Friday, February 3, 2012

SaD aNd HaPpYy ~ //moodswingsss ?

Sigh. Don't you just hate it when you're faced with obstacles? Obstacles that you just don't know how to get around? It's also a pain in the butt to face these kinds of obstacles if you have a big imagination or read too many books/watched too many movies. You start to think up of all sorts of crazy reasons for why these obstacles exists. These ideas start out normal, quite cliche. Then after a while they get more and more outrageous. I like to stop at the point of ultimate confusion XD. Today that happened to me. I have this problem. Can't really say because it's so unique the person(s) will know what it is I'm talking about. So you people are just going to have to deal with the limited knowledge of knowing, I have a problem, and that's it :3. LOL so anyways~, this problem is starting to be a pain in the ass. I've never really experienced such a thing, so I have no clue what to do. It's quite funny actually. I've come up with all the possible reasons for why such a problem has occurred, but there's no telling what is the answer; which idea is right. I find it amusing that with this imaginative mind I have, I cannot come up with any way to solve it. I tried asking Luka-chan for help. But she doesn't really seem to know what she's doing either XD. So I've reached a dead end~. I hate dead ends
(lol doesn't everybody?).

Today really sucks though. Not only because I'm facing a difficult obstacle in life, but also for other things~. For instance, Gleek-kun keeps insisting that I hate him. that we're not friends anymore. Sigh. It's so annoying when people do that. They're all like "Do you hate me? Are we not friends anymore? You seem mad." I keep telling him, "No I'm not angry. I don't hate you. We're still friends." But every day he keeps bringing that up. I HONESTLY DONT HATE YOU GLEEK-KUN. Please believe that. Right now, I'm just not feeling too well. My patience level and tolerance for people is rather low at the moment. I'm sorry that I might have been snapping at you a bit too much, Gleek-kun. It's just I need some space right now I guess. Yea, I might sling my arm around Nyu-san or link myself to Rin-chan, but that's because they let me be, and unburden me with all my worries. Sigh. I know it's unfair towards Gleek-kun, but I.. I really just don't know what to say right now. Gleek-kun if you're reading this (and I know you probably are), I don't hate you. Okay? I don't lie.

Today also sucks because I took a science test. And for once I actually studied. Shocking I know XD. I'm such a cocky bastard, so I don't study for tests. However, lately, I haven't been doing so well in science class. Today was a major major tests, so I actually bothered to study. I studied for an hour and half ! That's gotta be the longest time I've ever studied. And guess what? I FAILED OTL. It just sucks when that happens. LOL I tried to look real happy about it though. I got too much pride, despite what others may think ^ ^;. There was 38 questions in total on the test. My goal was to get no more than half wrong (meaning i must get 19+ questions correct). And guess what, I got 7 wrong OTL. damn, I fail. I know that means I passed my goal. And honestly, I really did expect to get at least half of the questions wrong. But 7 wrong is still like a 70~80 something (too lazy to calculate exact score). Luka-chan got a 95 !! TT^TT damn it I'm a failure. //competative xD

Sighhhh. so yea, today sucked. really really sucked. fo' real.
(LOL bed intruder song Reference XD).

On the bright side (cuz there always is one ///liess xD), I didn't have to go to work today :D. LOL I really don't know for sure why. But supposedly they're watching a movie, so I wasn't needed. I mean I can't really tutor kids if they're watching a movie XD. Oh ho ho~ But I'm happy because I didn't want to go to workk today. I feel too crappy to work. I mean those kids are so darn spoiled and complain all the time. It's just annoying to be around them sometimes. But I also love them too :) because they're so cute >w< and they give me such adorable lil' drawings :'D. They love me too ! <333. Because I'm nice ^___^ (they're lyingggg XD) ~
LOL Oh! Speaking of the kids loving me, one of them gave me a confession note! XD LOL IT WAS SO ADORABLE !! <3. Haha he's only in like ..uh.. first grade? XD I'm not sure. No wait I think he's a second grader or maybe 3rd.... >___> omg I dont remember. Well it doesn't matter, he's somewhere in elementary school. No wait I remember now xD ! He's in second grade. yup :3. Haha but I swear it was the cutest thing on earth! He took pink paper, and wrote "I like you." on it, and warpped it up in some origami type envelope. It was so sweet >w<. Luckily, since he's young~ he didn't feel to bad when I had to reject him.

I told him, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I really like you too... but I already have someone I like ^ ^;."
"You have a boyfriend?! :O " he seemed so shock, as if it wasn't possible. i know he's young, but i couldn't help but feel a bit offended XD.
"Uh..well I don't know if you can call him that..." I replied unsure of what to say ^ ^;;...
"Do you love him though?" now damn, when he asked this I was like "what kind of second grader asks this kind of stuff?" XD //was very surprised.
But of course I replied, "Mhm ^__^ I love him very much."
"Then he's lucky :) " and I suppose satisfied with this, the boy went back to doing his homework~.

I swear, that's gotta be the weirdest conversation I've had with someone who is of his age. He's so maturee that it's kinda scary xD. I mean not even my own brother says stuff like that. And he's a year older than this boy! Plus, I mean he's my brother. That makes him at least ten times smarter than all the other boys. LOL JK XD. But still. Kids these days continuously surprise me all the time. I mean they may be small and inexperienced, but don't underestimate them or else you're in for a surprise or two x3


I'm very moody I guess. First moment, I'm all sad and gloom. Next moment, I share this cute story with you. My life is just colorful I guess XD.

well...other than that I really don't have anything else to say ^ ^;. 

so uh.. BYE BYES :D



  1. Right, so you've probably heard this from a billion older people already.....well, i'm not that much older than you xDDD But I went through the same thing a while back. Well, not the same thing since i don't know what your problem is. however, that point in your life when you feel like nothing is working out. you feel ALONE. Everything that made sense before doesn't anymore. you feel like everyone has changed. and you can't confide to anyone, at least not straight out. sometimes, you think it'd be best if you just sat down doing nothing and letting your tears drip down your cheeks. it fascinates you. you want the tears to fall. you dont rub them away........hmm... i think i've trailed off too far. but it does end. IT REALLY DOES, OKAY? Dont doubt it. ONLY after you grow out of the phase will you realize that it was just that: a phase. so. Did I hit the target...or did the arrow pierce a completely different bullseye?

    p.s. awwww.....that kid honestly scares is he so sophisticated. when i was a second grade, i was worried about getting paper cuts, not about how i'd confess to a girl twice my'm a girl....YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT!! XDD

  2. To Anonymous,

    LOL It's either you're really smart or you've read my previous blog posts XDDD
    Not exactly on target, but close enough~.

    Yea, I know it's only a phase. Wish I could grow out of it fast :P

    But I really appreciate the advice. <333 you're so nice. :')

    and LOL XD ME TOO !! In second grade, I worried about paper cuts and how I was going to cut in a straight line XD
    and what scary thing they'd serve for lunch that day.... wait I still worry about that XDD

  3. hi its gleek kun
    no offense but u seem to always have pressure. my theroy is that u have too much stress so patince levels drop causing problems.
    okay i'll work on the whole friend thing between u and me emiko.
    anways awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww about the like thing. awwwwwwwwwwwww u like someone if u need a love song to express ur feelings u know who to turn to.
    okay i have someways to get rid of stress
    1. make over(idk why i just see that a lot in movies and tv shows)
    2. deep breaths
    3. sing or humm that works for me thhats why im so sunny in the moring
    4. a half free day, let me explain that. its a day were half your day is work and half with fun fun fun
    for ex mine is free friday:
    1. go to school
    2. go home and eat
    3. go back to school and walk to the ps 20 park with musical theather people (listen to music on the way)
    4. play at the park till like 5 or 6
    5. go to the libary and play games
    6. go home and play online and watch tv
    7. go to sleep
    see how fun now just make one for u. it gets rid of all ur bad emotions

  4. Hey it's Elf. :)

    I unedrstand with your situation. Obstacles sucks right? I remember having obstacles popping out of nowhere and there I was trying to figure out where it came from and how it appeared. Then it struck me that I should find out how to defeat these challenges instead. xP Then I spent the rest of my time hitting myself because I spent precious time figuring out how the obstacle come up indtead of finding out the solutions to the problems. *facepalm*

    Kids these days are weird right? I never remembered being like that when I was young... Kids are very surprising these days. I once saw my friend's little brother who is only 1 playing an Ipad. And he was playing The Sims 3 on it. x3 And he was really good at it! I was shocked beyond words!! And he asked his sister( my friend) how to make babies because that was one of the aspirations his Sim has and my friend TOLD him. OMG! He's only one for heaven's sake and she told him something so.... =.='( you get what I mean)

    And 7 wrong isn't that bad. I remembered having ten wrong for my Bio test (damn the person who created that difficult paper) and m=I was kinda estatic despite getting lowest in class. xP To me, there's no point in being competitive. I know what's my standards so I don't compare myself with people because that'll cause unecessary stress. I study sometimes but I rarely do that because I'm just too lazy and prefer spending my time eating. xP

    I am usually rather happy with my results as I already know that I am going to get that much or at least close to the marks I estimated. Knowing my standard and not comparing myself with others saved me from ALOT of stress and tears. Why compare with others when it's better to be yourself? You can't be the same as everyone else and you should be proud that you are different. Having less marks than Luka-kun isn't that important. I bet you are better than her in something else. Being crazier is a achievement as well. Be proud that you didn't fail(according to the academic standards, not yours) and you actually STUDIED for it. I'll be pretty proud if I received your marks. And I'll be more proud that I studied because I hate picking up my books. <__<

    Hope that you will overcome those obstacles soon! And your post isn't that long so it don't matter. :)

    ~From Elf.

  5. To Elf,

    First off. such a long comment xD. everyone has been leaving me long comments nowadays. lol.

    Anyways, yup ! I know what you mean. At first I kept trying to figure out what caused the obstacle instead of trying to find ways to fix the issue. But people are naturally curious, so it only makes sense that you would focus on what happened instead of a solution. So don't hit yourself when you seem to lose sight of what matters for a bit. As long as you fix it in the end is what counts :)

    Kids are weird these days ! I remember I used to watch cartoons all day when I was little. The fancy technology stuff didn't really catch my interest at the time. And about the baby thing, LOL That's so wrong ! Haha good thing he's only one. Probably won't remember when he gets older... hopefully XD.

    LOL Yeaa~ I'm a nerd XD so grades can be a big deal to me. I know I should be satisfied with what I get. Especially if it isn't all that bad. I know that there are people out there smarter than me, and I shouldn't make such a big deal about me being inferior. But despite knowing all this, I still defy this knowledge. Why? Because I don't like being inferior. It's revolting~. What's the point in living if I don't strive to be the best? Why settle for something small when there are bigger things out there to reach for? Ha! I guess I just sounded really conceited there, but it's who I am. Doesn't make me the happiest person at times, but it's made me who I am today. I know I'm not perfect, but it doesn't hurt to try to be a bit.

    I hope to overcome the obstacles too. so far it isn't working out so well ^ ^;. I'm still stuck on how to fix it. B-but I think I can do it... if not than I hope the other end of the problem will find its happiness someday.

    ps. LOL I wonder what your definition of long is XD

    1. To Emiko,

      You're a very optimistic person despite your wish to be the best. I rarely meet these kind of rare breed. :P In my life, everyone who is a nerd stresses themselves to the max and are very pessimistic. They are also like you- always competiting. You have a point about the importance of competiting. It's not conceited or anything.It's believing in being the very best. That is a good quality of your character. Keep it up! Keep trying cause every try would bring something, no matter how little. :D

      I'm kinda afraid that my friend's little bro would actually remember it. He likes making the Sims make babies. It's very disturbing to see him keep on telling them to do it. Kids these days... :P

      I hope everything work out well with your obstacles! :D Everything will turn out alright in the end so keep smiling and laughing! They are the best medicine to any disease or sadness! Keep on striving and believing in yourself because that's what makes a person stronger.

      Hope that you'll overcome these obstacles soon. :)

      P.S: Long means a novel. :P Your post is a short stor in my eyes. :P

      P.P.S: Is my comment too long? Sorry about that.

    2. To Elf,

      Yea, I have friends who are nerds as well, and I think they stress themselves out too much as well. It's good to strive to be better, but trying too hard could be bad for you. It's good to know one's own limits and capabilities. That way you don't push yourself too hard or put too much stress on yourself.
      And yes ! That is exactly true. I'll keep trying, despite how big or little the benefit of something is because it's better than no improvement at all :D

      lol I see. xD Well children are ten times more curious than we are, so it's not unusual for him to want to do that. But maybe your friend should do something about it (I'm not sure what) because it might lead him to become a pervert or something ^ ^;;.

      I hope so too :)

      p.s. LOL xD it's nice to meet someone different. I always get complaints from friends on how my writing is too long.

      p.s.s. No it's not that long :). just longer than the usual comments I get ^^. Either way though, I kinda like long comments xD
