Monday, May 30, 2011

My Camera is so Old

My camera sucks xD. I should really buy myself a new one. I've had it for like 3 or 4 years I think. The picture quality of my camera isn't so good. The pictures always come out blurry no matter how steady my hand is. But sometimes it makes for cool effects. Like I took a picture of Ca. and she had her hands up in the air with a big smile. Somehow everything in the picture except her was blurry. When I say blurry, I mean like it was as if the background was running away. If I photoshopped a roller coaster in, it would look like she was riding a roller coaster. xD It's kind of cool. Some of my other pictures turned out pretty cool too. They habe random lines that are blurry, and it looks like ghosts. I joke with Luka and say "Oooh! The ghosts are trying to contact us!" And she starts laughing. I have one weird picture of something skin colored with a random black circle eye looking thing in the top left corner. It looks like a close up of a demon's face. xD It was quite fun seeing the pictures I took. I don't even remember taking some of them. Anyways, even though it creates these cool effects, I still need a new camera because those cool effects aren't very usefull when I want to take an actual picture. Plus it looks kind of crappy so people make fun of me for it. The good this is though, once they see the funky pictures I get, they kind of like my camera.
I must be confusing you, huh? I keep saying I don't like my camera, and yet I say I think it's cool. You can hate and love at the same time. xD
I tried to convince my dad that I need a new camera, but he just said that I'm not using it right or it's on the wrong setting. Sigh~ but I spent an hour playing with all the different settings, and the pictures still came out weird and blurry. I'll just save up some money for a new camera then. TT^TT but that means I can't buy any anime stuff. ....Hm...what to do...? I know, I'll ask my dad to get it for me for Christmas. ^ ^ that's my plan B. But then again, that's kind of mean >.>
I'll save up my own money. sigh~

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