Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's Lacking...

It's spring vacation, and I haven't posted anything since like Sunday. Please, forgive me ;A;... I really have no excuse for why I didn't post anything ^ ^;;.

Anyways, nothing substantial really happened. Oh, but I did start watching another drama.... even though I didn't finish One Pound Gospel yet ;A;. I really should, but felt like looking at something new. I've only been able to watch like one episode of it though xD. I started watching episode two though. LOL I would finish it, but I've been quite lazy lately. So lazy, that I don't even feel like reading subtitles xD. Oh, by the way, the drama is called In Time With You. This drama is so good that it even made me start to cry in the first episode! I really liked it. You should watch it ^3^.

Oh, and I started working on my book again! :D Yea, I had like no motivation to write for awhile there, but I got my mojo back ^___^v. I'm trying to write in good detail ...because that's what writing a book is all about. But gosh, writing in extreme detail is so exhausting! My brain got so worn out after writing a few pages xD;;

And on another note, I join the fan world of Durarara <3 ;D. Yesh, I am officially obsessed with anything Durarara related. Oh, and I joined the website ^___^ (hint for password: check out epi 10 of the anime ;D). Haha, but I have like no time to go all fangirl over this kinda stuff. Stupid homework ;A;.

But yea, right now, I gotta go. Can't write very much today. And I sincerely apologize >___<. My blogs been lacking in content lately D: but I'll make it up to you. Don't worry! I promise :) ...just don't know when I can do that >_______>


  1. How far have you gotten with that book? I started mine a week ago. Four chapters roughly done and still looking for more information. Here's the key: Don't write too detailed, small concise sentences can be used. It is all about the flow of the dialogue. ;D

  2. hi emiko its gleek kun
    1. yes i'm still stalking ur blog cause i have no life
    2. yayayayayayayay ur working on ur book
    3. wouldn't u working on ur book be an excuse and doin hw (if u did any)
    4. did u even start hw
    5. sounds lkike u had a boring vacation, well everyone barely went out
    6. uhh i was checking ur blog 5 times a day to see if u blogged and 7u only bloged this

  3. @Calculator: Are you aware that a book requires elaborately written sentences, with lots of details? I'm her editor, and I think the book is going fine! I encourage her to use longer sentences :/

    @Gleek: Can you puhlease~ write with some proper sentence structure? I can figure out your spelling, but without any use of grammar, people find it REALLY hard to understand you =w=b

  4. @Emiko and Calculator: What book(s)? I probably didn't catch this in previous posts...
    @Gleek: Even though I understand what you are saying, I agree with Rin, other people might not understand you know.
    @Rin: WHAT BOOK?! I'm really missing some important info here O.o
