Monday, August 22, 2011


Heh heh ^ ^;; looks like I couldn't find the time to tell you about the events of what happened at P.'s birthday party. Yea, I can explain why I didn't tell ya about it on the actual day. Long story short, my family and I had an all out war. There were men dying everywhere, and a whole bunch of screaming. I was getting my ass kicked. The battle lasted for five hours straight! :O All of our nations were getting hungry and so were its commanders/generals. It was a total pain in the butt. But in the end my sister and I took victory over all. Muahahahaha!! >:D           ...>.> *cough cough* now let my less insane sister explain what I meant. . .

Hi.... (my sister isn't good with greetings xD)
Sigh. To put it simple, me and her teamed up and had an Age of Empires battle with  our dad and little brother. When she's says "men were dying everywhere" she means that our fighting men in the game were losing/dying/being killed by our ruthless brother. The hunger part was about us wanting food, but we wouldn't give up on the game until one of us lost. ...and my sister lied about the part of us winning. >.> she just can't except that we lost. . .  (gosh, she puts it in such a boring way. I like my version better xD)

^ ^;; eh heheh... *awkward silence*...lolz xD so yea. That was a fun Saturday.
o.o oh wait, if that happened on Saturday..then why was I not able to write on Friday...? ....*thinking* Oh that's right! I got home late-ish, and had to watch my lil' siblings when my dad went out for a little bit. So I was super tired.

Thus, I shall tell you about the party today instead of the other two days I could have done it! :D  <-- gosh it took me forever to reach that conclusion xD

now time for:

Story Mode
P.'s house is like 10 blocks away from mine, and I had to walk there. So it was a rather long walk. But I had a lot of things on my mind so it seemed quite short. I was kind of hoping to see K. on the way over there (because I pass by his house) Unfortunately, when I got near his house, I just missed him. He was walking somewhere with his mom and lil' sister. I called him, so I could tell him to turn around, and it'd be such a romantic romantic moment.

Day Dream Mode
I call him, with me just 7 feet away increasing w/ every step, his phone starts to ring. K. stops in mid-step, and picks up his phone. "Hello?" he answers the phone in a surprised manor. "Turn around~ *winks even tho no one can see her xD* " He turns around to see the lovely face of me, Emiko. And he smiles.

Yea...I don't feel like getting into mushy stuff xD but you get the idea.
Sigh~ but the stupid boy doesn't carry his cell phone, so that was a total bummer.

lolz anyways, once I got there, I was quite lost. I didn't know which apartment building was P.'s, so I called her. Once I figured out which was her, I went to the elevator, and luckily my other friend appeared at the same time :D. So I didn't have to ride the elevator alone xD. I have to tell ya though, it was quite awkward. I don't talk to her much, so it was a pretty silent ride on the elevator. There wasn't even any elevator music! Gosh, how odd.
Anyways, once we got there we started playing cat's cradle while we waited.
Once everyone came, we went to the park nearby, and started having water fights and stuff. But I wasn't allowed to get wet, and so were a few other people. So we played Frisbee. A whole bunch of little boys wanted to play too, and I think my friend Mel. got quite annoyed. She's the youngest in her family, so I guess she's not used to dealing with little kids. Me, I'm stuck with em'; little kinds I mean (two little brothers, one little sister, and a childish dad xD). Eventually we started playing man hunt, which is a form of tag. Then we watched a play-like thing that a church was hosting, and got free lemonade. <--we're such free loaders xD. Then, we went inside for party games :D. We actually played hot potato; with an acutal potato. lol xD. I was the first to lose ^ ^;;. Thus, I was forced to dance in the middle of the circle. It was quite fun..until P.'s mom started taking pictures xD. Everyone then got bored, and we all started dancing like crazy. I also pigged out on the snacks. I felt so rude, but the food was very tasty ^ ^;;. I couldn't help myself. Then after eating was some more games. I won four of the party games! I'm so pro ;D.
Gift time was fun too. About half the people there gave her jewelry (cuz she loves jewelry xD). Thus, making my gift perfect! I gave her a small cute pink jewelry box-like gift. So pro at gift picking too~. Everyone loved my card. They all thought it was cool how I made it with the computer. Most of them laughed at what my card said too xD.

Birthday's are nature's way of telling us to eat more cake, so eat tons of it; and have a

P.S. I was going to give you something even more awesome for your birthday, but the mailman made me get out of the mailbox.

Pretty awesome birthday quote, ne? <-- which I found on the internet, and added a lil' bit of my own touch here and there xD. I love the internet. haha

I think P. enjoyed my gift overall though. ^ ^ that made me happy. I love it when things turn out successful.
Anyways, my dad made me leave the party early, so that was a pain in the butt.

I can't believe the next morning my legs were sore from the running and dancing. I must be really out of shape xD.

okay, well, it's getting late now (almost midnight @_@), so I got to go.
Goodnight~ ;D

ps. gosh this was quite long ...

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