Saturday, May 12, 2012

To Join, or Not to Join?

High school is coming up soon (and I'm scared half to death @___@;;). My dad was talking to me about joining some kind of sports team. ....>______> yea... dunno about that. LOL He suggested track (I've mentioned this before). Running is a great activity. (tbh I prefer watching people run...because it's kinda entertaining XD lol). I have very low stamina though ;A;. I can run pretty fast, but only for like five seconds and then I just die. It's so terrible Dx. Since I've been playing more of volleyball during gym, my dad was like "You should join the volleyball team them." ...sigh ;____; I wish. Volleyball is fun ♥, and I ain't too shabby at it. However...(yesh, there's always a 'however' with me xP), I don't believe I'm good enough for an actual team >3<". It's not that I don't have confidence (maybe it is a lil'), but I mean...when you're in a team, you have people who are actually super committed...and then you have me who just does it for fun ^ ^;;. I don't want to join the team, totally suck, and piss off the people who are actually serious about the sport >____>. My dad tells me, "Volleyball is a team sport. Everyone is trying to play their best. If you happened to be the weakest player there, can they really be that mad at you?" ...uh, yes dad, yes. They can (and probably will) be mad at me ^ ^;;. If I suck than I cause them to lose. If we lose than people get mad. And when people are mad, they blame who ever they can. Team sport or not, the weakest gets picked on/lectured/insulted/bullied/terrorized/ignored/degraded/ ....and the stare O^O. Yesh, the "stare". You know that disappointed look that everyone naturally knows how to give? The one that just shouts "Ugh, it's all your fault." or "What's wrong with you? Why do you suck so badly?" You know that kind of stare. The stare that makes your gut twist and turn, and causes you to feel terribly guilty and upset about your lame-ness/bad skills. TT^TT it's such an evil stare that has the ability to make you want to crawl under a rock, and just die Dx.
I know about this stare. When I play volleyball during gym class, I get this stare sometimes. I'm pretty okay in volleyball (or at least I believe so); not the worst, but not the best. However, there are just times when I completely suck. No real reason why, it's just one of those bad days, you know? So during those days, I get the stare. and it's scary O^O. Even though it's just regular gym class volleyball, people can still be pretty serious about it. Whenever I miss the ball or don't serve correctly, I get the stare, and I feel lame. I feel so lame that I just want to stop playing. I just want to go sit in a corner and sulk TT^TT. The stare is powerful, my dear reader. Well, maybe I'm just too self conscious or trying too hard to reach everyone's standards. I don't know what it is. But it makes me not want to join any kind of sports team whether I'm good at it or not. I don't like failing Dx. It's a terrible thing about me. I can handle failure, but that doesn't mean I like it. I don't like it one bit. Failure tastes like garbage, and makes you feel like shit. It just sucks, end of story.
My dad doesn't understand this though. He just kept going on and on about how good it would be to join a team. "How do you know you won't be any good? You gotta try. Don't just quite before you even start." and yadda yadda. Just broken record of tautology (yea, that's right, I know big words xD). Either way I'm losing though. I'll feel terrible if I join a team. And thanks to my dad, I'll feel terrible if I don't join a team.
I don't want to join a team just because my dad told me to though. It'll be unfair to the other players. You know what I mean? The other people join because they love the sport and their committed. If you got some half-assed player who doesn't care on the team, they're just going to be brought down by them. I don't want to bring anyone down.
Plus, I don't really feel up to committing to something either. It just means more expectations and more work. Those are two things I don't want more of. I don't see why I can't just go to regular gym, and just the regular warm ups, and be a regular student who doesn't do anything special. I mean don't get me wrong. I like being different, and trying everything....but I'm more of a solo person. If I stay solo then I don't have to worry about disappointing anybody. I can do whatever I want, and the consequences that come with those actions will only be brought onto me, nobody else. If I'm on a team, I can't fail. I might ruin things for them. I'll take everyone down with me, for whatever bad decisions I could possibly make.
Do you understand how I feel? If you do then great. I wish my dad did. I know he's only thinking of whats best. When he went to high school, he had a bunch of fun on his sport team thing (I don't remember which sport it was that he played o.O;;). I mean I know it's fun to do things in groups.  When with friends, things can be so colorful. It's like a chocolate sundae with extra sun!... if that makes any sense ^ ^;;. (as you can see, I'm not the best at coming up with metaphors/similes XD).

sigh... so I dunno. Maybe I'll join a team, see what it's like.... I mean I should at least try, right? If my dad thinks it's a great idea, than how bad could it be? If I don't like it than I can just quite or not participate next year. should be simple enough. You only live once, right?... erg- but why do I not get the best feeling about it?

ps. uh... this is assuming that I actually make it into the team... xD;;


  1. Oh, gwash. I so know how you feel, m'dear!
    Its nerve-wracking! THE STARE. HOLY CRAPOLA, THE STARE. Its so.. mean! TT^TT

    Yeah, so much commitment and possible failure, huh? Its terrifying. But, if YOU are really serious about the club you're joining, and can do it very well, then won't it be good? So, just find one you would really like and/or can do really well in! ^^

  2. Hey Emiko! O.o The stare. I so hate that!
    Sport teams... I don't know yet... Choco-chan thinks I should go for the track team but...
    That reminds me... I just happen to be looking at the BX Science website and they mention some open house for newcoming students on June 6. But isn't that... are you going?\
    Check it out at:

  3. The stare is nothing to worry about, because if anyone is passionate about playing, they'll find their win in a loss. -The Ingenius Orchestra :P

  4. To Rin,
    LOL Yea...but there's nothing I really like doing >____>.
    I think all sports are pretty cool in general. I don't have a particularly special interest in any one though ^ ^;;
    So that's why I'd like to just go to gym like a regular person...
    But then again, I'm not sure XD. I have to put thought into this.

    To Jessa,
    The open house is mostly for interested seventh graders... or at least that's what my dad tells me xD. Besides, we already saw the inside together (remember our nice looking tour guide? XD). It's just like any other school ^ ^;; full of lockers and classrooms xD.
    And plus, our examination test is on June 7th, so we can go check out the school then ^__^.

    To John,
    I'm not really sure what it helped you to understand, but happy to be of service any time~! ^w^

    To Tio,
    LOL XD Yeaa...the probably isn't that I have this super natural fear of "the stare". It's that I don't have a passion for any sports in particular at the moment. And since I'm not passionate 'bout playing, the stare makes me self conscious XD.

  5. Alrighty, a few things:
    1: Nice! Tautology! Awesomesauce!
    2. I doubt everyone who joins a sport team does it because they're naturally good. Some join because they want to LEARN, right? Why don't you try it out, enhance your skills, and then decide whether or not it needs too much commitment. And if you don't like any of the clubs, make you own! I suggest an Anime Club.
    3. THE STARE can be counterattacked by the I'M BORED AND IDC IF YOU'RE ANNOYED WITH ME LIKE WHATEVS.
    4. When ya gonna come back to DCW?! I miss chu!!! <3 *huggers*

  6. To Eva-chan,

    You have a good point there xD;;....
    I dunno though Dx. I kinda wanna, but I kinda don't want to either. I'm still thinking about it ^ ^;. LOL If anything, I might try volleyball (since it's like the only sport I know! xP). Meh (future) school has a bowling team XDD maybe I could try that?

    My school has an anime club too!!
    But I dunno if I wanna join that. I like anime, but it's really weird to go to a place specifically to talk about it. Talking about anime is more just like a "Oh, remember that cool thing in that one anime?" Not really a topic that you can specifically reserve time for ^ ^;.

    LOL I try that, but I can never pull off the "I'm bored, and IDC" look. I always have this big, goofy smile on xDD. So ppl go easy-ish on me (bcuz they're too busy laughing at my ridiculous smile xD)

    I'm thinkin' about coming back to DCW in the summer (more like Aug). I gotta go to Bronx Science summer school D; so not much time to go online. sighhhh <////3



      ;A; //sobb. miss you so much ♥

    You know that I'm going away DX
