Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Anonymously Anonymous

Yup. Just some things I want to say to people, but don't have enough guts to tell.
If you know me and our history well than you can probably guess which one belongs to you.
Just don't kill me if you don't like your message ^ ^;

ps. there's one for everyone... except my readers. I'm sorry, I really just don't have anything personal to say to you all ^ ^; Except that I love you and thank you for reading <3 :)

pss. sorry for being such a gutless chicken and not being able to say this to your face :P

Dear Anonymous,

Gomen ne~ >__<;;

I disobeyed the orders you gave me just two days ago.
I failed.

I'll explain when you come back.

Just please don't kill me TT^TT.

the woman with too many problems :P


Dear Anonymous,

Is it just me, or are we becoming more distant? :L

The dirt...  xD;;


Dear Anonymous,

Am I too annoying?
So sorry ^ ^;
Okay, I'll stop.

Watson :3


Dear Anonymous,

Have more confidence in yourself.
You're really a great person (:

Haha but I wouldn't be surprised if you had some dark and twisted side.
I mean that always happens in movies. xD
If that side exists you should showw it to me before I leave :D



Dear Anonymous,

You know... we only ever talk about boys.
We're just so different.. that when we talk about anything else, it gets weird or boring :T

How can I change that?

The problem magnet


Dear Anonymous,

I'm jealous of you, and I don't know why.
I mean I technically won, so why am I jealous?

I feel sorry for you though.
and I really really want to slap you.



Dear Anonymous,

I wonder why you are the way you are.
Humans are just such odd creatures.

You just need to be yourself, okay?
A person is always best when they act as themselves and not like others <3

Um... the one behind you...


Dear Anonymous,

LOL I'm happy for your support,
despite how creepy it can be xD

Uh the not-so-busy woman(?)


Dear Anonymous,

What's wrong with being 'too happy'?



  1. luka; hmmnnn, i think im either the
    2nd one, 5th one, or the 8th one.

    i think its the 2nd one though :L
    am i rightt ?
    tell moiii

    and i saw the cracked website. that was friggin hilarious XDDDD

    you should see this :

    XD the last one. omfg.

    hahahaha ~


    dude, your human verification thing is so hilarious XD its says i have to type in "cackwat" "yeral", lol.

  2. I think I know who the second one is to... *coughRyuujincough*
