Sunday, May 20, 2012

Killing My Stomach, But Havin' Lots of Fun xD

Today is movie day at my house! My family LOVES movies (that includes me). LOL My dad teaches us things through movies. It's what he calls his "teaching through movies" method. Very unoriginal name, I know xD. It's a work in progress so far. Haha, but basically, he lets us watch all sorts of movies. Then afterwards, he explains to us the lesson of the movie, the variety of characters, or just little things from the movie he thinks we should remember. I learned my street smarts through movies XD. (ps. If you can come up with a creative name for this, than comment below? xD)

Anyways, every once in awhile, my family will reserve a whole day to watching movies. Since this happens mostly on the weekends, this event doesn't start until after lunch (because we can never wake up until lunch xD). It's quite the fun event! The day before, we'll buy a whole crap load of snacks and food and drinks. I mean what's a movie day without snacks, right?! Sometimes we don't even plan this. We'd all go down to the little convenience store a few blocks down, and buy whatever snacks we can find xD.

Haha, this kind of thing really kills my diet though xD. My middle school "prom" is coming up, and I needa lose weight ^ ^;;, so I've been trying to cut back on the calories. But gawsh, I can't not eat snacks during this event. LOL so maybe I'll have the will power to only eat a little xD;; (don't get your hopes up though). My dad just brought home a whole bunch of ice cream too (our whole freezer is filled with the stuff!). Gawsh, I wonder if he understands the word "I can't get fat now, so don't buy any sweets dammit!" Okay, that was more of a phrase >___> but you get my point xD. Besides, Choco-chan has been stuffin' me with all her Java Chip ice cream too. Gawsh, it sucks that I have a major sweet tooth that hasn't gone away since I was born xP.

My dad has no idea what kind of movies we're going to watch though. He usually picks at random, and hopes it's good xD. This kinda system provides for a great surprise though lolol. I been craving a Jackie Chan movie lately. I mean I love Jackie Chan >w< !! He's just so cool~ ♥. If I ever got to meet him in person, I'd be the happiest girl alive TwT.
I love Jackie Chan, but I'd have to say my favorite actor is Jim Carry. That man is so ridiculously funny xD. I love Bruce Almighty and Yes Man and Liar Liar. All very good movies! x3. Thanks to the movie Bruce Almighty, I learned how to spell the word "beautiful." B-E-A-UTIFUL~ ♥♥.

*cough. ^_^ Anyways~, just felt like sharing the news about my movie day with you people. Thought maybe you and your family could try it out too! :D. Just buy a load of snacks (not optional, ppl~!) and grab a bunch of random movies. Then just sit back, relax, and enjoy B).

I really enjoy family movie day though. Even though we're all pretty quiet when we're watching the movie, it's a form of bonding. Bonding is good for the soul. Ah, who am I kidding? I don't know crap about the "soul". But I swear, it's really nice. Gives you this warm feeling inside when you have everyone together in a dark room x3 eh heh~ that just sounded kinda creepy. *trollface.

But crappp~ I gotta work on meh stupid science homework TT_____TT. So I have ta end this here, so I can finish it in time for the movie party~ ^___^

hope y'all have a nice day.
smile lots.
and don't get into too much trouble ;D


  1. This movie day thing is a cool idea~

    too bad, my family never has any time for this stuff TT_TT

  2. AL here~ \o/ don't ask about TIO cuz I'm angry at not having summer vactaion :V and yeah that's no phrase but a clause I presume~ and for your dad:
    Moviology: The practical application of parenting via movies to teach kids life lessons and having a bonding time involving the excess usage of snacks and drinks. A person who adopts this method may be entitled as a Moviologent (from moviology and parent)....xD

    WOAH! HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! :D you like Jackie Chan? me too, watched each and every of his movie. The guy is FREAKING AMAZING. I also like Jim Carry, following that guy since the old Mask was released! XD lol stanley ipkiss xD xD

    Prom? *googles* oh thank God we no have that here. And losing wait is alright but if you become an anorexic I'll kick ya butt! D: also, the fool proof way to lose weight is to cut back on starch, pasta and SUGARs especially (even from fruits/vegetables) etc- =_= yea I'm serious. And carbohydrates are good for you so don't neglect em.

    If you watch it from tv in dark that can be dangerous. I mean active screen and all~

    Did I mention I'm filled with useless information? :<

  3. The---
