Saturday, April 23, 2011

Extra Credit Homework?

My English teacher can be pretty weird and a little zoned out sometimes. ^ ^;; She gave us extra credit homework to do over spring break. It was to go to some kind of website, and do book 3 of the ELA test from last year. But you want to know something odd? It's really really quite odd. When I went to the website she told us to go to, there was no book 3! > < It was so stupid. I spent half an hour looking for that stupid book 3!! Ugh! I don't think it know the book 3. I don't think it exists >.>. My English teacher probably just made a mistake. Everyone does (me for example! ^ ^ ...wait should I say that so enthusiastically?). Sigh~ but I vaguely remember her saying that she'll give us extra credit for whatever work we did from that website. So, I think I'm still going to do the extra credit. I could use the extra credit. I have a 95 in English, so I really want to raise it. Lolz, my friends couldn't find book 3 so they gave up. I guess they didn't have the motivation to want to do the work anyways, so they gave up real easily. One of my friends made a big deal about printing it, and it's really annoying when you tell someone you don't know but they keep questioning you for an answer.  I was like "I don't know if we have to print it!?!?" And she was like "... but I think I heard her say we needed to print it" I then told her "Well, that's nice...print it then. Ink is, well you know, expensive... so I'm not going to print it xD" But my friend tends to like to follow the rules a lot and questions everything -and I mean everything - that does not go with that rule. So she goes and says "I'm going to print it." I was just sitting there thinking, "ok..." it's like she expects that stating that she's going to print will make me want to print it xD. People are weird. We're not even sure if what we're doing is the correct work, so no way am I going to waste my ink. Ink is so damn expensive nowadays! Sigh~ so I'm going to save my ink for important when I need to photocopy pages from manga ... lolz xD yea I'm weird like that. Thus! I cannot waste my ink on printing out a 10+ page test that I don't even know if I'm going to get extra credit for. Lolz I find using my ink for photocopying manga pages than printing out extra credit homework. No wonder some people call me weird (ok not some, everyone I know calls me that). And I don't do much with the manga pages. I just put them in my binder and look at them. Ok.. not really. xD that's kind of a waste. So I sometimes trace the manga pages and maybe change the wording in the bubbles. I suck at drawing, so I trace pictures. I'm a professional tracer (not something I can really brag about). But it's not as boring as it sounds. I sometimes creatively trace multiple pictures on the same piece of paper, combining them into one ^ ^ ... >.> which isn't anything new or original. I bet a lot of people do that. I'm planning on studying photoshop and illustrator over the summer so I can make epic computerized pictures! :D hm...but I'm a real procrastinator and a pretty lazy person, so I don't know how my learning of photoshop and illustrator will go...
So, do you have any wacko teachers who give you non-existing work?
And do you plan far into the future and probably never end up doing it?
that's all for today!
^ ^ ta ta~

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