About Me

What can I say?

I'm born on January 13. So wish me a happy birthday if you can. :)
I'm Asian, Chinese to be more exact.
Oh, I think you should know that I'm a girl. I think it says that on my profile xD.

I'm a total mega show off.
I'm a little conceited.
I'm sort of a pushover. (it's hard to say no > < ! blame my kind nature)
I'm a total otaku! (who is obsessed and in love with Gundam and Setsuna of course!)
I'm an A on a roll student who is loved by all the teachers. (even though I don't love all of them :P)
I think I use the "xD" face too often.
I'm weird and probably belong in a mental institution.

Now, that really only tells the bare minimum of myself. Thus, I suppose, I shall go into a bit more detail of who I really am.

I'm the kind of person who does whatever I want to do. sometimes, I'm irrational and act on whims. sometimes, I actually plan it out ahead of times. and sometimes, I just go with the flow of whatever everyone else is doing. It really depends on what it is. I like doing whatever I think will be fun/exciting/thrilling. To me, the best reason I could ever have for doing anything in this world is: "because I want to." It's very simple. If I want to do it, then why shouldn't I?

I am easily amused and many things intrigue my interest. However, there are few people who can actually catch my interest. When I can find those special few, I befriend them immediately, and stick to them like glue :). I cannot say what qualities in a person I find attractive because honestly, I don't really know the specifics myself. I can just say that I am friends with every person for a reason ^ ^.... hmm.... and to tell you the truth, I have this strange attraction to humans in general due to how complicatedly beautiful we are as creatures. Even though not everyone is the kind to catch my attention at first, I befriend practically everyone despite this. LOL. I'm not one to judge people entirely by first appearances. Though, I can't honestly say that first impressions don't affect me entirely. I can say, however, that I won't let it stop me from saying "hello", and giving you a chance.

If, at some point, you do me wrong though, I can be a total bitch towards you. . . just saying ^ ^;;. I don't commonly hate on people though. You have to be like super terrible for me to not like you. I forgive and forget very easily =w=b. I'm willing to give second, even third chances. Usually though, it's mostly "three strikes your out", for me. If you can't get it right by the third time, I couldn't really care less about excuses. I just won't like you -end of story-.

I'm a very much a people person. I like being around people, and I find it easy to talk to people. This is probably because I don't like being alone. It's very boring when I'm all by myself, so I don't like solitude very much. I commonly surround myself with people due to this. Sounds kinda sad, but it really isn't. Just how things are xD.

One word to describe me would be "happy." You rarely ever see me show any other kind of emotion. I believe there are just wayy too many things in this world to be glad about for me to possibly ever be sad. Life is too beautiful to experience any other feeling than happiness. I get drunk off of just plain living Cx. Of course, by this, I am not saying that I don't have the occasional things that makes me upset. However, I don't let those moments of weakness consume me. Whenever I stop to think about all the good things in life, I can find it easy to find the bright side of things. I count what I have, instead of what I don't. And with this, I find it a little easier to smile each day ^__^. I'm just a very happy-go-lucky girl~ who laughs like there's no tomorrow.

To be honest, I'm kind of manly xD;;. LOL. I find it easier to walk like a man. to dress like a man. to talk like a man. to eat like a man. It's just much more fun to be ..well a man xD. However, I am not a man. Which is okay with me~. Despite how I feel about this, I still love being a female <3. I love being pretty 8D. LOL.
Although, the way society wants girls to be is like annoying as fawk, and totally unfair. Therefore, when I'm in public, I walk like a girl. dress like a girl. talk like a sailor. and eat like a man. LOL. When I'm with close friends (most commonly female ones), I walk like a man. dress like I'm at home. talk like a sailor. and eat like a pig. This is how I am with people xD. I don't give a flying cow what society thinks of how I act.

I try to be very understanding towards other people. I hate feeling alone or like no one understands me, so I try help others not feel that way as much as possible. Most of the time, I feel utterly useless though. Even though I have an understanding of what the person is feeling, I still am unable to find the right things to say to them. I really hate the feeling of being useless. that I can't help someone in their time of need. in their dark moments. I believe people are most beautiful when they're happy. With this thought, I want everyone to be happy. I try my best to comfort people... and hopefully, my best will be good enough :'|

Anyways, I am a really lazy person. I am so lazy that I find breathing to be an utter chore. It takes so much long muscles and chest movement and nostril/mouth movement. Walking even 20 steps away from my desk just to go get a book or something is another example of how I'm lazy. However, if I can get really motivated, I'm like unstopable >D. My lazyness will be smothered to nothing, and I'd do anything and everything. but that is only if I can be motivated ^___^.

And to sweetly end this long ass thing-a-ma-bob-er about myself, I'll share some quotes that I live my life by. C:

"Always look at the glass half full, and not half empty."
"Don't take life seriously. No one makes it out alive, anyways."
"Don't do things half assed."
"A second spent being said, is a second of happiness you'll never get back."
"No guts, no glory."

live. love. smile. <3.