Saturday, July 2, 2011

Late Spring Cleaning

If you look at my house you'd think it's pretty cleaning; excusing the few toys (okay a lot of toys) lying around the place. However, my dad decided that we needed to clean up and make space for other junk (*cough* I mean valuable items...).  Thus, we took out a pack of wipes (baby wipes was all we had at the moment xD), and we went to work. Sigh~ my sister's desk wasn't so dirty, just a little cluttered and unorganized. Dad has been bugging her about cleaning it and how she should be responsible. It gets annoying after the tenth billion time. >.> you'd think my sister would have had the brains to do what my dad says. But no I had to deal with my dad's lecturing; when he wasn't even lecturing me! Now, my sister's desk might have been unorganized and all over the place, but you should have seen my brothers' desks. They were DUSTY!! I'm allergic to dust mites, so it was scary cleaning it up. I tried not to touch any of it and clean it at the same time...>.> it's possible. Dust is not my friend. I was able to clean both my brothers' desks before my dad and sister even got done with my sister's desk. They shouldn't have put so much work into cleaning it because I doubt it'll stay clean for long.
Anyways, I eventually got around to cleaning my desk. I don't like cleaning other people's things. I really only care about cleaning my stuff, but I was forced into cleaning the other stuff. Sigh~ yes I know it's selfish to only think about my hygiene, but that's just how I am ^ ^.
My desk took the longest cleaning because even though I'm relatively cleaner then the other three children living here, I have more junk on my desk. xD Well I mean stuff tends to collect up when you got random study stuff, old school papers, little pens here and there. Plus, I have these boxes under my desk (to store more junk), a shelf (full of more stuff), and a three drawer bin to take care of. Thus, I had to move everything and clean out the dust, first; which was a lot of work because there's a lot of dust and stuff to move! When I wiped the desk, I noticed that it suddenly got whiter xD (I have a white desk). That meant there was a layer of filth on my desk. Ew >~
Cleaning is good. It makes your environment healthier; which in the process makes you healthy too. But it's a total pain in the ass to exercising xD.

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