Monday, January 30, 2012

Just Shut Me Up PLEASE XD

I have no ideas what to write about at the moment.
LOL So I guess I'll tell you something interesting that I've talked about with my friends a few times.
Yea, been saving this idea as a back up plan XD because not everyday can be an "exciting" one.

Okay, so you know what I'm going to do when I'm older? LOL Y'all should know that I'm planning to live up to a 100 years old at the very least :) I'm hoping to find a guy who'll try to live with me until then XD. Haha so you really really gotta love me because I'm planning on staying with you for quite a while~.
Anyways, I have a very bad mouth. It always just spits out the stupidest words ever XD.

LOLOL I'm not sure if I should even tell you this because it's kinda awkward...but what the hell XD I'll tell you anyways !

Okay, so me and Luka-chan fight ALL the time ! LOL We're the best of friends ever, and we always laugh together very much. But sometimes we'll just fight over the stupidest things, and get into big arguments. Our way of fighting is weird. LOL We do a lot of poking (ahhaha no hair pulling XD). And instead of cursing we usually shout weird stuff at each other like "You giant green hulk, king kong impersonator ! Yammy loves you!" ROFL XD So yea we make no sense.

Anyways, one time after a fight, I had made a very bad comment. That I feel so stupid for XD
I was like "Isn't it funny that we're so friendly one moment and then fucking each other the next?"

I meant like arguing, but the F-word came out instead XD. Like you know how people put the F curse infront of like every words and what not? Haha well I do that to some words, so it came out weird.  <--yeaa there's my stupid explanation XD BUT YOU GOTTA BELIEVE ME !


I wish life had a undo button !!!! XD ROFL

LMAO Anyways ! we laughed about that the rest of the day (and a few after that XD). We plan to call each other at the age of 90-something, where we're all old. We're going to call each other and be like "Hey, Emiko! Remember that time when you said that funny thing?" And we're going to be laughing like crazy to the point our dentures come loose, and we choke to death on them. LOL Then ! since I'm going to live up to a 100, someone will come save us, and we're going to move in with each other.
YES! I plan on living with Luka-chan in my old age (or maybe neighbors at the very least). I'd rather live with my friends, and help each other out instead of having some random person from an old folk's home take care of me XP. I mean that's so boring :3 and unoriginal. LOL How are a bunch of old people going to take care of each other when they can't take care of themselves? I don't know XD But like everything else in life, I'm just going to wing it, and see what happens :'D
Oh, and don't be all negative on me and be like "What if you two don't keep in contact~?" LOL Not a problem! Because I'ma hire a professional detective to find her for me :'D. I might try to find her myself x3 but knowing me, I'd fail. So I'ma just go w/ a pro detective :3.

So this is my retirement plan:
1. grow old (no shit sherlock XD)
2. be rich ( //hopeful :'D )
3. live happily and complete bucket list
(I should share my list with chu guys! I have the weirdest things on there XD)
4. grow even older
5. laugh w/ Luka and live nearby her :)

Oh ho ho~ I'm so immature x3 lololol. But I can dream~ !

*forever a scone~ :'D

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Today I'm Happyyy~

First off, I want to say. AWWW <3333!!!! I FEEL SO LOVED DAMMIT!! TTwTT
When I wrote my post about crying, all my friends asked me if I was okay. Kyaaa~ I'm glad people care about me TTwTT *tears of joy* //emotional. LOL But there's nothing to worry. I mean it's true that I do bottle some things up, but doesn't everybody? I didn't write that post the other day because I broke down into depression or something. I just got emotional after watching a drama :'). What I said was still true~ in my post. But there's nothing for you to worry about ^___^


Wah~ I didn't post yesterday (even though a lot happened).
I was busy~ ..uh what was I busy with? ...chatting with friends.
So yea~ I was like chatting with five different people. Sigh. My fingers aren't fast enough !! oh ew >__>. lolol sorry perverted thinking there for  a second.
Anyways ! like I mentioned earlier, a lot happened yesterday~. I went to Luka-chan's house! Rin-chan and Katrina-chan was there too. ^____^. Haha it was fun. We had to practice for our Spanish restaurant skit performance on Tuesday (ehyuck~! xP). But it was fun practicing XD so many bloopers !!
I went to Luka-chan's house a bit earlier than the others~. LOLOL LUKA TOTALLY SCARRED ME FOR LIFE

OMG guess what she made me do?? >________<;;
^Some auto tune edited video of a news report. LOL It's catchy ~ XD. That guy is so stupid, and the way he talks is so funnyyy~!!


XDD damn ! that stupid song is stuck in my head !! OTL
Probably doesn't help if I'm listening to it on youtbue on reply XDDD LMAO it's just so catchy XD

LOL The bed intruder song wasn't even the worst part !! After the bed intruder song, oh gawd I don't even want to say it. XDD. So embarassing !!. LOLOL But I'll tell you people anyways ! The world should know how much I'm tortured XDDD.
ROFL XD Only Kuroshitsuji fans know what I'm talking about XDD. Oh gawd, Ciel's sweat and head movements. Kyaaa~~ especially when he flips his head back. and aaaaahhhhg the panting. >///////////////////////////////< oh gawd the panting. !!!! It's like second hand pornnnn! OH GAWD I'ma change the subject now !! XDD
(haha if you want to know what the hell I'm talking about. just youtube search "kuroshitsuji corset scene" XDDD I WARN YOU!)

Ah ha haa anyways, after we finished practicing our Spanish restaurant skit, we started doing some random crapp man ! LOL I was doing hand stands (XD with the help of leaning against a wall). And we were working on different exercises. At some point we all started raping Luka-chan. LOLOL Meaning we got pillows, and attacked her with some tickling involved XD.
And we found her stash of drawings. LOL she tried hiding it from us, but I figured out it was under the bed xD. The only problem was that she was in the room, so she wouldn't let me access them. Haha so me and Rin-chan teamed up ! I tried to pin her down, while Rin-chan went to go get the drawings under the bed. But DAMN Luka-chan is so strong XDD LOL I couldn't hold her down. Hahaha sighh we're so weird XD.

Then I had a lovely walk home with Rin-chan ^__^ because we live about down the street from each other~.

ps. Oi, here's my answer to that question ~ (LOL You know who you are~ x3)

I selected this post to be featured on Please visit the site and vote for my blog!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Crying Ain't So Bad ?

Is it weird that I sort of semi-like crying?
I don't know how to explain why very well... It's just, usually I am a happy person. . . I'm not sure if I'm happy for myself or... for others. Do I try to look strong so others won't worry? or am I strong on my own? I don't really know the answer to that. This happy attitude didn't really start until fifth~sixth grade to be honest. Why? Well, hm... can you keep a secret? LOL probably not, but I guess I'll tell you anyways. A lot of people for some reason believes I don't know the meaning of sadness or pain. Probably because I act so happy all the time. Those people are unfortunately wrong... When I was little.. well let's just say I didn't have the best childhood a person could have. And when I finally got out of the bad situation I was in, I couldn't talk about it. No, it's more like I didn't want to talk about it. To make people not ask, I became "happy." Making people think I'm okay, bottling things up, acting happy; I've become good at it. Eventually, I've fooled myself into really thinking I am. It's been this way for a long time. Don't get me wrong, I've come to learn how to be happy. When I laugh with my friends at school or give someone a warm smile, it's certainly not fake (well..maybe sometimes. depends). But because I bury my pain so deep into my heart that I don't even recognize it anymore, I've come to be fascinated by the act of crying. I try so hard not to that when I actually do cry, I don't try to wipe the tears off my cheeks in a hurry. I don't try to stop myself. It's weird. I'm strange. Crazy. I know. But it let's me know that I'm human. that I have emotions, and I'm glad I do. Nothing  recent has really caused me to cry for real though. But for like books, or t.v. shows, and etc. I've cried out of empathy. I'm too empathetic that it happens often (my dad finds it funny and very amazing at the same time >__>). I don't know though. Some people say there's not point in crying. Crying is just useless. It doesn't do anything. I'd have to disagree with that though. Crying let's me move on. When I cry, I get all the sadness and pain out. So afterwards, I don't regret anything, and it helps clear my mind.
I like screaming out of rage too... but that's a story for another time xD.
I'll leave this post short because it's midnight x___x and I need to seriously sleep. I've only been surviving through school with like only 5 hours of sleep. I'm going to die if I don't get at least eight hours tonight xP.

ps. gomen ne~ this post is... slightly depressing ^ ^;;. I've just.. I guess bottled up so much in my life time thus far, that I just need to get some of it out~. I mean, why have a blog if I can't say what I feel whenever the hell I want to?

pss. to friends: please don't worry about me ^ ^;;. I haven't gone into depression or anything. There's nothing wrong with me. See *smiles* :D I'm fine. No asking me 'bout this later~ xP.
to Gleek-kun: I mean it when I say don't ask me about this later =___= it's an order~! :|

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bloody Stupid Heart!

Sigh. Where to begin today?

Hmm... I can chose to complain about an odd fellow I know or I could talk about a surprising event that involves someone of my past~. LOL I wonder which one would be more interesting~ x3. Well, it's doesn't take brain science to know that the majority of you (my readers) are more curious about the past someone, so I suppose I'll talk about them~ :P

Today is Wednesday (no shit xD thats obvious~), and I usually tutor this second-year school girl with Choco-chan. However, today Choco-chan didn't come to the tutoring session because she's presenting her Spanish project tomorrow, and needed to prepare. Thus, I had to walk home alone ;___; bad things always happen when I walk home by myself. I don't know why. I guess it's just apart of the many curses placed upon me xP (ex. of other curse would be that I am not able to write any kind of short story). An example of how bad things  happen when I walk home by myself is that I always trip on those little cracks in the sidewalks. And like 20 (er-more like 2~3) of those people who give out flyer pop out of no where. I don't take the flyer from them because I am not interested in the flyer, so I always feel rude ^ ^;;. Thus, I count meeting flyer people as a bad event xD. Anyways, today something ..not so bad, but still bad-ish happened on my way home today.
On my way home, I always pass by this park. And that park has fun memories :'D. There was this guy I used to like (I'll call him Fungus xD). Every time I passed by the park, I'd see him playing handball (a game where you just whack a ball on a wall xD). Even though I don't like him anymore, I still have the habit of checking to see if he's there. He doesn't play so much (cuz he's like busy or something :P). So as I was passing by, I saw him today!! I was so shocked because he hasn't been there since last school year ended (meaning I haven't seen him since last June). A-a-and he... he cut off his hair TT^TT. I shall remind you that I have a hair fetish, and Fungus (xD) had really nice hair.... well his hair was actually normal, but it complimented his face very well, so he was very cute looking >w<. But now he's like ..idk how to explain...well to put it simply, he's ugly XD.

For some reason though, when I saw him my bloody, stupid heart (lol english accent xD) was pounding inside my chest. It wouldn't stop Dx. I wanted to talk to him :3 or at least say "Hi". I act pretty gutsy sometimes, but to be honest I'm a gutless chicken xP. I just kind of stood there and stared at him in awe xD. But then he started walking towards my direction. LOL no not because he saw me or something wonderful like that~. It's because the handball bounced over in my direction. After that I started to speed-walk away xD I got scaredd~. I kept staring back at him as I kept walking. He noticed me, but didn't recognize me (we were like er- 15~20 ft away?). Gosh, what a douche >3< can't believe he doesn't remember my face. Hmm...or maybe he did. Because when he looked up at me he kept staring, but I turned away. He did too, but kept looking back a few times. LOL sigh. Things could have turned out a lot cuter (perhaps a bit more romantic?) if I had the courage to say something as simple as "Hi~! :D" and wave my arms about in the air like a girl who's trying to act normal would.

But no~ I kept walking home xD. sigh. Even when I got a safe-ish distance away, my heart still wouldn't stop its god damn pounding. LOL when my heart rate speeds up, and I get embarrassed, I have this habit of taking my fist and gently pat my chest with it at the same rate as my heart beat. I dunno why~. Perhaps I hope my heart won't feel the need to pound so hard if my hand was :P.

Argh, but I hate that I feel this way. I feel so stupid =3=.

LOL but it don't matter because he's not the one I love anymore~. (well I never really loved him before~. it was more a deep liking :P)

So yea~ that was my terrible run in with a person from the past. come after re-reading this, I find what I'm talking about unimportant? xD;; I make it sound like such a major issue, but nothing happened ^ ^;; . sigh. answer: I'm an idiot :P

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Dusty and Old

 Who has the crappiest vice principal ?

*raises hand* I do~ !! :O

I seriously don't like my vice principal ! >:|
She is very very very stupid. That woman is a damn child laborer !! You should see her! It's like she has a sweat shop in the school or something because you got students going in and out of her room, and she's just barking orders. I mean, I am not her god damn slave !! But she thinks it's okay to have do all her dirty work; which is quite ironic due to her ..ethnicity. Gomen~ if that's rude ^ ^;; I was just re-studying that a bit not too long ago, so it came to mind. Anyways, I am so sick of that woman.
Today she made me miss my lunch period (when I was super hungry because I had stupidly forgotten to eat breakfast). And because she made me lose my lunch period, in return she gave me some crappy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches xP. She also made me miss my last two periods, social studies and spanish. I was so sad D': because I really like social studies class. My teacher is so cool x3. He has a silver trumpet from WWII and a talking Ronald Ragen barbie doll action figure. LOL XD I guess you have to be nerdy like me (and hear the full story) to feel the full impact of how cool that is. But Spanish I don't mind missing XD. I don't do anything in that class~. The only thing I learned was "Por Que !?" Which I love to say in dramatic times because you see that in Spanish dramas a lot XD. The only problem I have with staying with that slave laborer is that she got me in trouble !! My Spanish teacher got all pissed off at me because I didn't tell her that I'd miss her class. I thought the slave laborer told her !! So that's why I didn't or else I would. TT^TT Now the relationship between my Spanish teacher and I will probably be a bit hostile. Sigh... >___> I'm a nerd, and work hard to stay on my teacher's good side (even if I don't like them), so this sucks Dx.

Anyways, guess what I had to do ? She stuck me and Choco-chan, and another one of my classmates, into a dusty old god forsaken book room !! A book room ! You should have seen how many dust bunnies we found! We were sent in there to go look for certain books. Did I mention that I'm allergic to dust? But it's okay... >__> I didn't get too bad of an allergic reaction. Anyways, what pisses me off more is all the books they have in this book room. There are all the good classics like The Scarlet Letter, Huckleberry Fin, Romeo and Juliet, and tons of other ones. With like 25 copies or more of each ! I was so tempted to steal some xD. There are also a few by Laurence Yep. I'm reading Dragon Wings by him, and I really like it :D. So I was very curious to the books I saw by him. He really likes writing books about Asian people and/or Dragons. Both subjects in which I am quite curious/interested in xD. Too bad I couldn't have any TT^TT. There was also this book called Chinese Cinderella:tales of an unwanted daughter (or something like that xD). I want to read that one! I'm thinking of checking it out from the library. But I got to finish the Percy Jackson book. Sigh. so much to read @___@.

<-- I was stuck in this tiny, dusty room for 2 and half hours doing terrible slave work !!
LOL but I climbed up and down the shelves xD. It was fun, and I felt like a monkey. Haha only good part about being stuck with this book cleaning job.

While in that dusty place, we found Alice in Wonderland. LOL But the pictures for that book is mad weird. Do you see her neck?! And such stubby arms too XD. Like wtf is this?? My school is like 50-something years old, so it has really old books (with like 5 different layers of dust xP). So this version of Alice must be very old fashion or something. ^ ^;; I always picture Alice to be very pretty and whatnot. But this is like the deformed mishap child of Frankenstein XD. Frankenstein and Sherlock Holmes were also two other classics we found in the book room.

Anyways, yadda yadda complain complain. I could go on and on about how much my vice principal sucks, but I got a ton of homework to do. So I'ma end my blog post like this xD.

Ciaosu~ ;D

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sorry. Sorry for being such an idiot ;____;

sigh... ;____________; I'm. A. Terrible. Person.
So. Much. Damn. Guilt. Has. Collected. And. I. Am. Such. A. Douche. D':
This. God. Damn. Rain. Fits. My. Mood. So. Damn. Well.
Damn. You. God. Forsaken. Rain. !!! .
*sob sob sniffle sniffle* TT^TT. I. Am. A. Terrible. Person.

;_____; I'm so sorry. I should have realized it sooner. I'ma total bitch.
I ... I.... wahhhh~ *breaks down crying* I'msosorrycouldyoueversforgivemeplease??? No... I'm not worthy of your humble pity TT____TT. I don't deserve someone so nice as you. I'm like the worthless dirt beneath your feet. the bothersome pebble in your shoe. the itchy sweater that you just wanna throw out. Even if you are willing to forgive me (and you're so kind, you probably will), I won't accept your forgiveness. I won't accept you forgiveness until I fix this. I can't accept the state I have caused you to be in. I can't accept that I have been such a pain in the ass. I can't accept that I have done and been everything that I hate.

But I have realized my mistakes and issues and the many many problems I have caused. I have realized that I have betrayed my own beliefs without fully realizing it until now. You should and will come first. Do not worry anymore. I thought I was doing all I can to bring you happiness, but due to my blind stupidity I have realized that I have been doing the opposite. And to make matters worse, I have been taking and gaining more than I have been giving. This unequal balance is not right.

I shall fix this.

I think things will backfire. Backfire towards me. But that is okay. I am willing to do this ! :'). And maybe, fate will be kind, and good things will happen for the both of us. I hope it's a win, win situation.

er- this is probably confusing to those who are reading, but this is a private matter in which I cannot share too much about. I just need to vent my apologizes to my friend.

I need to seriously fix this. And I will.

I'll make things right because I have made the wrong moves.
I hate it when I do that. This is why I can't play chess or battleship or even connect 4 !! I'm bad at planning, strategizing, and any brain involving activities. Everything always ends up bad. bad. bad. Nobody every knows because I'm just too damn good at hiding it. That's the problem with me. I don't like sharing my problems. But now I have. Sharing really helped me. She/he/it told me their opinion, and now I know what I must do.

Let's hope that whatever happens won't be a mistake like all the other things in my life.

@irl friends: don't worry. I have not reached some terrible depressed state in my life, so please don't bug me about this at school. don't ask me who it is and don't assume i'm referring to you because you will never be sure and i will never tell you who I am talking about here in this blog post :|

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Oh Ho Ho~ It's Snow !

♫ Snow~ Snow~ Snow~ It's snowing~ ^___^ Oh ho ho~ Oh dear snow~ ♫

LOL So obviously, as you can see, it's snowing from where I'm at :D !! Since it's too cold to go out (and I was too lazy xD), I took pictures from my window. By the way, I don't know either of the two people in these pictures. They're just random people xD. Snow is pretty, ne? ^___^.
I dislike snow =______=.
At first it's pretty, but when everyone starts to mess with it than it gets ugly. When people walk through it and cars drive on it, everything because a black mush piled up high on the sides. It's so gross x___x. And I hate how everything starts to get slushy-like later on. Plus, walking through it all in itself is a total pain in the butt. The bottom of my pants get all wet from the dirty snow. And when I'm walking with my brother, I always gotta make sure he doesn't touch the yellow snow. Sigh. He's way to attracted to the color yellow =__=.
But snow does have its good sides ^o^. When untouched by sleeping people it looks so magnificent. It really lightens up my day when I see it because the scene is just so magnificent :) . Plus, it lets me stay home all day. LOL when it's snowing, my dad doesn't feel like going out. So then I get to stay home (on my computer x3) all day without being bugged by my dad to go out xD. Another good thing about snow is that you can play in it. Haha I remember the first time I played with snow was when I I think 11? And the last time I played with snow was two years ago. LOLOL I'm too old to play in the snow xD but it's just so much fun throwing snowballs at people. Snowmans are fun too :D. But I haven't been able to make a snow angle yet :3. But now I'm wayyy too lazy to go out and play now xD. Plus, it's always so awkward when I go out to play in the snow. All the people stare at me as if I'm a lunatic TT^TT. Like gosh, can't a teenager play in the snow without any judgement? >__> well I guess not. LOL xD.
...sigh.. whatever! Either way I still dislike snow for its grossness during the after fact of it. But then again I love how pretty it can be too.

Guess I can't make up my mind, ne ^3^ ? Oh well~ ;P

Friday, January 20, 2012


BUT YESTERDAY I DIDN'T HAVE MUCH TIME. SO IM COMPLAINING ABOUT IT NOW! BETTER LATE THAN NEVER, NE? :P ANYWAYS I SHALL TYPE IN CAPS BECAUSE... ITS FUN AND I WANT TO XD THE OTHER DAY (i think thursday) I WROTE ABOUT SOPA. I ONLY KNEW A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THIS ISSUE, BUT WHEN I WENT TO SCHOOL, NYU-SAN (and a bunch of other people) TOLD ME ALL ABOUT IT. NOW IM PISSED OFF ABOUT THIS ! DO YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF SOPA/PIPA (personally, I think sopa is more heard of. and its more fun to say xD) WERE TO BE MADE INTO A LAW?!? DO YOU !? OUR FREEDOM ON THE INTERNET WOULD BE TAKEN AWAY (for the u.s., which sucks because I live in the u.s. ;__;) TAKEN AWAY I SAY!! MY BLOG WOULD BE CENSORED TOO (I think "blocked" would be a more proper term[?]). WAAAHH~ THAT MAKES ME SO SAD!! I LOVE MY BLOG TT3TT (and hopefully you love it too x3) ...I was asked if that's the only thing I'm worried about... NOOOO ~ OF COURSE NOT THATS NOT THE ONLY THING . IM ALSO WORRIED ABOUT MANGA SITES BEING BLOCKED TOO TT__TT >__> I mean I'm worried about other important stuff online xD; eh heh ^ ^;; l-l-like... YOUTUBE AND FANFICTION. I'D DIE IF THOSE DISAPPEAR ~ DX 
Ps. if you do not understand why I highlighted this in black then I am sorry, but you are slow/dense ^ ^;;

If you are clueless, and want to get smart about SOPA/PIPA, click here ! 

Want to help stop SOPA/PIPA ? Then please consider going to the following websites:

Luka-chan talks about it too~. And the picture above is hers. Go check it out~. ^__^


Thursday, January 19, 2012


Okay, so I must explain to you that I'm not a very.. news-y person.. like I don't update myself on the current events very often xD. So yesterday, when stupid wikipedia wouldn't let me use their website because of some "SOPA" thing, I was like WTF? I had no idea what was going on xD. Of course, my idiot self didn't bother to read the damn description xD so I was still lost. Anyways, I had to use wikipedia a lot yesterday, so I was very annoyed >__<. But~ after the third or fourth time of not being able to use wikipedia, I actually read what it said. LOL and even after that, I still had no idea what was going on. I was just like "Damn." xD yea~ I'm too simple minded to understand things :P. At the dinner table, my sister was like "Sopa~. Do you know what Sopa is~?" and I was like "...uh..the spanish word for soup?" My sister looked utterly confused xD she was like "What the hell? Where'd that come from?" Then I had to explain to her that I didn't know what "SOPA" is~ :P.
Oh ho ho~ so wikipedia is working again today :) so I searched it up~. SOPA is some kind of new thing (I think it's called a bill?) that might turn into a law. SOPA is short for "Stop Online Privacy Act." And yay! :D Now I understand what it is. . .Darn, it'd be better if it was soup >__< soup is yummy :3. There's also something called PIPA ..but I'm too lazy to look that up xD.
TT^TT... I'm still too simple minded to understand what the impact of all this is though. So my dad explained it to me xD. Supposedly, it intrudes on our freedom in the internet... or something like that. I'm not sure xD.
Sigh. I like my freedom D: nobody should take it away. So.. I guess I'm against this SOPA thing >:|
...^ ^;; but I'm not sure what to do now. I hear you can complain or probably join some kind of protest or idk... but that sounds like a lot of work xD;;. Gosh..but then I feel lazy if I don't do something. Haha, well I guess I'll figure something out later. Right now I gotta go to hell er- school~. ^ ^;

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

It's Tuesday and Saturday :D !! ...uh wait, huh? xD

Okay, guess what? :D Today is ...*drum roll* .. Tuesday !! \(^o^)/

Oh? o.O You say you already know this? LOL of course you do~. But even though it's Tuesday, I am going to tell you about Saturday ^___^. Isn't that exciting? Haha xD Okay maybe exciting isn't the right word, but I shall continue to talk nonetheless :P

Okay, Saturday was a fun day for me :D. I had a weird day...well, weird doesn't even begin to describe what Saturday was. You see, I had spent last Saturday with Luka-chan, Rin-chan, and Katrina-chan. They all had come to my house. We were rehearsing for a skit we have created for Spanish class.

>_________> I feel so bad for my friends. The first thing that happens when they walk into the door is that my two little demons monsters brothers had started shooting them ! They took out their little nerf guns and pow pow POW!
TT___TT they are so mean. The bullets of course don't hurt, but it can be quite terrifying if the first thing you see is some orange cylindrical object was flying towards your face ! It's just not right.
Sigh. and it gets worse. Once I took the guns away, they resorted to punching them. TT^TT my friends were harassed. Luckily, my little sister doesn't give a damn about my friends and just played on her computer the whole time. One less pest to worry about :D.

LOL so for the first hour or so they were over, we just talked and talked and talked. I don't even remember what we were talking about. No body had eaten lunch, so my dad had ordered pizza. Thus, for the second hour they were here, we were eating. =_________= so. much. time. gone. We watched One Piece 8D and drank coke while we ate Pizza. Oh ho ho~ I think it was fun. If it didn't cost us so much time =____=".

Then afterwards, we got all our shit together, and started rehearsing. It was hard OTL.
All of us (except Luka-chan xD) memorized our lines. But actually preforming them was just horrid. All our actions were awkward xD and like not normal. We were basically goofing off the whole time. L-l-luka-chan was so crazy. She attacked me ! several times too. Luka-chan is the waitress (we are preforming a restaurant skit), so she carries a pen and what not. *sniffles* a-and she took that stupid pen and started to stab me with it TT^TT. Lukcily, she's not crazy, and she didn't actually stab me with it. But it was scary Dx I have this intense fear of sharp objects being pointed at me. Like I will freak out if scissors or knives and apparently pens/sharp pencils are pointed/directed towards me. Sigh. It's a terrible fear because people like to purposely attack me T^T.

Anyways~, I'm glad we got the basic priority accomplished :D. We got the general movements done ^___^. Yay!
But the stupid skit is due Tuesday OTL. Damn, we're not ready. We've only had one practice session. I try to reschedule another practice day, but everyone is busy. I think.. we're going to be winging the skit during school. Farewell to my good grade TT^TT. ...sigh. I guess I'ma just take a leap of faith here. Hopefully, we can get it right... but I'm scared Dx

Monday, January 16, 2012


Oh ho ho ho~ I was being crafty today :D
But for like everything else I do in life, I failed OTL.

I stumbled upon a website called  Martha Stewart . The website has all these really cool and pretty craft instructions on there. Out of the many different things on the website, I found these heart pockets. ^___^ They're so cuute~. I found them to be quite easy to make. However, mine just didn't turn out right because I don't have the fancy paper TT^TT. So even though I made it perfectly, it still looked like crap orz. I don't have pretty ribbon either Dx.
Sighh. Oh well~ I had fun learning it though. And even though I don't have the fancy paper, I think mine still look nice. What to fill it with is the issue... xD Gosh, the troubles of origami. I always make a bunch of little paper art, and then I end up throwing it away. ^ ^;; I'm so wasteful. Haha so now I just give them to my brother.

Anyways, nothing much happened today.

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. :D
Happy Birthday to the person who I once almost gave my key to~. (Luka-chan might know what I'm referring to xD)

I had no school today. LOL and I still haven't done my homework. Sigh. xD I'm such a procrastinator :P.
All I did today was watch a bunch of One Piece and normal TV. Yup~ you heard me right. Normalt TV. I haven't don't that in forever XD. LOL. Watched Big Bang and New Girl. I wanted to watch Psych or Doctor Who, but I forgot what channel they're on ^ ^;;.

Hmm...other than that I didn't do much. So I guess this is farewell for now~. I might have more stuff to talk about tomorrow :3.

blog to ya laters ;D

Sunday, January 15, 2012

I Got Birthday Gifts :)

I'ma talk about my birthday today~ even though it happened awhile go xD.
Oh ho ho~. So I was very surprised-ish on my birthday :3.
I didn't expect the majority of my friends to give me gifts, but they did.
LOL not the gifts I said I wanted on one of my blog posts xD but I liked their gifts nonetheless ^___^ because they were still awesome x3.
I took pictures for you guys too! :D

LOL so I should really put this in order of which one I got first, but..I'm too lazy xD. Haha so this first picture is Rin-chan's gift to me~. LOL She said she expected everyone to get me sour gummy worms, so she wanted to be different and got me this xD. It's candy, but different candy xD. And some fancy lotion~. It smells nice xD.


Jessa-chan made this for me :D !! It looks much cooler in real life. I'm just really really really bad at photography xDD. It's supposed to be a red rose. I'm not sure what it's made out of xD. There's a tinier blue rose inside. And the whole thing is just so cool >w<. She gave this to me the day before my birthday I think xD.

This next one is from Gleek-kun~.
I took a picture of the bag~. I don't know, but I'm weird, so I find the gift wrapping and stuff an important part of the gift.
Anyways, I'm glad he got me something simple.
He's a crazy crazy person. He said he wanted to get me something special like a purse or a green necklace.
Purse because I collect bags/purses xD. Yeaa~ that's a new fact to learn about me. Not many people know that. Not until Choco-chan got me a bag for Christmas, and I was awe-ing over it xD. LOL I'm so jealous of choco-chan for that though because she has a much bigger collection than me :>
Anyways, he got me sour gummy worms and root beer ~~!!! He emphasized on the fat free part of the gummy worms. LOL but it's NOT because I'm fat. It's because he wants to help me win the bet that I have with Luka-chan :P.
Anyways, I liked this gift. xD Favorite candy and root beer. xDD

 X-chan got me a card !! :D. And OMG it was so cute >w<. I love doggies~ <33.And sigh OTL I forgot to take a picture of the actual card. *facepalm. I'm so stupid.What was inside the card was so sweet though. It made me smile a really big :D. I would tell you what was inside, but that might intrude on its personal thoughtfulness. But it was very nice, and she wrote a very cute poem :> I felt so special.

Hmm..I really like the poem. It was so nice and sweet >w<. I think..I'll share it with you. I mean you won't see the full awesomeness of her gift I just show you the envelope.
the poem:
2 years ago I seen you :)
1 year ago I heard of you >:)
This year I know you (hi) :D
4 months ago I started to talk to you.
2 months ago I knew something was special about you.
2 days ago I heard today was your birthday.
And today I want you to have the time of your life and I will always open my arms for you no matter what.
I was so happy after I read that. TTwTT I feel so loved. And I wanted to cry tears of happiness, and skip with joy. It was so nice. And awww :'D. Sigh. I love X-chan <33333

My sister got me these tiny Dummies book. xDD. They're so cute. LOL it seems weird, but it's actually a nice gift. My dad got me harujaku perfume 8D . I love that brand/type/w.e. because the bottles are so cute <333. It was called "wicked style." LOL and I'm telling you this because I'm too lazy to take a picture of it xD. Ooh my lil' brothers got me two GIANT packs of sour gummy worms. xD

THANK YOU FAMILY (is too lazy to say all their names xD)

I have to give her props for being the most creative.
I really liked what the lid said XD. She still can't stop laughing about that poem we wrote.
LOL When I opened it, I was like "Oh ha ha. another tea refferrance." This woman has been obsessed with tea lately XD. So I took it as a joke.
But...when I moved the paper I saw an actual tea box =____=;;
I was thinking "WTF??? LOL she actually got me tea?! This is so weird xD." and I was basically laughing in my head like crazy. But of course I had to be polite, so I was like "Oh haha, I love tea ^ ^;; thank you." and I put it back into the container. But she was like "Open it." I was like "uhh..okay." I was totally expecting tea bags, but there was actually sour gummy worms!! XD I can't believe she actually tricked me. I'm so gullible ^ ^;;. She even taunted me in her message.She totally predicted that I'd be tricked. LOL she knows me too well xD.


I haven't eaten her gummy worms yet though xD.
I'ma save it for now. Saving the best for last, ne~?

This is Pari-chan's gift to me :) It's so cuuutee and pretty !! :D LOL the gift bag is so cute even if it more a Christmas-y bag ^w^.
Haha when I opened the bag, I reached to grab out the tissue paper. However, it was wrapped around something. When I grabbed it out, I felt this heavy lumpy thing. When I unwrapped it, I saw this pretty-ass thing :D !! It was a coin purse and a keychain. A very heavy key chain. xD. lol it was made out of metal or something, so it weighed a ton xDD.


Ohhh if you look at the gifts, you probably see the background of like chairs and backpacks. Well that's because on the day of my birthday I had a stupid math test first period >:| hmph which sucked.
Bwahaha~~ but since I'm so awesome, I finished it with like 20 minutes left xD. So I was bored, and had nothing left to do. So I whipped out my camera, and clicked away xD.

Anyways, there are gifts that I didn't take pictures of (because I was lazy :P). My grandma gave me a Buddhist necklace. I'm agnostic, but my grandma believes in Buddhism. I wear it though. It would be rude not to. I don't mind though. I like how the tummy turns purple when I rub it. I don't know how that happens :> it's so cool. Rubbing the stomach of Buddha is supposed to bring good luck.
Oh, and Choco-chan got me another purse :D. It's so cute. The purse is this small round rectangular-ish shaped black purse. It's so beautiful. My collection is growing ^___^. yay.
A bunch of people on DCW wished me happy birthday too :)
Ai-chan said happy birthday to like a hundred times too. I love her. xD
Hmm..other than that I don't think there was anything else I received.

I had a nice birthday :)
I'm grateful that so many people love me, and I love them all just as much as well.


TT^TT I was so scaredd

I don't feel like posting.
I just wanna crawl into my bed, and watch One Piece~~ (meh computer is hooked up to tv x3)
LOL my family (dad, sis, two lil' bros + meh) have all been watching One Piece together. My sister is like up to the latest episode. I'm on 180-something. My brother and dad are the only ones that need to catch up. However, One Piece is one of those super epic animes that is fun to watch no matter how many times you see it xD.

Har har har but I guess this is not what you want to hear. The ones who remember it was my birthday yesterday, probably wants to hear about it. Wahh~ but I'm tired xD. Tonight was so hectic~.

Since yesterday was a Friday, and I had work, we didn't celebrate my birthday. Thus, we celebrated it tonight. Now celebration for my family means the birthday person gets to go to any restaurant of our choice. I was going to pick to go eat dim sum. However, I heard Choco-chan has never gone to Olive Garden. So I just had to bring her :D. She didn't taste the wonders of their amazing bread xD. Usually, my dad doesn't let me bring friends, but since she's never been there, he decided to make an accept.
Anyways~, when we got to Choco-chan's house, I realized I didn't have my purse. Olive Garden is like a half hour away from my house, so that means it'd take us an hour to make a round trip. TT^TT my dad got so mad at me. He was like "Only stupid people do stupid things!" It was the bag Choco-chan got for me for Christmas too. So I was really sad that I lost it OTL. We went back to the restaurant to go get it though. On the way there I was so damn scared. I was like "Shit what if I brought it out of the restaurant and accidently dropped it in the parking lot? What if someone took it?! Nooo poor Exia-Near. TT^TT" I was seriously stiff and glued to my seat. I didn't even dare to breathe (well I did a lil' xD). I don't know why, but I was freaking out. Gosh, my imagination is too darn big D; i scare myself too often. You don't know how happy and relieved when I found my bag. I had to ask the waiter person though because they put it in some office thing. I was being all Asian and bowing. I mean HALF bow . LOL I was so close to a full on bow though xDD. "thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I just kept chanting it to them and smiling, and half bowing. I was just so happy. And I practically skipped back to the car.
But then when I was about to open the car door, I was all frowny faced because I was sure my dad was going to lecture me about everything. The first thing I heard when I opened the car door though was "Who needs to go pee??"

I was just like *faceplamm =____="".
We all ended up using the bathroom xD. Drank too much shirely temple. lolol sighh. I know how weird my dad can be xD. I don't know why I was so scared. He did tell me serious things like "Remember this feeling, so you don't do it again."

Sigh I was really scared though. That bag is like my new favorite. And just because Choco-chan got it for me ^__^. LOL well it is also super cute and stuff too :D. Plus, I had my phone, wallet, keys, camera, and exia-near in there... ^ ^;; I keep everything in my purse. lol.

*looks at the time* @___________@ it's already midnight. damn.
I'm tired *yawns*. I'll tell you people about my birthday tomorrow xD. Right now I must catch some Z's.
Oooh~ Luka-chan, Rin-chan, and Katrina-chan came over to my house before I went out to dinner too. I should tell you people about that~! XD LOL I'm too lazy.

haha don't kill meh for making you wait~ ^ ^;

ciao~ ;D

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Thanks for Breathing~

Today, I was talking with my friend (I won't state who). She asked me about life; about how do I live. I sat there and thought. How do I live? I had given her an answer. To be honest, I don't really know if what I was saying was true...or just a bunch of b.s. I mean I want to believe in what I said..but I don't really know.
I believe that... there is a reason I am here. I don't know what that reason is, but it exists. For me, that's enough. I continue to live in order to find out what the hell this "reason" is. Knowing my fail luck, I probably won't find out until the very end (meaning at death~), but that's okay. This kind of reason for living is me being ignorant though, or that is in my opinion. It's ignorant because..since I don't know what the purpose to living is, I came up with a "I don't know, but I'll just wing it and find out later" kind of solution. In a way I guess it let's me survive peacefully. While on the other hand, my friend over thinks things a bit. She can't go with the flow. I think that's okay. It's better than not thinking at all and acting on whims (which is kinda how I am xD). However, it prevents her from having fun. . . well I guess what she does is fun in a way for her(?).
But seriously...what is the purpose of living? I don't think anybody really has the answer (if you do, you should tell meh~ :3). Everyone finds their own reasons I guess. Whether that reason be a dream they wish to accomplish or simply because they wish to eat a sandwich or something the next day, doesn't matter to me. Some people (like my friend) just hasn't found their reason yet.
I was reading a book today (shocking, I know xD), and it said, "we were put here to help." ..I thought about it for a little bit, and I liked it xD. It sounds ...right. I mean some people are stingy, and only care for themselves. Those kind of people are doomed (in my opinion!). Doomed to loneliness. Doomed to unhappiness. Some people are way too laid back, and waits for things to come to them. Those people are doomed (in my opinion!). Doomed to failure. Doomed to a future that stands still as they wait for something instead of going for it themselves. Yet on the other hand, there are some people who are kind, and do things unconditionally. They have that bright smile, and aura that inspires you. I don't think they're doomed.. a lil' creepily perfect-seeming sometimes, but not doomed (maybe doomed with that "perfect" image).  ....^ ^;; wow..I lost the point I was trying to get at. ...I think maybe saying that the type of people who others admire are the kinds who have succeeded...but now that sounds a bit mean xD. I'm not saying that all people who are laid back will fail. I'm not saying being stingy is all bad (but most of the times)...I'm just stating ..different types of people(?).. well ..uh.. Anyways~, "we were put here to help." I think that means whatever it is we may do, nothing matters unless you help someone along the way. Help someone just because it's the nice/right thing to do. Whether it's helping your classmate in their studies or helping a person to turn a frown upside down.
I don't know... this has become my new motto/catch phrase in a way. Ask Choco-chan~. I kept using it today xD. I like how the phrase sounds... I like what it means, and it's simple.
LOL well ^ ^;; I think I just lost the point of this post. It went from how I live, purposes in life, doomed people, and finally to a new phrase in which I have put belief in. /fail //shot xD

Anyways~ life is annoying. and yet life it is beautiful too. it can be fun. it can be boring. it doesn't always go your way~, but sometimes it does. every person deserves to live. don't get technical on me, and be all like "oh~ but what about osama? or hitler? or ...w.e. other "bad" people that existed?" (lol xD i cant remember many). Well...I don't know about those people.
I don't know about the subject of them very I can't put up an argument on anything (whether I think they deserve to live or not).
some people love osama others dont and same for hitler. All I can say is that they were just two other people who made some...what i think to be, mean/bad/cruel/terrible decisions in their life that pissed many people off.
and in life, you shouldn't piss people off. it's not nice :3. (unless those people are: marina ismail, yammy, orochimaru, or nena trinity :P)

erm- ...^ ^;; I don't know how to end this. LOL. um...

Thanks for breathing :)
Keep it up!

^LOL That's what I told Pari-chan on Christmas xDD.
It's my way of saying "Thank you for being alive" :3

ps. this is all opinion~~ gosh i feel like people are gonna slaughter me for talking about such a touchy topic xP idk why :3 i just predict complaints about my views ^ ^;

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

LOL I Still Suck at Poetry

Haha, so I've been writing really sappy poems lately~. I don't know. Just been in that mood I guess :P.
Anyways, there's a poetry contest coming up in my school. I'm also doing that poetry lesson still in English. With all this poetry stuff happening, I can't stop rhyming x____x. LOL I was complaining to Choco-chan about it, and I was like, "It really sucks to be me, don't you see? All the time. I rhyme. Ugh! It's a curse that I do not rehearse." That wasn't on purpose at all too TT^TT it just happened. Haha anyways~ during lunch, I was writing poems for the contest and homework. My friends started to distract me, and we wrote two funny ones xD.

so I shall share with you people :>

The Waters of Mankind

I really need to..
I need to pee now please.
Uh oh! It happened~ !

LMAO XD Stupidity at its best~ in poetry. It doesn't make much sense now that I think about it. Ahahah~~ but we started cracking up for like half an hour over it. We're so childish~ but that's okay. It's fun XD.
We have to write Haikus for homework today (ugh xP). That's why this poem is a haiku~. For those of you who know what a haiku is, and don't think it is a haiku, well it is!! It's about human nature. LOLOL~ XD loop hole~. (explanation: Haikus can only be about nature. Usually people think of animals, trees, plants, etc.) Yea~ my friends and I fail xD.

S&M Poem~ (no specific title was though of xD)

Eyes are round.
Hands are bound.
A whip nearby can be found.
Uncontrollable sounds.
This takes place on the ground.
There was a big pound.
The guy is like a hound.

That's all we came up with so far. xDD It was even supposed to be a rhyming poem at first. It was supposed to be a poem about a girl falling into a hole, but we all got dirty and started writing S&M. We should be ashamed XD but we're not LOL.

Rin-chan's poem:

Oh my! Oh my! What a sound
For a man in the ground.

^LOL she wanted to elaborate with the rhyming of "ound" words some more I guess. Hahaha~.

Learning to write poetry and being in love at the same time can be very dangerous xD. I've been writing sappy poems >___>. Sappy poems are gross, but I can't stop writing them XD.
And they're not even sappy poems about things I've experienced in love. They're like half and half. Part experienced and part opinion of future.
Today, I wrote a poem about a person's first love. The first half was true for me personally at least. Second half was about the girl not being able to confess and the guy ends up moving on. Second half is yet to happen~. >3< I need courage. LOL but I'm a gutless chicken xP.
I would show you the poem~, but I might submit it for the poetry contest. I'm not sure :3. Thus, I won't show it to you~. Now nobody can copy it~. Oh ho ho~! x3.

LOL well I'ma go to work now~. Oh yea! I don't think I told you people about that yet. I was on a three week break from work (cuz of school xP), but now I started working again.
Less hours though~ because the previous schedule I worked was too exhausting and troublesome for me. That means I get paid less though T^T. LOL but that's okay~. I don't really need to the money. This is just for experience :>
Anyways~ like I said, I gotta go to work.

Ciaosu~ ;D

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Window to My Tree ..wait what? XD

Haha so I eventually got around to taking a picture of my window ^___^. LOL yuup~ it's just a tree XD, an acorn tree. ^ ^;; I know I said it was pretty, but I guess it really depends on what you like. I like my tree because it's fun to see it change during the seasons and stuff. Plus, the camera doesn't capture all of its beauty, so you can't feel the same way that I do about my tree. I hope the few people who voted on my poll didn't pick window view so they could find out where I live. That'd be so creepy >______<. LOL but if that was the case, sucks for you that a giant tree is all you see. xD Anyways, I better not get any complaints about my tree >3<. So yea, this is my window from my living room. :3

Speaking of trees though...I have a favorite tree :). Yesh, I'm the kind of weirdo who looks at trees on her way home, and claim one as her favorite tree. I'll take a picture of it in the Spring time ^w^ and show it to you. It's so pretty~ and cute~ >w<. In spring it grows these kinds of flowers. When the tree is in full bloom, it looks like a bunch of popcorn is stuck to the branches :D. It's so cool! We call it "the Popcorn Tree." Haha I want to name it Sally for some reason XD but I won't because that's weird. I'll have to show you it sometime :).
Anyways, today in general was great ^________^. It's still only 2:00 PM here, but I've had a nice day. Little things happened, but they were enough to make me happy. Little things like me being able to peacefully sit at my computer without interruption for more than 10 minutes xD. Little things like it being Sunday and not Monday xD. Little things like getting a good amount of sleep at night. And tons of other little things~.
Anyways, I'ma cut this post short because I have an essay to write that I need to finish by Tuesday xP. Plus, I'm planning on doing 10 science extra credit homeworks before Monday. I didn't start on them at all yet, so idk how the hell I'm going to do that xP but I'ma try~.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I Suck at Poetry

I wrote some poetry~. Felt like sharing :3. I don't have much else to post~ (*liessss*). xD. LOL but yea, for now I'ma just show you people some poetry ^w^. In class, we're learning about Poetry~, so I thought, "Hey, why don't I show some~?" LOL They suck though~. I can't rhyme for life, and my poems contain no rhythm XD.

I wrote this for Choco-chan's birthday~.
You Are My Role Model
Joy and smiles is what you bring.
Your existence as bright and happy as spring.
I wish not a prince upon you, but a worthy king!
Someone as wonderful as you deserves no less.
One day, you’ll achieve ultimate success.
When facing difficult obstacles, you still headily pursue.
You are also never one to misdo.
I honestly admire everything about you!

I wrote this for Ai-chan's birthday~ (weird poem for a birthday, but yeaa~ xD)
I Want to See You Smile
Sad you feel. Sad you may be.
Today though, on this shining day, may you smile for me?
I’m happy that you were born.
I’m happy that we met.
Oh, how much more happy I’d be, if you were as happy as thee.
So again even just for today, could you smile, one big smile, for me?
Your smile is what I long to see.

Wrote this because of the thing I wrote on meh banner xD. But I kinda failed in writing this XDD it's so weird~.
Optimism Strives On…
I trip and fall and hurt my bum.
Oh no! Everyone starts to laugh.
I feel a bit dumb.
But then I look around.
It’s actually quite funny, I see.
And I began to laugh while on the ground.

As I reached for the salt, I knocked over my cup
Oh no! What a big mess I made.
Why is it I who has to mess up?
But then I started to think.
Crying over spilt milk? How sill that is?
“No problem,” my dad says, and gave me a reassuring wink.

I look into the mirror and what do I see?
Oh no! A terrible hair day has befallen on me.
I wanted to flee!
But wait! Hold on for just a second.
I think I can fix this.
The day is no longer ruined.

There are times when you fall to the bottom.
But if you stop to think, there is a bright side there,
Whether it’s spring or autumn.
Don’t worry.
Even if you fall, life will go on.

Wrote this for class~. It has NO rhythm whatsoever. And I actually tried rhyming "comes" with  "goes" xD.
Picked the month November for my poem, just because it's special like that.
Chill winds roam about.

Tis’ November comes.
The last seed falls,
And November goes.

In its soaking mist, 

The nuts are getting brown.
Sunshine leaves early.
The rose is out of town.

Pitter patter. Pitter patter.

Rattled the rain.
So dull and dark days.
Yet, thanks we obtain.

Many things to thank, but

Thanks for joy in living.
Time to be together.
Have a jolly good Thanksgiving.

Just a stupid sappy love poem I wrote awhile ago :3. I found it when I was looking through some old stuff.
LOL it doesn't rhyme, and there's no specific rhythm to it :P
Memories Hurt
My days go on and on,
And I don’t think there’s ever been a day
When I don’t think about


I smile at thoughts of you.
But far away I stand from you.
Too much distance separates us.
To close this unfortunate
G             A             P
Is my wish.
From this distance
You cannot see the
Feelings of my heart.
Oblivious of my heart’s existence,
You look at another.

I can feel my heart crack.
I hold onto the tiny shards of love
With false hope.
Why don’t you look at me?
Why can’t you see?
Can you really be that blind?

Time with you
Always seem so short.

Physically, we may stand close.
But emotionally, our hearts are
So           very       far          apart.
The world seems to be unfair like this.

Forcing myself to move on,
But can there really be a person
Who can heal my heart
From these scars 

Called memories . . .?

A random couplet I wrote for class~ xD
I'm Emiko
I'm Emiko Seiei, and I like green.
Don't be afraid cuz I'm not mean.

I work very hard, so I lose much sleep.
I really do miss those sheep.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Epic Desk Setup

I HAVEN'T POSTED IN FOUR DAYS @_______@. I think I was half-dead during those four days. I have no idea how I survived without blogging for so long. LOL I'm so lame, that during those four days, I would think about what I would blog about when I got the time. I need a life. XD

But yea~ I'm so sorry. I was glomped with tons of stupid homework, and annoying things kept popping up D: even when I did things early, and not last minute, I still had tons of stuff to do. TT^TT this is my fault for doing so many extra activities. I have my normal after school activities to do. Plus, now I started working again. I was supposed to have this week off, but supposedly the kids missed me so much that my Boss-lady asked me to start working earlier than planned. I feel so loved TTwTT *cries tears of joy.* I'm a real rule keeper with those kids, so I thought they didn't like me. I thought they'd forget about me. But they actually missed me TwT and asked for me to come back. Yay~ I'm loved :) which is so surprising to me O,O.
My annoying sister has finally gotten herself a LIFE, so now she's excited and feels the need to share with the world this fact. That means she won't shut up at night Dx. I CANT SLEEP!! I miss my precious precious sleep D': Due to this terrible lack of sleep, I've been really moody lately. I don't like that! I don't know, but the simplest thing can annoy the hell out of me. Luckily, it's the weekend. That makes me happy. Sleep here I come~ ^3^ !
Anyways, yeaa~ so in conclusion, I'm a super busy grumpy person who is loved. Sounds lovely, ne? xD

Okay~ now to the stuff that happened over the four days I've missed :D. Guess what I did.

NOTHING \(^o^)/ ! ! !

LOL JUST KIDDING~ XD haha I bet you guys were expecting that, ne? ^3^

*goes to eat dinner*
*finished dinner about two hours ago*

TT^TT many things can happen just...two hours...

I am so sad TT__TT. I feel confused, offended, mortified, angry, upset, icky, impatient, and sad. Sometimes...things just don't go right.

Things were going just perfectly. I had planned everything out in order to have a good weekend. I was going to finish up half of my homework, so all I have to do is work on meh semi-simple essay. Then I was going to sleep, and finish reading my book (which I've let collect dust for too long o.o). And so on~.
But, now my schedule is interrupted by unexpected problems T^T. My mood has changed from happy-go-lucky to confused/upset. So I don't really feel like continuing this post. I can't really say what happened. No, nobody died...or at least I don't think so >___> I hope not. But yea, all I can really say is that's for something some people may think is stupid, but I find it really important.

Anyways, Ima show you people something, so I don't end you with meh depressing news :T.

So on the poll, I saw that out of the five who voted~, seeing a picture of meh window view was the most desired (based on the votes of five ppl...). Unfortunately for those people, I am lazy xDD.
I quickly took a picture of meh desk, since it's like right in front of me. But my window is ..i don't know... 50 miles or so away? XD LOL Not that far! Just exaggerating. I really don't feel like getting up. >3<.

Oh~ so this picture is a bit blurry~. My camera sucks, so you all are gonna have to deal with it.
Anyways, I have a cool work station/desk, ne? :D ! I got a picture of Setsuna, and Chinese red envelopes on my wall xD. The red envelopes are there because at the time I put them up, my wall was bare, and I was annoyed by that. Thus, I taped them on there, but then my wall got cluttered now. I'm too lazy to take them down though xD. I have a piece of artwork on mine there too~. And my school calendar :3. I also have a DALEK !! OMG IM SUCH A GEEK BUT I LOVE DALEKS >w< They're my favorite bad guy. LOL yesh, it's a picture of a bad guy. And on it says "Exterminate!" because that's its famous line. Daleks are from Doctor Who, which is one of the best shows ever <3 (besides Psych and House xD). Ohh~ I ALSO HAVE GUNDAM FIGURES <3333. Yesh, it makes sense, ne?
There's also meh piano, which has been collecting dust. Poor piano T^T. Oooh~ and do you notice that my shelf is made of a box for a soap product? :3. LOL Yeaaa~ my dad is too cheap to buy shelves, so he just screwed on some boxes to the wall, and I use them as a shelf. They're surprisingly sturdy for cardboard boxes :D. LOL I shove many random junks into there as you can see xD.
Oh, and you see that A.C. near my desk ? I HATE that it's there. I whack my head against it by accident all the time XD. But it makes for a convenient shelf for my tissue box :3.

Anyways~ that's enough explaining about my boring desk :3. I'm gonna go~ and pace around my room or something~ because my brain hurts from the problems I was referring to earlier~. Don't comet below asking about my problem (Gleek-kun!) because I don't really wanna share. Sorry, I know this is mean of me ^ ^; but yeaa... it's just something I just don't want to share...

Anyways, ciao~. Since it's the weekend, don't worry about me missing four days of blogging.~ I'll blog about what I was planning to blog about today on tomorrow because now I'm busy~. Byes~ :3

Monday, January 2, 2012


As you can see I got a new banner and background for meh blog~. I think it looks kinda weird, personally. Wasn't too sure on what to make the background :T. So I just used this ^__^. I had much trouble doing the background!! I kept finding nice pictures, but there was always something wrong with it x___x.
For instance, I found this really pretty forest one. However, there was some random guy smoking and random Asian lettering~. I don't promote smoking (because it can kill you!). I have no idea what the Asian lettering was, and I don't want to take the risk of it saying something bad. I tried finding another one. However, when I looked closely at it, there was a random bear in the picture. The next one I found was sized oddly. I was about to give up, when I tried the one I have now. It ...looks a bit off to me for some reason. But I was annoyed and too tired to find something else, so I just used this. I might change it later~.

Anyways, I'm happy with the banner~! :D I once again created it using photoshop ^w^. I made a few different banners because I wanted to try out different styles. Making the banners were easy. Less time consuming than I thought it would be. The hard part was choosing which banner to use. There were three good ones out of the five. Two were practically tied. My brain was practically fried after an hour or so of trying to decide. So I asked my friends to help pick xD. But that didn't go as planned ^ ^;;. I was hoping they'd all agree on one, and make my life easier. I forgot however, that they all have different tastes x___x. And they all picked different ones OTL. Rin-chan chose one of the two that were tied. Katrina-chan chose the other one of the two. Nyu-san picked at random =__=" so I didn't count her vote. Luka-chan chose the same has Katrina-chan.  Luka-chan was the tie breaker though :3. So I ended up with the one I'm now currently using ^__^. I would show you the second one of the two I felt was really good, but I might use it in the future xD so I'ma just keep it to myself..

I do not own the picture of Hatsune Miku on my banner. The picture below is what I used.

I downloaded floral brushes for photoshop from the following website:

Anyways~, besides the new design of my blog, I did other stuff ^w^. Today, I went over to meh friends house. It was boring x___x. I mean..I had some fun, but not as much fun as I was expecting :|
We went to the park, even though it's like 30 degrees out. I was freezing to death TT^TT. But we started running around, and playing~ so I was warmed up. I exercised :D. LOL But I jumped a wall or two, and now my leg hurts T__T. I had to run away D: I couldn't lose, but I was cornered. So I jumped over the wall, and stuff. But stupid people ganged up on me T^T and I was caught anyways. Sighhhh. And Luka-chan left like ten minutes after I got there D': so I was sad.
We also did karaoke. But it was fail karaoke xDD. We basically just played music, and sang along to it. It was like how they do it in anime~ :P. I sang a duet of Grenade with Pari-chan. I FAILED XDDD I'm so toned deaf
Speaking of him singing too much though, I remember on our way back to my friend's house from the park, Gleek-kun was singing almost the whole way there. It was random like opera singing or something high pitched. I can't really remember. He was just like "LAAAAAAHHH~!!" And I was like "Gleek-kun !! We're in public O____O;..." Everyone we passed by on the sidewalk was giving us WTF faces xDD It was funny~.
I walked with Jessa-chan on my way home. I was happy because I don't like walking home by myself. I always feel so self conscience when I'm alone. It feels like everybody I pass is staring at me >___<. And I think every large white van that drives by is a murder/kidnap vehicle. Thus, since I scare the crap out of myself whenever I walk by myself, I try to walk with at least one other person if I can. Jessa-chan and I stopped by Nyu-san's house :D. LOL we stood at her front door in the cold outside complaining about my Spanish teacher. XD Yea, we're quite lame. I attacked Nyu-san with hugs while we were having our short gathering :D. I feel productive for doing so ^____^.

OH! I just remembered something :D !! While at the park, I saw some picture worthy~.

I'm not sponsored by Spongbob to post this picture (it'd be cool if I was though! xD). I just thought it was funny and cute, so I took a picture ^3^.  Haha I don't like watching Spongebob though. I remember someone told me (don't remember who) that Spongebob makes you stupider XD. LOL my brothers watch it though. I should really stop them >___>. But they won't let me~ XD so it's not my fault :P.
The dark brownish-black shoe is Pari-chan's foot :D. The regular brown shoe is Jessa-chan's foot. I really hope Jessa-chan doesn't kill me for posting this XD She doesn't like any pictures that have her in them anywhere. ..but it's just her foot, so I guess it's okay ^w^. Pari-chan's foot is there because she was blocking the school's name :3. Jessa-chan's foot is just there at the wrong time xD.
Oooh!! That weird lump of a shadow right underneath Spongebob's feet is my shadow :D :D. LOL XD Not that knowing such a thing is signifant. Hahaa. I think my shadow is partially combined with Gleek-kun's since he was standing next to me. Haha so don't think I'm some lumpy person xDD It's just the product of two shadows~.
Anyways, this post has just gotten semi-super long because I don't know when to shut up >3<. So I'ma go work on meh extra credit science stuff~ since I'm a nerd~ :P.

Byes :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year~!


I hope for everyone to have a good year~!!
May 2012 be the best one yet, and not our end :) hopefully... xD

My New Year's Resolution for this year: