Friday, January 6, 2012

Epic Desk Setup

I HAVEN'T POSTED IN FOUR DAYS @_______@. I think I was half-dead during those four days. I have no idea how I survived without blogging for so long. LOL I'm so lame, that during those four days, I would think about what I would blog about when I got the time. I need a life. XD

But yea~ I'm so sorry. I was glomped with tons of stupid homework, and annoying things kept popping up D: even when I did things early, and not last minute, I still had tons of stuff to do. TT^TT this is my fault for doing so many extra activities. I have my normal after school activities to do. Plus, now I started working again. I was supposed to have this week off, but supposedly the kids missed me so much that my Boss-lady asked me to start working earlier than planned. I feel so loved TTwTT *cries tears of joy.* I'm a real rule keeper with those kids, so I thought they didn't like me. I thought they'd forget about me. But they actually missed me TwT and asked for me to come back. Yay~ I'm loved :) which is so surprising to me O,O.
My annoying sister has finally gotten herself a LIFE, so now she's excited and feels the need to share with the world this fact. That means she won't shut up at night Dx. I CANT SLEEP!! I miss my precious precious sleep D': Due to this terrible lack of sleep, I've been really moody lately. I don't like that! I don't know, but the simplest thing can annoy the hell out of me. Luckily, it's the weekend. That makes me happy. Sleep here I come~ ^3^ !
Anyways, yeaa~ so in conclusion, I'm a super busy grumpy person who is loved. Sounds lovely, ne? xD

Okay~ now to the stuff that happened over the four days I've missed :D. Guess what I did.

NOTHING \(^o^)/ ! ! !

LOL JUST KIDDING~ XD haha I bet you guys were expecting that, ne? ^3^

*goes to eat dinner*
*finished dinner about two hours ago*

TT^TT many things can happen just...two hours...

I am so sad TT__TT. I feel confused, offended, mortified, angry, upset, icky, impatient, and sad. Sometimes...things just don't go right.

Things were going just perfectly. I had planned everything out in order to have a good weekend. I was going to finish up half of my homework, so all I have to do is work on meh semi-simple essay. Then I was going to sleep, and finish reading my book (which I've let collect dust for too long o.o). And so on~.
But, now my schedule is interrupted by unexpected problems T^T. My mood has changed from happy-go-lucky to confused/upset. So I don't really feel like continuing this post. I can't really say what happened. No, nobody died...or at least I don't think so >___> I hope not. But yea, all I can really say is that's for something some people may think is stupid, but I find it really important.

Anyways, Ima show you people something, so I don't end you with meh depressing news :T.

So on the poll, I saw that out of the five who voted~, seeing a picture of meh window view was the most desired (based on the votes of five ppl...). Unfortunately for those people, I am lazy xDD.
I quickly took a picture of meh desk, since it's like right in front of me. But my window is ..i don't know... 50 miles or so away? XD LOL Not that far! Just exaggerating. I really don't feel like getting up. >3<.

Oh~ so this picture is a bit blurry~. My camera sucks, so you all are gonna have to deal with it.
Anyways, I have a cool work station/desk, ne? :D ! I got a picture of Setsuna, and Chinese red envelopes on my wall xD. The red envelopes are there because at the time I put them up, my wall was bare, and I was annoyed by that. Thus, I taped them on there, but then my wall got cluttered now. I'm too lazy to take them down though xD. I have a piece of artwork on mine there too~. And my school calendar :3. I also have a DALEK !! OMG IM SUCH A GEEK BUT I LOVE DALEKS >w< They're my favorite bad guy. LOL yesh, it's a picture of a bad guy. And on it says "Exterminate!" because that's its famous line. Daleks are from Doctor Who, which is one of the best shows ever <3 (besides Psych and House xD). Ohh~ I ALSO HAVE GUNDAM FIGURES <3333. Yesh, it makes sense, ne?
There's also meh piano, which has been collecting dust. Poor piano T^T. Oooh~ and do you notice that my shelf is made of a box for a soap product? :3. LOL Yeaaa~ my dad is too cheap to buy shelves, so he just screwed on some boxes to the wall, and I use them as a shelf. They're surprisingly sturdy for cardboard boxes :D. LOL I shove many random junks into there as you can see xD.
Oh, and you see that A.C. near my desk ? I HATE that it's there. I whack my head against it by accident all the time XD. But it makes for a convenient shelf for my tissue box :3.

Anyways~ that's enough explaining about my boring desk :3. I'm gonna go~ and pace around my room or something~ because my brain hurts from the problems I was referring to earlier~. Don't comet below asking about my problem (Gleek-kun!) because I don't really wanna share. Sorry, I know this is mean of me ^ ^; but yeaa... it's just something I just don't want to share...

Anyways, ciao~. Since it's the weekend, don't worry about me missing four days of blogging.~ I'll blog about what I was planning to blog about today on tomorrow because now I'm busy~. Byes~ :3


  1. MIIIIII-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDDDD

    Okii, firstly, HANG IN THERE!!!! Things will work out, okay? Don't worry, Mii-chan, we're all here for you!! Right, everyone!

    .... *silence*.....


    EPIC DESK!! Mine is a total mess, btw. Both of them. Ooooohhhhh~~~~~~ Dual monitor setup.....

    Which book ya reading?

    Hope everything turns out okay, good luck, ne?!

  2. To Eva-chan. . .

    EVA-CHAN~ !!! :D
    LOL YESH IM ALIVE \(^o^)/

    Thanks <333
    I cleaned mine up for the picture XD
    otherwise it was a total mess. lolol.

    and I'm reading Percy Jackson :D. It's a bit under my reading level, but Rin-chan loves it xD so she had me read.

    and thanks. I need all the luck I can get <3
