article or anything with it, so we had to guess everything ourselves.We all agreed that the picture was about some woman's baby being taken away. After we agreed about that, we started writing adjectives/words that came to mind when we saw the picture. When I noticed that we were spending too much time on adjectives, I said "Okay, now lets start writing some poem lines." I was sort of the manager for our table. ^ ^ watching the tv show Apprentice all the time is bound to teach you some good managing skills. After we wrote some poem lines individually, I read all of them, and combined them together. I took out some lines, and added some to have good transition. We were a team of 4. Ms. D turned the poem making task into a competition. Whichever team wrote the best poem would get 10 bonus points. We wanted to so badly beat our neighboring table. It was a table with Nyu-san, Luka-chan, and Jo. plus a guy who doesn't do much. My table wanted to beat them because Ms. D always goes on and on about how they (or at least the girls) are such good writers. So obviously we wanted to kick their asses. In the end this is what my table came up with:

Taken (like the movie)
Want in the Eyes,
Need for a Life,
Innocence of the Face,
Love for a Soul,
Premonition of
     Loss and sacrifice
The evil is dehumanizing, cornering.
Helplessness and the sacrifice of a 
    Mother's Love,
Which is seasoned by abandonment.
She is
Unable to care for,
Unable to protect.
A man taking her baby.
The woman, frightened of separation,
Worried for her baby's future,
    Who is now gone.
No idea of what happened,
No remembrance of his mother,
    His little feet growing,
Without a mother's
    Shadow. . .

Pretty good huh? Well it was good enough to kick that ass of the poem (poems have asses? xD) that table we wanted to beat wrote. Not only that, but it also won first place out of the whole class. We beat everybody! We won! Epic win!! :D
I'm so proud of our poem. I would say the name of my friends who helped made the poem, but I must protect the innocent from evil internet predators, and not reveal their names.
However I shall give some sort of credit to my group. Which'll be hard without saying their names.
I came up with the title! xD everyone laughed when I said "Taken...like the movie."
The first 4 lines was written by my lovely friend who's name starts with a Je.
The next 6 lines was written by a person who's name starts with Ke.
The next 7 lines was written by yours truly. (me! :D)
And the last 5 lines was a collaboration work by me and Je.
If you count that's only 3 people, and I said there was 4 of us. The fourth person wrote lines that was only repeating what we already wrote, so we didn't include anything of theirs, which I felt really bad about. But, hey, what was I suppose to do? We still gave them credit for writing the poem with us though.

ps. the indents, and weird capitalizations were done on purpose. poems are allowed to be weird like that xD.

Epicness comes with a price... and I get a discount ;)

~ Emiko F. Seiei

Drunk with Compliments

I think I talked about my science project in one of my older posts, but I don't think I really told any real details about it. I actually already finished my science project and my display board.
My school makes the students do a science project, a display board, and a presentation. I finished my presentation already like last Wednesday I believe. Anyways, I think I should tell you what my science project was about first. My science project was about gears. It was quite fun actually.
The creation of my display board and showing it off is probably the most exciting part of the story I'm about to tell you.
So it was like the weekend before my project was due, so I started typing the information that is needed to go onto my board. My dad is a total geek, and he knows it too xD. He decided to go all out on my board. My dad helped me make a fancy title for the display board; we used illustrator to make it. It said the problem for my experiment, and had the word gear in a bunch of different languages in the background. It looked pretty cool. Then my dad had the idea of printing the whole entire thing out on one sheet of paper. So we had Staples (a office supply store) print it out because our regular printer unfortunately can't print out a piece of paper that is 24 inches by 30-something inches. But Staples stupid printer was broken or something and kept printing the text over each other, so it looked bad. They tried printing it twice. That thing cost me $50! And they can't even print it correctly. So luckily, I got it for free! :D It was free because a store cannot give you a bad product or else I can sue them or something xD. Anyways, I make my board all cool and pretty.
Then comes presentation day '~'. I was so nervous. Before my presentation I had this weird feeling in my chest. It was as if something tugged my heart a little and then let go. That kept happening to me for about a week > <! I thought I had some kind of heart problem and got really worried. But my dad said it was just me experiencing anxiety. You should have seen how glad I was to find out I didn't have like some sort of heart cancer.
When I was in science class, and it was almost my turn to present, I kept complaining to my friend Cody that I was nervous. He was like "Don't worry you'll do fine. Just picture everyone in their underwear." I was like "Ew! That'll make things worse." But it made my laugh and feel a little better :).
When it was my turn to present, I went to the front of the class, put up my display board for all to see, and took a deep breath. It sure helped my confidence level to hear everyone go "Wow!" when they saw my board. I started reading my piece of paper with my speech on it, and I just started talking. I explained everything, and I only had to look at my speech a couple of times. I was a total pro. Then came the questioning time. Everyone seemed to understand everything I said. But there's always that one person who likes to mess you up by asking tough questions that barely relate to the topic. And in my case that person is called Kenji (I know I usually don't say names, but I think just letting you know one is okay).  Kenji asks so many questions. You should have seen the people who went before me. He would ask questions that they didn't know the answer to, and make them look stupid. Kenji caused a lot of people to go "Um.." and say "I don't know." They must have felt so embarrassed. Kenji can be so annoying sometimes. And I unfortunately so happened to be the girl he has a crush on. TT-TT so far in my life, only weirdos like me.
Even though Kenji has a crush on me, he still asked me hard to answer questions that made basically no sense. But over the year of knowing him, I learned how to understand Kenji's madness. So I understood what he was asking. Not only did I understand what he was trying to ask, I was able to think of an answer for all his questions in under 5 seconds. My teacher usually had to help people explain stuff to Kenji. But not me. All she did was nod her head and smile. So I was actually answering the questions correctly. I just kind of said whatever I thought was right xD. After he asked like his 5th question, I was like "Kenji, I think you've reached your questioning limit."  my science teacher laughed. My teacher would usually ask questions about the person's experiment and what they did because they didn't explain things enough. But I guess I covered everything because she only asked me about my board xD.
When I ended my presentation, my science teacher was like "You sure knew how to handle Kenji." The people before me would just let Kenji keep asking questions that confused them, and continue to make them look stupid. But once I realized that Kenji's questions were getting to hard for me, I stopped him so I saved myself from embarrassment.
The teacher has us grade our classmates' presentations, so at the end of the class period, everyone was telling me they gave me 4s. Some even said they gave me 5 which is over the grading limit. A lot of people was like "You handled Kenji so well!" and said stuff like "How did you answer Kenji's questions? That was crazy!" I was like, "Well, I noticed that Kenji kept asking weird questions for the previous people, so when I was preparing for my presentation, I created a list of possible questions that people might ask, and I created a list of possible questions Kenji would ask." They all laughed and thought I was really prepared.
I felt so happy! Never did I think I would do so well. I guess I'm just naturally awesome like that. Ha ha lolz. Just kidding.
And if that made me happy, guess how ecstatic I was when I found out the a teacher who teaches K.'s science class showed it to his class. I know basically almost everyone from K.'s class, so they came up to me and was like "I saw your board it was great." ^ ^ I was happy K. got to see because he now knows that I'm no plain girl. The amazing part is that K. is a grade higher than I, so that means his teacher was so impressed that he thought it was good enough to show people older than I.
I'm kind of a show off.. so I wanted everyone to see. I get high off of compliments. xD I guess you could say I got drunk with compliments. (*wiggles eyebrows funnily* like how I inserted the title into my story like that? Pretty cool huh? :D )

Epicness comes with a price... and I get a discount ;)

~ Emiko F. Seiei

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Pilates (p-i-la-tee-s: my way of pronouncing it. i also don't know how to spell it, so if it's wrong I'm sorry > <) is a method of exercise that improves agility, economy of motion and flexibility. It builds a sleek body and helps increase strength without excess bulk, or so says livestrong.com. I'm not really sure if it works, but my dad said I should give it a try. I, like any other girl, wants to be ...thin. I wouldn't say skinny because if you're too skinny, then you look unhealthy and like a stick. I want to be somewhere in the middle. I am somewhat in the middle, but lately I've been eating one too many snacks ^ ^;;. Anyways, girls are suppose to be thin yet not bulky. That's what pilates help you with. It always people to lose weight and look fit without being bulky/super muscular. I've decided to try out this pilates exercise thing. This morning before I left for school, I tried it. I did a pilates exercise that helps you lose belly fat. During the middle of school, my sides starting hurting like crazy! Every step I took hurt like hell. Sigh~ I'm just so out of shape. I guess that's what I get for being an otaku who stays on my computer all day >.> ... But like they say "No pain. No game." Which I have found true because it happens to me every time I exercise. But the whole pain thing makes me really unmotivated to exercising. I hate exercising, but liposuction is expensive, painful, and it just seems low for some reason.  So I exercise since there's no other choice. Anyways, I looked in my Seventeen magazine for types of pilates exercises because they have that sort of stuff in it. It said "60-second secret to your best body." And I was like "Wow! Only 60 seconds?!" I tried it...>.> I still have excess fat. So it was too good to be true. They probably meant you should repeatedly do the exercise each day for 60 seconds at least. I want to be really pretty and have a nice body because I'm going on this field trip with K. And it's like an amusement park, and it's going to be in June. So since it'll be hot I might wear shorts and a tank top. But I want to look pretty in shorts and a tank top, not some fat person who's trying to faily show off whatever thing they think they got. > < It's May and June is so close. I hope these pilates exercises will work fast!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Today was Awesome ^ ^

The title is self explanatory. My day was awesome!
In the morning, I saw K., and he didn't go to volleyball this morning, and was just sitting on this chair (In my school people can come early and end up waiting until 8:00). I had saw him, and went to go talk to him. He said it was odd, but I ignored that little comment, and continued talking. When my close circle of friends came (I usually come earlier then them) They started peaking at us from behind this board/wall thing that was placed there. I saw them and was like, "Please, excuse me for a moment. ^ ^" And I gave Nyu-san her birthday gift because today was her birthday! Anyways, when I came back to him, he pulled out his phone and casually asked, "What's your phone number?" I was like "O.O OH MY GOD!?! HE'S ASKING FOR MY NUMBER?!?!" But I obviously did not say that or else that'd be embarrassing xD. I can't believe he said it so easily, I have been trying to casually ask for his number for about a week, and I couldn't gather the courage. But I wouldn't say he said that easily because he did look down and a little embarrassed. After, I gave him my phone number, I took a deep breath and said "Okay, so now you have to give me your number." I said it so fast it took him a while to realize what I said xD. He made the number appear on his phone and I had to punch it into my cell. But the sun light was reflecting off of his cell, and I had to move closer to him to see. I was like centimeters away from his face!! It was the greatest morning I've ever had ^ ^. I got his number and had a nice long conversation with him.
But that was just the morning. There's more to this story :)
My friend Ca., likes a guy in a grade higher then us. She finds him super cute, and wants to talk to him, but she doesn't know how since she doesn't see him that often. So I offered my services to her.
Yea, I'm like a professional stalker >.> ....
I have K.'s entire class schedule. I just don't think two hours a day is enough. I want to see him all the time. It's not like I watch and follow him. I just like to see him. Just seeing his face makes me happy. I also say the occasional hi. If he sees me more often, then maybe I'll be on his mind more often ^ ^...just hope it's about good things.
Anywas, Ca. feels the same way I guess...and since she's my friend I was like, "Hey, do you want me to get his schedule for you?" I have some experience in doing that because I figured out half of my old crush's schedule. But lately I have been finding much easier ways of getting the schedule. For K.'s, I just asked J. for it. He made me carry his book bag all the way to the park we were going to, but the schedule was worth it ^ ^.
Okay, so back to the point.
I was very happy because I was able to get the schedule of the guy Ca. likes. It was practically the easiest thing I've ever done in my life. I know the sixth grade vice principal in my school (there's one vp for every grade) since he used to be my social studies teacher. I just went up to him and was like "Hey, Mr. F, can I get the class schedule of ___ class?" I was totally scared that he would ask why, and I wouldn't have an answer for him. But I had to get the schedule for my friend. Mr. F. was like "It's somewhere over there." I looked at the shelf and there was a binders full with the class schedule for all the classes. I was like O.O holy sh*t! I went over and took one of the schedules. They had like 100 copies for each class. He gave it to me, no questions asked. Well, then again, Mr. F is like a very loosey goosey person xD.

This was written with thoughts from
Emiko F. Seiei

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bloody Catastrophe

This happened quite a little while ago, but I still feel like telling you a story of my younger days.
Oh yea, WARNING: the context below will contain issues that only girls have; the one gift mother nature gave that we, girls, all hate.
It's quite an interesting/gory story though.
I wasn't so good with timing my period. So my pad would either be extremely almost overflowing with blood or only a little bit came out. Anyways, I was in social studies doing a partner study with Luka-chan. We were on the laptops, searching stuff online. But instead of doing our work, Luka-chan decided to look up pictures of Ulquiorra. That girl is too obsessed >.>
Anyways, I shifted in my seat a bit, and felt something rather....wet. My eyes then widened as I thought "O.O OH SNAP!!(a more inappropriate word was used in place of snap, but I shall keep language on a clean level today)" I forgot to change my pad, and now it was overflowing with blood. So much so, that it leaked through my underwear and pants. The stupid red liquid that came out of my female body was now all over my chair. Thank god, my pants were black!! My brain started to short circuit, while trying to think of what to do. I took a deep breath to try and clear my mind. I looked around the room to see if anyone had noticed. Good. Everyone was doing their work on the laptops. I then thought "Okay, so I have my pads in my book bag, and luckily I decided to bring an extra pair of undies. Now all I need to do is get to the bathroom." I then look at the class. I was all the way on the other side of the room, away from the door. "Snap! How am I suppose to get all the way over there without anyone noticing?" I sneakily took out my tiny little totoro pouch/bag out of my book bag. I looked around the room once more, good. No one was looking. I look over at Luka-chan, and start to whisper, "Luka! I had a little...accident. Help me!" Luka-chan's first reaction was "Ew." and she scrunched her nose in disgust. -.- with a reaction like that, I can totally tell she didn't have her period yet. I rolled my eyes at her, and said "Just make sure no one touches my book bag. Okay?" I used my book bag to cover up the blood that had leaked through my pants and onto my chair. I then rush over to my social studies teacher, Mr.W and asked to go to the bathroom. He was like "Okay, but hurry." In that mean stern voice of his. I go to the bathroom, and do my business. Then my friend J. comes in and she's like "Psst..Emiko are you okay?" I was like "um...yea?" xD It was so weird. I didn't expect her to come. Aww..my friends care ^3^. So then I get some paper towels and wet them. J. and me rush back to class, and I use the wet towels to clean my bloody seat. It was weird > <. Luka-chan apparently thought it was okay to tell Nyu-san and Ana.-chan (another classmate of mine) So when I came back they bombarded me with questions. I was like "Dudes! I have to clean this mess up. I'll explain to you later." So after all is done and over with, I sat down in my seat with a big "Oompf." and breathed a long and much needed breath. Trying to go fix my underwear problem, clean up the mess, and make sure my friends stay on the hush hush about it is a lot of hard work.
And to my surprise I somehow was able to do all of that without anyone knowing what the hell was going on. xD My social studies teacher didn't even notice a thing. It took me a whole half a period to solve this bloody catastrophe. Sigh~ what a mess that was.

^ ^ I've decided to change my usual farewell greeting from "ta ta" to..hm..I don't know yet. guess you'll ahve to find out in my next post ;)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Little Boy who Likes Pink

My little brother is like obsessed with pink starburst! We have a whole bag full of starbursts, and he always digs his tiny hands into it chanting, "PINK! PINK! PINK!" but since he's only two he says pink with a hard "k" ending. It's quite cute ^ ^. I find it really funny that he likes pink. It's like the only color that he can really remember. The other colors like blue, red, yellow, etc. take him awhile to recognize. He also pronounces pink better than all the other colors. He pronounces yellow as wello
My brother is hilarious. I asked him to get me a red starburst to see if he knew his colors...and because I like the red ones xD. He comes to me with a pink one, trying to convince me that it's better. I was like "Nooo, that's pink. I want red." in my baby tone. He then shoves the pink starburst in my hands and says "Noooo, pink." I was forced to take it.

~ only tough boys like pink ...or so I've heard xD

^ ^ ta ta~

Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm SO happy and I thought you should know

WARNING! This entry may be very very long, and it's about my very fail, very futile love life (but i unexpectedly had a successful day, so it might not be so fail after all.) If you are not interested in my successful time in my love life then try reading it anyways, or just read some of my other entries xD.
That smiley up there, is an example of an understatement as to how big I was smiling today after certain events. Btw :) I have succeeded! Okay, for those of you who have read my last entry, you should know what the heck I'm talking about. But for those of you who didn't (you should start following me so I don't have to explain xD), my last entry was about how I don't like how things between me and my futile crush is going. So I was really pumped and was totally ready to start progressing things between us :). I saw him at my after school activities (musical theater). Today in mt (musical theater) we just talked about a trip we're taking. It's some big trip that's a way to celebrate our successful show of Annie Jr. My crush is going on the trip so I'm totally going to push my dad to let me go. The thing is that it's until 7:00 p.m. >.> I've never been out for that long with out my dad. I wonder how it will go. Anyways, my crush needed to go pick up his little sister at the bus stop that's like 2 blocks away from my school. It was funny because he was like "Um...Mr. W I need to go real quick to pick up my sister." And I was like "can I go with you?!" He laughed and was like "..sure...?" and started running. So I followed him ^ ^. He was like "You were serious?!" xD After we got out of the school building he was like "Can you run." ...can't everybody who can walk know how to run? xD Anyways I was like "yea..." and he was like "Can we run?" I, of course, wanted to be on his good side and was like "Ok." so we started running. He runs FAST!!! I couldn't keep up xD. We were waiting at the bus stop, and I wanted to start a conversation going. (remember! I'm trying to progress this stand still friendship) So I ask my most common and unique question that I ask every guy I like "What's your favorite part of the sky?" xD It's a weird question I know. But it can tell you a lot about a person if you think about it. He was like "Huh?" "You know the clouds, the stars, the blueness of it all." "The stars." I like the clouds ^ ^;; and so have all my past crushes, so this was new. I was like "why?" "Because they seem so close, but they're so far away." "So are the clouds. They look close but are far away." "But stars are farther away. Space is just so cool!" See, that question can starts a real nice conversation ^ ^. (Use the question with your crush if you want, tell me if it worked for you!) "Is that why you want to be an astrophysicist?" I asked. "o.o how did you know...?!" Yea, it must seem odd for a person to know something you never told them.lol "Because I went to the arista ceremony." (the arista ceremony was this thing where the people in it said what they wanted to be when they grew up.) He was like "oh yea." Then I stated, "Astrophysics, the branch of astronomy that has to do with the physics of the universe-" and he cut me off there "You actually looked it up!?!" xD...I guess that does seem scary, especially since I memorized the basic definition. I had to think up of an excuse as to why I looked it up xD so my thoughts were: "damn it! think! think think! You can't say it's because you like him and want to be knowledgeable about what he likes!" So I told him, "...Um ..well at the arista ceremony, I heard things like veterinary, doctor, and lawyer. I've never heard of the term astrophysicist before." "Yea, I wanted to be unique. *smiles*" I was totally shouting "Yes! He bought it!" in my head. However, him wanting to be an astrophysicist is only my motivation to searching it up. I was telling the truth about it being different from what the others said. Anyways, as we're waiting at this bus stop, his MOM comes! It's kind of a big thing meeting the parent of the person you like. She gave me a "omg who's that girl with my son" look xD.  K. was like "um..yea.. this is my mom :)" I was like "Hi! :) *acting as friendly as possible*" So then K. was all like "Mooom, can I please go back to musical theater?!" guess he didn't need to pick up his sister since his mom was there. The weird part was that he was leaning on his mom's shoulder, and was not really begging, but..hm.. what do you call it? Well it was cute. He was using like this baby voice ^ ^. It was something I've never seem him do before. Anyways, afterwards we head back to mt, and we see people walking home. It was a group of guys from mt and they were laughing so weirdly O.o. When we got to the auditorium (where mt is held), no one was there. When it's empty you can make echoing sounds. So I lamely shouted "Echo!" xD I'm such a child. We start heading to a nearby elementary park because we could xD And we thought our other friends would be there. On our way, I used my super vision and saw that our friends were ahead of us. What makes my vision so "super" is that they were really really far away. Anyways, we run like hell to catch up with them. My friend, P. (internet safety reasons is preventing me from using my friend's full name), was like "moments." when she saw me. She's basically saying "aww~ you got to spend time with him." Anyways, we walk to the park, do fun stuff, hand out. xD that's the condensed version. We played manhunt. When it was time to hide, I was totally following with him and hiding with him! He noticed too >.> and I couldn't come up with something normal to him that would make him less suspicious. It was 4:00 and I had to leave, but I asked for a time extension ^ ^. I got another hour. K. had to go too, but I was like "Why don't you get a time extension like me?" I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible!! But he didn't bring his phone, so I let him use mine ^ ^. I joked about me having his phone number in my call history xD. Which freaked him out a bit, but it's okay. Did I tell you that K. knows I'm creepy/perverted? Well he knows, but he's unusually okay with it. Probably because I'm creepy/perverted but not to a really super serious nutso extent xD more of a joker kind. Anyways, he used my phone and got to stay until 5 as well ^ ^! Afterwards me and him rejoined our friends and played telephone. It was fun whispering in his ear, and him whispering in mine ^ ^. Ew.. that might sound weird xD but hey I can't say that I didn't enjoy. When it reached 5 o' clock we started walking home together!! K. lives in an apartment building right next to the school! So we walk in the same direction because I live 5 blocks away from the school. Anyways, it was a nice walk~ I asked him questions. I was like "Do you think I'm weird?" "No." This surprised me. I thought he was lying. "Really? Then maybe a creep?" "No not really." I laughed " A pervert?" I totally thought he would say yes. But he said "No, you're actually pretty normal. Just...unique." Gee that's a laugh. What a nice way to say mentally insane. Then he adds "I've definitely never met a girl like you." "Is that good or bad?" xD of course I'd get suspicious if someone said that. "Good." ^ ^ now I was happy. Then we pass by my school, and there were a lot of people there hanging out. "Wow there's a lot of people here." I said. "I won't see many people I know, only the small few that's going to my school." (he's going to a different school next year. I won't tell you if it's college or high school because again of the internet safety rules. No way am I going to let people know how old I am. I'm a year younger then him though, so I won't be able to see him after this year is over TT-TT!! But then again I know where he lives *creepy smile*) What he said was totally off topic, and not what I was talking about xD but I went along with it anyways. "Yea...but hey maybe I'll get into *beeep (sorry I'm censoring the school's name. > < too many hints are no good.)* :) ....if I'm smart enough >.>.. (he's going to one of those "smart" people schools. you know the ones that are really hard to get into. the one he's going to is the second best, which is pretty impressive. Haha ^ ^ I like a nerd...I'm one too but whatever xD)" "No. You're really smart." Just that made me happy :) but he kept going. "You're even smarter then me." Really happy now :) but a little confused. How was I smarter than someone who's older than me? He probably meant smarter then him when he was in my grade. Anyways he kept going ^ ^, "I think by the time you reach my grade (that's when you take the test) you'll know enough to be able to get into *beeep*." (basically the beep was the name of the school ranked first.) I was thinking, "wow! he really thinks that? I feel so happy that he thinks so highly of me ^ ^!" Sadly, he eventually reached his apartment building, and it was time to say farewell. He was heading towards the door when he said "See you later." I waved and said "Bye." In a very fail squeaky/sad baby voice. Then he stopped and said "Don't say bye!" I was like "huh?..." "Bye is a very bad word. It feels like you're leaving." ( I think he meant the leave forever type leave. because leaving as in just leaving the place you're at wouldn't make sense in what he said.) *cries tears of joy* Is he saying he doesn't want me to leave?! Or does he not like the idea of me leaving!?! ...Okay so maybe it's just his matter of opinion on the word and I'm looking to deep in what he was saying, but hey I like to look at the glass half full ;) ~
On my way home, I was smiling like a total idiot from ear to ear. I got weird looks from people, so I tried to make a less toothy smile. But I couldn't! My mouth kept opening so my teeth were showing. I went totally crazy! Giggling like a loopy girl. I was just really happy :) my day was so successful. Maybe, my futile crush isn't so futile after all...       (How much you want to bet that I'll see him at school on Monday, and complain about how it's futile again? xD) .....DAMN!!!! THIS IS LOOOONG!!!! O.O sry about that ^ ^;;

^ ^ ta ta~

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sleepy =.=

Today I was so sleepy during class > <
Good thing we were watching a movie or else I would've been in sooo much trouble! TT^TT I go to sleep early, but how come I can never stay awake?!  Sigh~ I haven't really been in the "learning" mood lately. All the chaos and drama in school has been getting to my head lately. I just feel so out of it. Plus, it seems to be getting harder and harder to talk to my friends lately. My futile crush hasn't been working out lately either... I don't get to see him that often anymore, so I'm really sad about that. TT^TT My tutoring classes have ended too, so I only get to see him on Tuesdays and Fridays! ...Sigh~ it's like Tamaki's problem with Haruhi. He only got to spend club time with the person he liked too. (I'm talking about something from ouran high school host club anime). Except I can't barge into his class and take him away like Tamaki would for Haruhi xD. I don't think my status with my crush will change anyways, so I guess there's no point in trying anymore...but I will not give up! It's not progressing because I'm just not trying hard enough! Yeah! I can't wait for Friday tomorrow! Hee hee hee ^ ^ I'm going to try my best :D So wish me luck. Gotta go to bed now so tomorrow can come faster.

^ ^ goodnight~

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Book 2 of the ELA

TT^TT *sob sob sob* I ...I think I failed!!!! *sobs some more* TT^TT It's all because of the stupid essay!!! I hate writing essays >.> And when we were sharing about what we wrote in class, everyone was saying all these things that made SENSE. But I wrote a bunch of stupid baloney because I didn't know what to write > < !!! We had to compare and contrast two stories. I didn't know any of the differences so I just wrote baloney! And for the similarities! Oh, don't even get me started. I wrote stuff that was correct, but I wrote it in such a plain fashion, it'll definitely not get me a 4. Everyone used big words, but I was in such a rush, I couldn't think of anything!!! DAMN IT!!! DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!! ...*exhales...inhales...exhales* okay. I'm fine now. Sorry ^ ^;; kind of went crazy there. I just can't yell, so I felt the need to capitalize the letters. I'm just so damn stupid, it's sad. Why am I even in the stupid advanced class?!?! Sigh~ if I go to summer school, I wouldn't be surprised >.> ...and my dad joked around saying he'll just let me repeat a grade :( that's not funny! Anyways, I hope I don't fail... My friend actually started crying after the test just because she didn't finish the conclusion on the test and one short answer question. But she's an EPIC writer, and my English teacher even said she'll still get an EPIC grade even though she didn't finish. ...>.> which makes me really jealous. So after I realize how badly I failed on the ELA, I stopped listening to what the other's wrote on their test. I just felt worse and worse about my writing with every response TT^TT. I started reading a really good book (Demonglass) to help myself ignore the people and keep myself from feeling bad. My teacher then started complaining about how she couldn't understand how we could talk while others were talking and not pay attention. And the way she put it she seemed to be talking about just the people who weren't paying attention. So I was like, "> < I really don't want to pay attention because I'm going to fail anyways, and I don't need people to keep reminding me!" But of course my teacher wouldn't understand that...and I would never tell her that >.>... Plus my teacher would be all like "Why would you think you failed!? Tell me!" and I would be like ">//////< uh...um...well..you see..I" and it just wouldn't go too well. Sigh~ this sucks. I hate this feeling of failure!!! And I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF I FAILED OR NOT!!!! Damn...this really sucks.

Do you ever get bad thoughts after you finish a test? Especially an important test?