Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Only in New York?

I love riding the subway.
New York has one of the largest, I think.
Some don't like riding public transport, but I love it. Some of my best stories come from the time I spend on the subway.

For instance, today, I saw the beast and the beauty of the subway.

On my way to school, it was majorly crowded on the train this morning. I hadn't had the best morning since I woke up late. Didn't even get to wash my face or brush my hair. Felt kind of gross. But I was looking forward to my trip on the subway because I wanted to read Fifty Shades of Grey. I just started it. When I got to the subway, I was met with a throng of people in every cart. Luckily, I was somehow able to squeeze myself into one of the carts. In the crowd, there was a big, square cart about average four people wide right dead center. Taking up so much space. A black lady (no racism in the word "black" >.< it's just easier to type) was sitting there, stated her possession of the massive cart by placing her hand on the corner. I wasn't bothered by the cart though because people have the bring their stuff one way or another. To my displeasure though, after a couple of stops, the black lady suddenly gets up, throws her bag on the seat, and starts yelling. "What is wrong with you? Don't touch me!" The subway begins to get so crowded that I assume this korean lady accidently touched the black lady on her way onto the train. The two get into an argument. The black lady goes on accusing the Korean lady of touching her, while the Korean lady denies it. Eventually, it heats up into a racist argument. The black lady goes on to call the Korean lady a foreigner, tells her to "Go back to China!", and that she has no manners. The Korean lady is angry, but doesn't know what to say. Her only defense is, "I'm Korea!" Her English isn't so good, but that's how I know she was Korean. The black lady ignores her statement, and continues to insult the Chinese race, thinking it'd insult the Korean lady...
"Get your green card, and go back to China, you foreigner!"
"Chinese people are so rude and impolite. so dirty! [ruining all the toilets]!"
"Talk English! You don't even know nothing about English!"
"Jesus Christ is the true God! Buddha is the false god!"
"My people built up America. You don't belong here. I was born in America. This is my country! Foreigner!"
It was a continuous string of these statements from the black lady. She continued to ramble throughout the whole train ride. The Korean lady just laughed at her, shook her head, and continued her own business. Knowing it was a fight not worth fighting.

Now, I'd like to first state that... it don't tell a Korean person to go back to China. >___> If you're going to insult a person, at least do it right. Also... Buddha isn't necessarily a god.... he's a person worshipped for being able to reach enlightenment. So he can't be a false god, if he isn't thought of as a god in the beginning(?)
I can't believe she'd make fun of the Korean lady's English when, although choppy, she still made somewhat grammatical sense, whereas the black lady was talking in improper English and spoke with so many double negatives ^^;;....
Her people built up America... but Asians built the railroads and make the majority of products used in America >____>. so I think everyone deserves a little credit here? ^^;.
If the Korean lady was seen to be rude (for accidently touching someone and defending herself from verbal attacks), then the black lady was mean! Insulting someone's race (a race in which half the people of the train was) and yelling in the morning. ALSO, she disrupted my reading ;A;. I re-read the same paragraph like eight times because I couldn't concentrate T^T.

Finally, the train reaches my stop, and I'm able to get off.  I transfer onto the next train. This young and light-blonde lady gets onto the train in a tight fit. She explains that she absolutely has to get onto the train as she attempts to kindly  (or as kindly as you can) push people into the train. Her dark mascara contrasting against her pale, white skin. As she's struggling to get her stuff together, I hear this dark colored man (Hispanic, black, or brown. I didn't get a good look at him) say "Hey, I know you from somewhere." The two of them talk. And eventually, I learn that they're both dancers. In their young mid-twenties most likely. You hear them trade stories, knowledge, and experiences. Their passion was thick in the air while they spoke of their attempts to make what they love into their career. You can even see a bit of chemistry going on between them. or at least a blossoming friendship.

And that's why I think New York is a curious, wonderful place. There's so many different kinds of people. You'll see so many different kinds of things each day. I mean I do at least every time I go to school. It's like mini-dramas in each train :o

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Review(ish): Internship Movie

Watched the movie the Internship. starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson.
It's starts off with these two salesmen losing their jobs. They find themselves in a summer internship program with Google. The internship program is filled with brilliant young adolescents, all with skills in technology and things of the sort. However, these two men are of a quite older audience, and have trouble connecting with the other interns as there is a clash of old and new. The movie continues to show their struggle, and how they attempt to overcome them.

In my opinion, it was pretty good ^o^.
I mean how much you enjoy the movie probably depends on your sense of humor. I watched it with Narib and Chouchou. For me, there were some parts that I couldn't stop laughing at! But these same parts didn't even crack a smile on Chouchou. Vice versa happened as well. Chouchou would sometimes be rocking in the movie theater seat bursting, and I didn't feel as though the same part was that funny. At those times, I was just laughing at how funny his reaction was XD. It's good to watch it with friends, you kind of get to know them. Nairb and I laughed at the same things.

For the characters, I really liked the female character in the movie. She was so COOL. >w<. All the inters were these very smart kids who had all these crazy skills, but they either had problems or were super snobby. But the girl intern was very relatable for me! She talked about cosplay, anime, fanfiction, made a yaoi-ish reference, and even mentioned hentai. Like I don't read hentai, but I find it incredibly funny that they mentioned it XD. It was just like OMGS~ seeing her. I mean, usually this kind of character in a movie would be a geeky-boy into comic books. This time it was a girl into anime and fanfiction with cool shoes >w<.

The lesson of the movie was pretty straightforward. Everyone has their own skills and things that make them special. Don't give up on a dream, no matter how unlikely it may seem. Try your best and stick to what you believe in. I found 'don't be an asshole" to be a very strongly expressed lesson XD.

Inspired thought into me as it talked about how many kids these days can have the best education and still not be guaranteed a job. I wonder what I'm going to do... :P

Overall, I liked it. The plot was able to surprise me. It seemed predictable at first, but they have a few tricks up their sleeves. And it really causes you to get attached to the characters, and the events in the movie. I enjoyed it :)

(Spoiler) Favorite part is when the Asian guy gets drunk. looked like he was about to go super saiyan XD.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Just Write Happy Things!


Carry around a pen and a packet of sticky notes.
When you're bored waiting for the bus, or have nothing better to do, just leave a sticky note where someone can find it. Share a happy quote, or phrase, or anything. Just make it positive!
The idea is knowing that you possibly brightened someone's day.


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sitting on the subway ride home. I love it when I hold his hand. feel him close around my fingers with a slight squeeze. as if he fears of losing me if he doesn't. and then I rest my head on his shoulder. he rests his head on mine. he squeezes my hand again.

It is in this moment that I feel like dying.
because every other moment seems to pale in comparison.
But then I live, anticipating the next moment.
Living in the same city. Still two hours apart. Stuck on my end. Sigh.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

I Love His Laugh

I love it when my boyfriend laughs at my jokes. LOL.

I mean, a lot of people laugh at my jokes (because I'm SO funny :P), but I feel so accomplished when I make my boyfriend laugh XD. idky, I'm weird. shh. Plus, I love hearing him laugh and smile. It's like the picture of happiness ;w;. music to my ears. the feels of love. XD. idk.. don't question me!

So I've decided to make that a new requirement for boyfriend worthiness. He has to understand my sense of humor XD. my very cracked up, awful sense of humor. LOL.

AND ALSO. I've been busy with studying and homework and life and nonsense, so I haven't posted anything like LEGIT these days. but I shall get around to it as school is amoslt overrr. YESHH. //tears of joy.
I have a lot to share, since I got them summer plans Cx.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Skill In This Post. ♥


lol. let's just say this improvement is due to the amount of boredom school provides me xD.

The first picture is of random doodles.
Second picture is reference based drawing of Vi from League of Legends.

Dad got new laser printer. Unplugged old printer. Old printer had scanner. Bunch of junk blocking plug to old printer. wasn't able to scan picture of Vi ;A;.

I'm bragging here. But shhhh. I have rights? XD

Saturday, June 1, 2013

RE: Operation Change the World~

When I was in middle school, I found this cool idea on how to "change" the world in my own small little way. (original post about it here: ). Basically, I got these little index cards that remind people that "the world isn't as bad as you think. Smile," and I posted it around the place.

It wasn't too successful in middle school though because I started with like 90, and I have like 70 left o3o. That's because my middle school didn't really allow it >___< and I wasn't allowed out to the extent that I could post it around public places D;

HOWEVER. I'm in high school now, and I'm thinking about trying it once more. I see people post this kind of stuff around my high school too, so I know I have the legits ability ^o^.

If you wanna partake in this for your schools, here's the photo that you can save and print out.
I know one of the commenters on the original post wants it, so perhaps others do too? >w<. It's for a good cause~.

A while back, I also created this other thing that my middle school guidance counselor allowed me to post up. I thought it was pretty cool, so I'll share it too ^_____^.

A lot of people took one of the little slips. Mostly females. Haha. But I was passing by the guidance room when I saw someone take it, and it made them smile. That's the purpose of this. To cause a change, no matter how small it may seem!

So I'm thinking about starting up this operation again. C: