Sunday, January 15, 2012

I Got Birthday Gifts :)

I'ma talk about my birthday today~ even though it happened awhile go xD.
Oh ho ho~. So I was very surprised-ish on my birthday :3.
I didn't expect the majority of my friends to give me gifts, but they did.
LOL not the gifts I said I wanted on one of my blog posts xD but I liked their gifts nonetheless ^___^ because they were still awesome x3.
I took pictures for you guys too! :D

LOL so I should really put this in order of which one I got first, but..I'm too lazy xD. Haha so this first picture is Rin-chan's gift to me~. LOL She said she expected everyone to get me sour gummy worms, so she wanted to be different and got me this xD. It's candy, but different candy xD. And some fancy lotion~. It smells nice xD.


Jessa-chan made this for me :D !! It looks much cooler in real life. I'm just really really really bad at photography xDD. It's supposed to be a red rose. I'm not sure what it's made out of xD. There's a tinier blue rose inside. And the whole thing is just so cool >w<. She gave this to me the day before my birthday I think xD.

This next one is from Gleek-kun~.
I took a picture of the bag~. I don't know, but I'm weird, so I find the gift wrapping and stuff an important part of the gift.
Anyways, I'm glad he got me something simple.
He's a crazy crazy person. He said he wanted to get me something special like a purse or a green necklace.
Purse because I collect bags/purses xD. Yeaa~ that's a new fact to learn about me. Not many people know that. Not until Choco-chan got me a bag for Christmas, and I was awe-ing over it xD. LOL I'm so jealous of choco-chan for that though because she has a much bigger collection than me :>
Anyways, he got me sour gummy worms and root beer ~~!!! He emphasized on the fat free part of the gummy worms. LOL but it's NOT because I'm fat. It's because he wants to help me win the bet that I have with Luka-chan :P.
Anyways, I liked this gift. xD Favorite candy and root beer. xDD

 X-chan got me a card !! :D. And OMG it was so cute >w<. I love doggies~ <33.And sigh OTL I forgot to take a picture of the actual card. *facepalm. I'm so stupid.What was inside the card was so sweet though. It made me smile a really big :D. I would tell you what was inside, but that might intrude on its personal thoughtfulness. But it was very nice, and she wrote a very cute poem :> I felt so special.

Hmm..I really like the poem. It was so nice and sweet >w<. I think..I'll share it with you. I mean you won't see the full awesomeness of her gift I just show you the envelope.
the poem:
2 years ago I seen you :)
1 year ago I heard of you >:)
This year I know you (hi) :D
4 months ago I started to talk to you.
2 months ago I knew something was special about you.
2 days ago I heard today was your birthday.
And today I want you to have the time of your life and I will always open my arms for you no matter what.
I was so happy after I read that. TTwTT I feel so loved. And I wanted to cry tears of happiness, and skip with joy. It was so nice. And awww :'D. Sigh. I love X-chan <33333

My sister got me these tiny Dummies book. xDD. They're so cute. LOL it seems weird, but it's actually a nice gift. My dad got me harujaku perfume 8D . I love that brand/type/w.e. because the bottles are so cute <333. It was called "wicked style." LOL and I'm telling you this because I'm too lazy to take a picture of it xD. Ooh my lil' brothers got me two GIANT packs of sour gummy worms. xD

THANK YOU FAMILY (is too lazy to say all their names xD)

I have to give her props for being the most creative.
I really liked what the lid said XD. She still can't stop laughing about that poem we wrote.
LOL When I opened it, I was like "Oh ha ha. another tea refferrance." This woman has been obsessed with tea lately XD. So I took it as a joke.
But...when I moved the paper I saw an actual tea box =____=;;
I was thinking "WTF??? LOL she actually got me tea?! This is so weird xD." and I was basically laughing in my head like crazy. But of course I had to be polite, so I was like "Oh haha, I love tea ^ ^;; thank you." and I put it back into the container. But she was like "Open it." I was like "uhh..okay." I was totally expecting tea bags, but there was actually sour gummy worms!! XD I can't believe she actually tricked me. I'm so gullible ^ ^;;. She even taunted me in her message.She totally predicted that I'd be tricked. LOL she knows me too well xD.


I haven't eaten her gummy worms yet though xD.
I'ma save it for now. Saving the best for last, ne~?

This is Pari-chan's gift to me :) It's so cuuutee and pretty !! :D LOL the gift bag is so cute even if it more a Christmas-y bag ^w^.
Haha when I opened the bag, I reached to grab out the tissue paper. However, it was wrapped around something. When I grabbed it out, I felt this heavy lumpy thing. When I unwrapped it, I saw this pretty-ass thing :D !! It was a coin purse and a keychain. A very heavy key chain. xD. lol it was made out of metal or something, so it weighed a ton xDD.


Ohhh if you look at the gifts, you probably see the background of like chairs and backpacks. Well that's because on the day of my birthday I had a stupid math test first period >:| hmph which sucked.
Bwahaha~~ but since I'm so awesome, I finished it with like 20 minutes left xD. So I was bored, and had nothing left to do. So I whipped out my camera, and clicked away xD.

Anyways, there are gifts that I didn't take pictures of (because I was lazy :P). My grandma gave me a Buddhist necklace. I'm agnostic, but my grandma believes in Buddhism. I wear it though. It would be rude not to. I don't mind though. I like how the tummy turns purple when I rub it. I don't know how that happens :> it's so cool. Rubbing the stomach of Buddha is supposed to bring good luck.
Oh, and Choco-chan got me another purse :D. It's so cute. The purse is this small round rectangular-ish shaped black purse. It's so beautiful. My collection is growing ^___^. yay.
A bunch of people on DCW wished me happy birthday too :)
Ai-chan said happy birthday to like a hundred times too. I love her. xD
Hmm..other than that I don't think there was anything else I received.

I had a nice birthday :)
I'm grateful that so many people love me, and I love them all just as much as well.



    Happy late bday!

  2. im gonna kill you if you dont send me those vids and pic -____-;

    like oh sureee you have time to blog but no time to upload pictures. i see.
