Monday, November 21, 2011

Dedicated to You, Choco-chan ;) [and barbies] [..and pretzels]

LOL So I got some cool stuff for you people today :D :D Got done with my damn projects, and so now I can be less gloomy~ xDD
Haha but what to talk about first~~
My new love for meh friend Choco-chan or the incredibly idiotic "game"/"toy" I recently discovered xD. Hmm~~ I think I'll talk about Choco-chan first. :D
Choco-chan is superr~~ cool~~!!! The most epicly epic person I've ever met <33. Get's 99% overall grade averages, and has the sweetest personality you could ever wish for. She's really pretty too. Brains and Beauty, and epic combo <3. What proof of this do I have? Well~~ I don't have proof of her intelligence or beauty at the moment xD but I have memories :D. LOL. Which is the best proof you're gonna get today.

Why is she so nice??
She never yells at anyone, nor insults them (unless they deserve to be xD). Always gives out compliments~ :D.
Plus, since I'm so busy with my damn schedule, I can't go to the library anymore. Thus, I asked my friends to help get me my book that I reserved. However, stupid Luka-chan nor Rin-chan would get me it D': They're like, "No way!" or "That's a waste of my energy!" or "Hahah no -__-." or ..okay well they rejected me in a lot of ways multiple times. Mostly because I asked them a thousand times xD lol. But guess what~ :D Choco-chan was like "I'll get it for you ^ ^~." I was super duperly happy :D !!! Why?? Well because the book I reserved was Gundam 00 manga <333 oh yea! super epic~ x3. LOL But that's why Luka-chan or Rin-chan didn't want to go. They found my need for Gundam 00 manga unimportant TT^TT. Har har har so I was so damn glad I had such an epic friend to do such a nice thing for me <333. I really gotta get something epic for her birthday! x3 *has no idea what to get her though* xD.
Hmm~~ More evidence of her epicness~??
She also created this awesome project!! You know that math project I've been complaining about for the past three or so days ?? Well we had to build a display of some sort, and hers was totally epic <33 (haha I guess this could be evidence of her epic nerdy-ness <3).

 <--- That's her damn epic project!! She built a superly awesome bridge environment thingy~~~!! LOL that's her sexy purple book bag, and Nyu-san's incredibly pink jacket by the way~~ x3. I find it amusing that Nyu-san wears pink despite her tomboy-ish personality xDD It's just odd~. I think her mom forced her to wear it. lol. Oh, and you know what? Mine and Choco-chan's were like the only projects that were big-ish. Everyone else did poster boards or super small models. We felt like idiots for going all out xDD. LOL But we're proud <3 we're proud of our work <333. (Choco-chan should be especially. She's so cool >w<)
 Bird's eye view of the project :D :D See the cute lil' cars~~ >w< They're so adorable!! <33. Idk why, but they're miniature size just makes me giggle xD. LOL I'm explaining things weirdly. And I must sound kinda les. for awe-ing over Choco-chan, ne? xDD Haha, but I'm just showin' meh love toward meh friend~~ No more than friendship love involved. Yuri fans must be disappointed here ;).
Oh! And this topic was about architecture. Bridges have to do with architecture, ne? so it makes sense~ :3
<--more tiny car love <33~~!! This time from a side view x3. Idk why, but I just love taking pictures at different maybe that's because how I look at things. LOL Yesh~ when I observe something, I don't just stare it at, and done. I do much more. I tilt my head left. I tilt my head right. I look at it from the side. From bird's eye view if possible. I'll look at it from the other side. I'll look under it (if possible). LOL xD so I'm weird~. And my weirdness affects my pictures xD.
 Kyaaa~~~ <333 There's even tiny boats!!! :D :D :D
They're just so damn adorably >ww<. If she doesn't get an A, I'll personally exterminate (daleck style~ xD) my math teacher for Choco-chan :3.
 LOL CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?! BARBIE FOOSEBALL!! XDDDD ROFLMFAO!! When I saw this, I started cracking up. I wanted to literally roll on the floor and laugh. I started taking pictures of this, and was hysterically laughing at the same time. People even started to look at me funny. This was just too crazy to not take pictures of and share. xDD All my friends started laughing their asses off too. hm~ for some of you, this may not seem like a big deal. It's just barbies with sticks in 'em right? xD LOL But I'm a weirdo, and I find this completely odd and hilarious and just strange. xD
 I showed my science teacher. He chuckled a bit xD. But he's so damn perverted!! xDD He's like, "Ooh~ Barbies." I show him the one of them close up (the third barbie pic). "Oooh~ oh ho ho~ they're wearing skirts~~ Even better~~ oh ho ho~~!! *grin grin*" I was like "O______O" umm.. stupid present here. I have no desire whatsoever to hear your horny fantasies. I'm sorry, but that's just plain weird :P.

  I started laughing even more when a little girl was like "Mommy! Mommy! I want this! I want this!" and the mom was like, "Oh okay. How much does it cost?" She looks at the price. "O___O oh shit no." was written all over her face xDD. I mean seriously, who the hell would pay $25,000 for armless and feetless barbie dolls with a damn skewer jammed through where there arms should be??? I sure as hell wouldn't. But then again, there are some pretty crazy barbie fans out there~~. You never know xD. LOL only 10 of these exist in the world. Sigh~ people are crazy :3.
 LOLOLOL OKAY OKAY~~ I SHALL EXPLAIN <33 XDD. I was eating the crappy lunch my school serves one day, and since it's near Thanksgiving time, they served us turkey shaped pretzels. xDD I thought it was so hilariously stupid, and funny. Thus, I took a picture. Haha, I showed this to my dad, and he was like "WTF IS THAT?! It looks like sh*t." <--used those exact words. xDD LOL He rarely ever curses, but I guess he was in a funny mood, and felt that those words were best fitted towards the pretzel. LOL He said he would have never guessed it was a pretzel.
 ROFL So in order to not release any information capable of being obtained from my lunch room, I had Luka-chan photoshop the picture. What I thought she was going to do was just paint it white or something. LOL But I was stupid to think she'd do something so plain. First pic, of turkey is I think a picture of Luka-chan, Rin-chan, and me. LOL but the reason as to why Rin-chan and I look so fucked up and drugged while Luka-chan looks all pretty and happy is beyond me.
Second pic of turkey is self explanatory xDD. It was just Luka-chan screwing around. Don't ask me about the Nyu-san licking the ass of the turkey xDD. Because I think this picture is of Luka-chan's turkey. I had already taken a bite of mine without even realizing it was a turkey, and the same for Nyu-san xD. The act of licking is weird btw :3. <--lol felt like mentioning that. Anyways~ Those are Luka-chan's hands. So fat and chunky, ne? :D LOL JK *don't kill me plz >.<* I mean Luka-chan's hands a pretty(?) *innocent smile*
Haha and the last and certainly least picture is of a goatman hole puncher Ulquiorra themed turkey xDD. Which makes it least. ROFL No jk on this one x3 ~~~ *is so dead tomorrow. someone save meh from Luka-chan~~*. Haha, Luka-chan said she wanted a shirt that said "I ♥ Yaoi" on it, so maybe that's where it came from? xDD. LOL The turkey to the right corner is probably Orihime, the big boobed woman who Luka-chan dislikes for reasons unknown to me (jealous of her boobs, maybe? xDD). Haha I love rainbows~ *innocent face* ^ ^~
It says "trashy" cuz Goatman's famous line is "trash." LOL what a fail and sad catch phrase xDD.

ps. called Goatman a hole puncher because he punched a hole in Ichigo(or was it Grimmjow?) in the manga/anime(?) xDD LOL So! Nyu-san decided he'd be known as a hole puncher. And it was all unanimously agreed that he was a hole puncher :D and a great person to get a cheap abortion from. LOL JK (serious matter that shouldn't be joked about, gomene~ ^ ^;;)

Har har har anyways~ I'm tired as hell, and a bit high from these retarded pics, so I think I shall get some sleep xD. Good night~ <333

Conclusion x3 ~~
goatman is a hole puncher

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