Saturday, January 21, 2012

Oh Ho Ho~ It's Snow !

♫ Snow~ Snow~ Snow~ It's snowing~ ^___^ Oh ho ho~ Oh dear snow~ ♫

LOL So obviously, as you can see, it's snowing from where I'm at :D !! Since it's too cold to go out (and I was too lazy xD), I took pictures from my window. By the way, I don't know either of the two people in these pictures. They're just random people xD. Snow is pretty, ne? ^___^.
I dislike snow =______=.
At first it's pretty, but when everyone starts to mess with it than it gets ugly. When people walk through it and cars drive on it, everything because a black mush piled up high on the sides. It's so gross x___x. And I hate how everything starts to get slushy-like later on. Plus, walking through it all in itself is a total pain in the butt. The bottom of my pants get all wet from the dirty snow. And when I'm walking with my brother, I always gotta make sure he doesn't touch the yellow snow. Sigh. He's way to attracted to the color yellow =__=.
But snow does have its good sides ^o^. When untouched by sleeping people it looks so magnificent. It really lightens up my day when I see it because the scene is just so magnificent :) . Plus, it lets me stay home all day. LOL when it's snowing, my dad doesn't feel like going out. So then I get to stay home (on my computer x3) all day without being bugged by my dad to go out xD. Another good thing about snow is that you can play in it. Haha I remember the first time I played with snow was when I I think 11? And the last time I played with snow was two years ago. LOLOL I'm too old to play in the snow xD but it's just so much fun throwing snowballs at people. Snowmans are fun too :D. But I haven't been able to make a snow angle yet :3. But now I'm wayyy too lazy to go out and play now xD. Plus, it's always so awkward when I go out to play in the snow. All the people stare at me as if I'm a lunatic TT^TT. Like gosh, can't a teenager play in the snow without any judgement? >__> well I guess not. LOL xD.
...sigh.. whatever! Either way I still dislike snow for its grossness during the after fact of it. But then again I love how pretty it can be too.

Guess I can't make up my mind, ne ^3^ ? Oh well~ ;P


  1. D:
    we have snow plows here that plow the snow on the streets~
    not a lot of ppl outside, it's all pretty and white :3
    and a bunch of ppl are planning a snowball fight if u check fb more often :V

  2. LOL.. that's so awesome D:
    I've only played in snow at Lake Tahoe :X

  3. To Ai...

    We should have snow plows too, but i dunno where they all went >__>
    who knows, maybe they were making too much noise, and Nyu-san killed them all XD LOL.
    and i dont have fb remember *cough cough wink wink* XD jk. lol.

    To Banana-kun...
    At least you got to play in some :D
    many people has never even seen it in real life~.

    but I've never been to Lake Tahoe...or maybe I have... not sure xD
    i used to go to a lake when I was lil' but forgot the name of it ^ ^;

  4. @Banana: That's rather far from home :V
    @Emiko: LOLOL (I think it's just [insert city you live in] IMO :V)
    LOLOL that could be true too, but I think they don't make that much noise :/ I slept through the times they plowed my street
    Fail :V
    (also btw it's "many people HAVE never even seen it in real life" *grammar nazi*)
