Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm SO happy and I thought you should know

WARNING! This entry may be very very long, and it's about my very fail, very futile love life (but i unexpectedly had a successful day, so it might not be so fail after all.) If you are not interested in my successful time in my love life then try reading it anyways, or just read some of my other entries xD.
That smiley up there, is an example of an understatement as to how big I was smiling today after certain events. Btw :) I have succeeded! Okay, for those of you who have read my last entry, you should know what the heck I'm talking about. But for those of you who didn't (you should start following me so I don't have to explain xD), my last entry was about how I don't like how things between me and my futile crush is going. So I was really pumped and was totally ready to start progressing things between us :). I saw him at my after school activities (musical theater). Today in mt (musical theater) we just talked about a trip we're taking. It's some big trip that's a way to celebrate our successful show of Annie Jr. My crush is going on the trip so I'm totally going to push my dad to let me go. The thing is that it's until 7:00 p.m. >.> I've never been out for that long with out my dad. I wonder how it will go. Anyways, my crush needed to go pick up his little sister at the bus stop that's like 2 blocks away from my school. It was funny because he was like "Um...Mr. W I need to go real quick to pick up my sister." And I was like "can I go with you?!" He laughed and was like "..sure...?" and started running. So I followed him ^ ^. He was like "You were serious?!" xD After we got out of the school building he was like "Can you run." ...can't everybody who can walk know how to run? xD Anyways I was like "yea..." and he was like "Can we run?" I, of course, wanted to be on his good side and was like "Ok." so we started running. He runs FAST!!! I couldn't keep up xD. We were waiting at the bus stop, and I wanted to start a conversation going. (remember! I'm trying to progress this stand still friendship) So I ask my most common and unique question that I ask every guy I like "What's your favorite part of the sky?" xD It's a weird question I know. But it can tell you a lot about a person if you think about it. He was like "Huh?" "You know the clouds, the stars, the blueness of it all." "The stars." I like the clouds ^ ^;; and so have all my past crushes, so this was new. I was like "why?" "Because they seem so close, but they're so far away." "So are the clouds. They look close but are far away." "But stars are farther away. Space is just so cool!" See, that question can starts a real nice conversation ^ ^. (Use the question with your crush if you want, tell me if it worked for you!) "Is that why you want to be an astrophysicist?" I asked. "o.o how did you know...?!" Yea, it must seem odd for a person to know something you never told "Because I went to the arista ceremony." (the arista ceremony was this thing where the people in it said what they wanted to be when they grew up.) He was like "oh yea." Then I stated, "Astrophysics, the branch of astronomy that has to do with the physics of the universe-" and he cut me off there "You actually looked it up!?!" xD...I guess that does seem scary, especially since I memorized the basic definition. I had to think up of an excuse as to why I looked it up xD so my thoughts were: "damn it! think! think think! You can't say it's because you like him and want to be knowledgeable about what he likes!" So I told him, "...Um ..well at the arista ceremony, I heard things like veterinary, doctor, and lawyer. I've never heard of the term astrophysicist before." "Yea, I wanted to be unique. *smiles*" I was totally shouting "Yes! He bought it!" in my head. However, him wanting to be an astrophysicist is only my motivation to searching it up. I was telling the truth about it being different from what the others said. Anyways, as we're waiting at this bus stop, his MOM comes! It's kind of a big thing meeting the parent of the person you like. She gave me a "omg who's that girl with my son" look xD.  K. was like "um..yea.. this is my mom :)" I was like "Hi! :) *acting as friendly as possible*" So then K. was all like "Mooom, can I please go back to musical theater?!" guess he didn't need to pick up his sister since his mom was there. The weird part was that he was leaning on his mom's shoulder, and was not really begging, what do you call it? Well it was cute. He was using like this baby voice ^ ^. It was something I've never seem him do before. Anyways, afterwards we head back to mt, and we see people walking home. It was a group of guys from mt and they were laughing so weirdly O.o. When we got to the auditorium (where mt is held), no one was there. When it's empty you can make echoing sounds. So I lamely shouted "Echo!" xD I'm such a child. We start heading to a nearby elementary park because we could xD And we thought our other friends would be there. On our way, I used my super vision and saw that our friends were ahead of us. What makes my vision so "super" is that they were really really far away. Anyways, we run like hell to catch up with them. My friend, P. (internet safety reasons is preventing me from using my friend's full name), was like "moments." when she saw me. She's basically saying "aww~ you got to spend time with him." Anyways, we walk to the park, do fun stuff, hand out. xD that's the condensed version. We played manhunt. When it was time to hide, I was totally following with him and hiding with him! He noticed too >.> and I couldn't come up with something normal to him that would make him less suspicious. It was 4:00 and I had to leave, but I asked for a time extension ^ ^. I got another hour. K. had to go too, but I was like "Why don't you get a time extension like me?" I wanted to spend as much time with him as possible!! But he didn't bring his phone, so I let him use mine ^ ^. I joked about me having his phone number in my call history xD. Which freaked him out a bit, but it's okay. Did I tell you that K. knows I'm creepy/perverted? Well he knows, but he's unusually okay with it. Probably because I'm creepy/perverted but not to a really super serious nutso extent xD more of a joker kind. Anyways, he used my phone and got to stay until 5 as well ^ ^! Afterwards me and him rejoined our friends and played telephone. It was fun whispering in his ear, and him whispering in mine ^ ^. Ew.. that might sound weird xD but hey I can't say that I didn't enjoy. When it reached 5 o' clock we started walking home together!! K. lives in an apartment building right next to the school! So we walk in the same direction because I live 5 blocks away from the school. Anyways, it was a nice walk~ I asked him questions. I was like "Do you think I'm weird?" "No." This surprised me. I thought he was lying. "Really? Then maybe a creep?" "No not really." I laughed " A pervert?" I totally thought he would say yes. But he said "No, you're actually pretty normal. Just...unique." Gee that's a laugh. What a nice way to say mentally insane. Then he adds "I've definitely never met a girl like you." "Is that good or bad?" xD of course I'd get suspicious if someone said that. "Good." ^ ^ now I was happy. Then we pass by my school, and there were a lot of people there hanging out. "Wow there's a lot of people here." I said. "I won't see many people I know, only the small few that's going to my school." (he's going to a different school next year. I won't tell you if it's college or high school because again of the internet safety rules. No way am I going to let people know how old I am. I'm a year younger then him though, so I won't be able to see him after this year is over TT-TT!! But then again I know where he lives *creepy smile*) What he said was totally off topic, and not what I was talking about xD but I went along with it anyways. "Yea...but hey maybe I'll get into *beeep (sorry I'm censoring the school's name. > < too many hints are no good.)* :) ....if I'm smart enough >.>.. (he's going to one of those "smart" people schools. you know the ones that are really hard to get into. the one he's going to is the second best, which is pretty impressive. Haha ^ ^ I like a nerd...I'm one too but whatever xD)" "No. You're really smart." Just that made me happy :) but he kept going. "You're even smarter then me." Really happy now :) but a little confused. How was I smarter than someone who's older than me? He probably meant smarter then him when he was in my grade. Anyways he kept going ^ ^, "I think by the time you reach my grade (that's when you take the test) you'll know enough to be able to get into *beeep*." (basically the beep was the name of the school ranked first.) I was thinking, "wow! he really thinks that? I feel so happy that he thinks so highly of me ^ ^!" Sadly, he eventually reached his apartment building, and it was time to say farewell. He was heading towards the door when he said "See you later." I waved and said "Bye." In a very fail squeaky/sad baby voice. Then he stopped and said "Don't say bye!" I was like "huh?..." "Bye is a very bad word. It feels like you're leaving." ( I think he meant the leave forever type leave. because leaving as in just leaving the place you're at wouldn't make sense in what he said.) *cries tears of joy* Is he saying he doesn't want me to leave?! Or does he not like the idea of me leaving!?! ...Okay so maybe it's just his matter of opinion on the word and I'm looking to deep in what he was saying, but hey I like to look at the glass half full ;) ~
On my way home, I was smiling like a total idiot from ear to ear. I got weird looks from people, so I tried to make a less toothy smile. But I couldn't! My mouth kept opening so my teeth were showing. I went totally crazy! Giggling like a loopy girl. I was just really happy :) my day was so successful. Maybe, my futile crush isn't so futile after all...       (How much you want to bet that I'll see him at school on Monday, and complain about how it's futile again? xD) .....DAMN!!!! THIS IS LOOOONG!!!! O.O sry about that ^ ^;;

^ ^ ta ta~

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