Friday, August 12, 2011

Shopping at Disney

 Not too long ago, my family went to a shopping outlet. It was fun I guess, we didn't do much shopping in the stores. We were sort of just walking around. My dad was complaining about how I'm a girl and I don't like shopping. But what he doesn't know is that, I actually like shopping just as much as the next girl. It's just awkward shopping with him ^ ^;;. You know what I mean? I know he's my dad, and I should be perfectly fine shopping with him. But it's the very fact that he's my dad  that makes it awkward. I'm not one to worry about what other's think of me. However, when I'm shopping with my dad, I have to worry if he thinks this or that will be okay and/or appropriate. It's not that I like inappropriate clothing. I just don't know what my dad approves of or not ^ ^;;. I prefer shopping by myself, where no one can judge me xD. Ah ha but the funny part is that once we got to the Disney store in the shopping outlet, my whole family went a lil' crazy. There was some kind of stuff animal sale where you could get 2 for like $12 or something like that. So since I have three little siblings plus me, we each got to buy one stuff animal. xD I'm not a big stuff animal fan, but they were just so cuute~ ^w^. I also got myself some pajamas. Basically, for some reason, I'm able to say what I want in the Disney store, but not in a regular clothing store. ^ ^;; maybe it's because they're more of collectible items (?). I don't know. My dad was laughing about how all four of us were most excited in the Disney store xD. It is quite odd for someone of my sister and I's age. Lolz xD but it's not my fault. My brothers love re-watching movies over and over and over again; most of them being Disney movies. I practically memorized everything about all kinds of kid movies.  Toy Story 3 is one of the many movies I have seen about a 100 times xD. In my opinion, it was a pretty cute movie. I like Toy Story. ^ ^;; I can't believe I almost cried at the ending when everything got so sentimental. Sigh~ the power of kid movies xD. Anyways, you should have seen how amazed everyone in my family was when we found out that the Lotso stuff animal bear actually smelled like strawberries. xD We all couldn't stop sniffing it. It was just so cool. We're such weird people. My dad started cracking up at the accuracy of the stuff animal.
I was too lazy to take pictures of the stuff I got, so I just went to the Disney website and found pictures of them xD. ( )

I think the Lotso in the movie looks a lot cuter...and more evil at the same time xD. The stuff animal version looks too...happy. This is the first time my family has ever bought the bad guy from a movie before. We usual don't like the bad guys and never buy them. But come on. Who can seriously not buy a strawberry smelling bear? xD The way Ga. says Lotso's name is so cuute~ too ^ ^. He can't pronounce the "s" sound in his name, so it sounds like he saying "Lot-toe". a lot of toe xD rofl. I love the way babies talk, but it's super hard to understand them ^ ^;;. Lotso belongs to Ga. btw.

Mr. Prickly-Pant
<--- this is Mr. Prickly-Pants ^ ^. I have no idea if that was his actual name in the movie or not. He wasn't a major character in the movie, so it's hard for me to remember. Za. first told me it was "Mr. Pippy-pants" and then he said it was "Mr. Prickly-Pants" and now he's saying it's "Mr. Porky-Pants" ^ ^;; so I have no clue what his name is. And porky-pants doesn't make any sense because he's not a pig xD. He's a porky pine. So I decided out of the three names "Mr. Prickly-Pants" is the cutest and makes the most sense. ^ ^ I love his "spikes/prickly needles" because it's actually very soft. I think he's so adorable :3 so I chose him as my choice of stuff animal.
Mr. Prickly-Pants is supposedly a theatrical loving porky pine. WAIT!! Hold on a sec. *looks up the real name of Mr. Prickly-Pants.* O.O He's not a porky pine. He's a hedgehog. What's a hedgehog anyways ^ ^;;? Wait, aren't they the same thing. *is super confused* Gah! Whatever xD. Anyways turns out his real name is Mr. Pricklepants. Hm...I think I'll stick to Mr. Prickly-pants though. It sounds cuter d(^ ^)b.
so true about meh ;D

The last picture is of the pajamas I got at the Disney store ^ ^. The whole reason why I bought pajamas from the Disney store was because my original pjs is just a large t-shirt and a pair of shorts xD. My dad says I need "real" pajamas. So we got some "real" pajamas at the Disney store ^ ^;;. I rather like these pajamas xD. It perfectly describes how I am when I wake up; sleepy and grumpy xD.

I rather like the Disney store ^ ^. It's a lot of fun. But I think an anime store would be much more fun :D . But sigh~ everything that's anime is super expensive. D':

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