Saturday, March 31, 2012

Simply Complicated

Today. Today was a day. Just a plain day, no different from any other day. The world got a bit bigger, maybe better. I grew a little smarter. Probably learned a bunch of stuff without even realizing it. Not as in 1+1, but like life experiences. I rolled up my sleeves, and got working. I was cleaning today. It's been awhile :P. My smile brightened. The clean feeling was nice. And I started thinking about my life. The image of normalcy, simplicity with its routinely ways. It's contently satisfying. And I keep thinking. What am I so happy about... most people feel a need for excitement, drama. In all honesty, I wish I could escape drama, but it seems to follow me unintentionally... >__>. Bound to my ways, problems are like shackles of burden. Oh God, what to do about it? :T

I did the dishes and wiped the table. Thought about this and that. It made me kind of sad. So I tore my mind away from those thoughts, and fiddled with the TV. It wouldn't work for some reason. I realized I was running. Running away from what bothered me deep down. Sigh. I've run far enough to not worry about it anymore. But I think I've ran a little too far, and reached the north pole or something because I feel a bit numb inside. Dunno how to explain it, but I haven't been able to get hyped up about something in awhile. I've lost my motivation to do things. It's complicated.

Somehow, I'm happy though. Despite all the weird emotions going on inside me, life is pretty nice. When I was little, life wasn't like this. I used to never know what would happen the next day, or where I would be. Everything was filled with uncertainty, always changing. Nothing was stable. It was terrible. Now though, it's different. I live in a cozy lil' place in NY. I go to school, have fun with friends, and come home. The next day is the same. A fun day to me is taking the whole family out to Carvel or maybe a quick trip to the park. Something simple like that can make me happy.

Some people would count going to five star restaurants or on a cruise trip as something luxurious and fun. But sometimes simple things aren't so bad either.

Those weird emotions I was talking about are probably just normal teen stuff. ...well semi-normal stuff because nothing involving me is ever normal xD. Sigh, but even so, it's not that great of me to ignore the issue. I do that a lot. Whatever makes me upset is quickly tossed away, sent to the darkest corner of my heart. I don't like thinking about it. I don't like things involving it. Like I said earlier, I run away from whatever dare threatens my happy-self. I suppose it's how I stay so "optimistic". But it's still not a good way to handle the bad things in life. ^ ^;; if I treat all problems in life like this, than I'll never learn anything from them.

But I don't wanna deal with the sad stuff ;A; because it'll make me sad. (redundant, but true :P). Sigh. What a dilemma, ne? :T


  1. it's me Katrina who is too lazy to type into the name/url thing.
    you're right. simple things can be the most fun things.

    can you write chapter 9 of the truth or dare thing? please~

  2. AL:
    You are still little. XD me being two steps ahead of you makes u littler ne?(yea I feel like bragging) :P like seven up , simpler is better.

  3. hi gleek kun here
    ... well this is very strange
    so when u have a problem u push it away right? and now this certain problem is coming back and makeing u sad right?
    well its bad to do that cause they will just pille up and u might get deppression talk to rin or the guidence counsler hehehehehehehehehehehehe using ur own tactics againgst ur other guy friend against u
    i know how u feel bout the little things make u happy
    r u sure this might be cause ur feeling tensed up cause ur on ur period
    okay wt* did i just say

  4. derp
    it's Katrina again
    I was thinking that if you even feel weird, writing is kind of a good way to get your feelings out. you don't even need to write about your feelings. you can write whatever you want. it could even be a story that doesn't make sense. as long as it helps you feel better ^ ^

    should I re send you part 2 of the story on your roleplay blog that i wanted you to post up?

  5. To Katrina-chan,

    Glad you agree ^w^

    And I would write the truth or dare, but ..^ ^;; tbh, I'm kinda too lazy to.
    Ask Jessa-chan? xD;;

    ps. gomen nasi ^ ^;; about the roleplay. again, too lazy. //feelsguiltyforbeinglazyy.

    i've let you down OTL //sobb

    To Cal,

    er- I mean Calculating Angel :P
    (sorry, I refuse to call you "AL" now. No offense, but you're not cool enough to use the name 'Lawliet' ^ ^;; )

    Uh... no ^ ^;;. Despite being two grades ahead, you're still younger. So unfortunately, you'll always be 'littler' XD.

    sorry, that was mean. but someone has to put you in your place for being so cocky. ^w^ yea...

    To Gleek-kun,

    *cough gee thanks for calling me strange. ///scarcasm.

    LOL yea, that is a very fail attempt to "use my own tactic against me". ^ ^;; my situation and yours is very different. sorry to burst your bubble :P.

    and no =___________= I'm not on my period.

    gosh, you're an awkward person. please, remember that you're a GUY, and shouldn't be asking such questions >_______>.

    ps. work on your grammar :P

  6. Gosh, am I the only one who bothers to SIGN IN? D; (feels like a nerd)

    Anywho~ Woah~ Emiko got smart with all of your guys, hm? I have taught you well, my dear. ;D

    Oh, except for Katrina. Everyone needs to be nice to Katrina! Or Norway will troll you..? (LOL that's a pun! I'm so awesome~ LOL JK)

    I'm a an oddly happy/eccentric mood, so please excuse my rudeness/randomness/weirdness xD;;

  7. @Emiko:
    How come I'm littler? aren't we both 13?? =____=
    *also signs in*

  8. hi gleek kun here
    @calculating angel
    emiko is 14 she turned 14 on jan 13
    ur gonna have to deal with sad stuff or else ur just gonna become a scared little b**** who runs away from her problems
    i now im bein mean and probably my grammer and spelling is off but its true
    wats the point of ur comment

  9. She's older? =__= granny Emiko. xD
    @Geek: thanks for the info. (excluding L since Semi won't call me Lawliet).

  10. @Emiko
    sure. I'll ask Jessa. But I'm going to write part 8.5 first. Then I'll ask her XD I just came up with an idea for what to write

    you're like the pun master or something.

    you spelled grammar wrong. and what does "r't" mean? and the point of Rin's post was that she is in a good mood. And that you will be trolled by a really sexy country- //shottodeath

    Norway probably trolled Denmark already XD


  11. *facepalm. =3=;;.

    Y'all havin' a good time with your lil' convos on meh blog like this? XD
    It's totally going away from the subject of the original blog post.


    To Cal,
    Semi is a TERRIBLE nickname !!
    it makes me feel like half of what I am :V

    And no~ I'm not a granny ;A; //sobb.
    take it back >3<.

    But yea, you're still 'littler' xD hahaa

    To Gleek-kun,
    Gosh, thanks for saying that I have problems and for calling me a bitch. very rude =3=. if all you're going to do is insult me, please keep your comments to yourself.

    And I do talk to Rin-chan about these things.
    It's not like I'm depressed or something. It's not that serious. I'm just talking about the little problems that bother everyone sometimes :P

    To Katrina,
    LOL Yea, I'm pretty sure Rin-chan's comment was probably to just to inform people of her good mood. She's weird like that xD

    Also, r't means aren't... I think ^ ^;;.

    And again, so sorry for not helping with the roleplay anymore ;A; //shamee~

  12. To Emiko;
    That's what it's supposed to mean. But offer rejected (sees "Cal") <__< nah kidding Emiko. Though I refuse to be littler than you! your not a granny but not a canary either. Uh, where was I? yes I do not under any circumstances want to be called little or related words to little.
    To Geek:
    I keep my business out of your comments but you called her that? sheesh, the gentleman you are :V

  13. ...Interesting convos, but...y'all do know that "littler" is grammatically incorrect, ne?

  14. To Cal,
    LOL were you trying to make some kind of joke? or did you just use the word canar because it rhymed with granny? xDD.

    *pats Cal's head* It's okay. ^3^ It's hard for people to accept the truth. I mean you can't be superior than everyone~.

    And I see no wrong with the name Cal tbh, so why don't you like it~? :3

    To Anonymous,
    Yea, I know "littler" isn't really grammatically correct, but it helps the human brain to not think so much all the time xD.
    I mean, I'm too lazy to come up with a grammatically correct word ^3^

  15. it's the Faerie Hero.
    just kidding. you can guess who it is.

    maybe instead of "littler" you can use "younger"

    I found a bunch of Nordic headcannons. Apparently Denmark and Finland are drinking buddies XD

  16. Uhh... aren't you not suppose to reveal your age online? O.o
    Stalkers are online
    Al is The Calculating Angel? I guess you learn something new everyday.
    Well Nyu-san calls you "grandma" though Emiko. XD
    Cal is not a bad name you know
    Faerie Hero... Faerie Hero... where did I heard that name? ^_^
    I don't think Gleek-kun was a gentleman in the first place...
    I signed it :D
    Lol aren't we nerds? (excludes Cal XP)
    I mean, we are in a honors class :D
    SEMI IS A BAD NAME TO CALL EMIKO! (point is across :D)
    "Younger" would be right to say but who says we had to be grammatically correct in the first place? Freedom of speech! (Who cares about grammar? Besides English teachers and Faerie Hero here and other people that I'm too lazy to say right now XD)
    Haha, this is a response to almost everything mentioned already.
    15 comments! (Besides mine!) A LOT!
