Thursday, May 23, 2013

Everyday is an Event to Love (Now)

I love calendars. Being a visual learner, it really helps to see what kind of events are coming up, and be able to imagine how close they are to coming. I love checking off each day. On a school week, counting the days until Friday or Saturday. Checking off the days, waiting for something big to happen. Always waiting for any day but today. I like to print out a customized calendar for each month. I have this special place on my wall where I place my calendars. I've had one since September of seventh grade. It became like a day-diary kind of thing.

This tradition though... died since last February. February of 2013. I've been meaning to get back at it, but never really felt as motivated as before. stopped feeling the need to make it. and I've always wondered why.

Today, I figured it out.

It'll sound corny (aka this is a warning), but I think it has to do with Nairb.
February was the month we got together (ps. so we've been together for three months now! yesterday, the 22nd, was the official month-a-versary day ♥).
And... my theory is, maybe I stopped making calendars because I had something more to look forward to then checking off another day on a calendar. I have seeing Nairb to look forward to.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Conceited... ish?

You know, sometimes, I feel pretty conceited.
I'll look in the mirror or at a picture of myself, and be like "Umph. That's one sexy chick. *wink."
But I'm not conceited enough to think I'm the sexiest chick out there.
And when I realize that I'm not the best, I get upset.

LOL. then I look in the mirror again, and I'm like "Umph. That's one sexy chick. *wink." XD.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I started listening to music on the subway again.
Not really a good thing.
Means I have too much on my mind and Im trying to block it out :P

Sunday, May 5, 2013

I Fear for My Childrens' Stuff Animals

LOL. So I think my thighs are getting to fat, or my jeans are too old beacuse I found a hole in it the other day! It was a tiny hole though, so I thought "Hey, I can fix this!" I gathered my needle and thread, and began my patch work. And I found out... sewing is A LOT harder than I thought ;A;.
I took me three times before I finally got in a good strong patch up. The first two times, I sewed it up, put it on, and the hole oppened up again T^T. But as the saying goes, third time's the charm :'D. It finally stayed closed. lol. but it looks awful xD. I mean it does the job, so it's okay. but still. I only fear for my children when their favorite stuff animal rips. LOL.
I took some pictures of it with my phone though. just to show for fun :'D. Like my creepy needle holder thing? >w<

Saturday, May 4, 2013

So I've decided that when I turn 18, the first thing I'm going to do is....
buy something from an infomercial :3

Wednesday, May 1, 2013