Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Favorite Season...

Did I ever tell you people how much I love Autumn? ^ ^
Well, I do. I know right now it's Spring, and it's kind of weird to be talking about Autumn now. I was just on my computer, randomly searching, when I suddenly started thinking about Autumn. It made me miss the beautiful season.
I like Autumn for a number of reasons.
I mostly like the wonderful season because of the trees. In Autumn the trees change colors, and the way the colors all compliment each other is just beautiful. They're warm, soothing colors of red, yellow, brown, and orange. It's just so beautiful to see. I don't know how to explain it, but when I see the trees in Autumn, I feel a smile creep up at the corners of my mouth.
Ooh! Another reason why I like Autumn is that it has two names. xD lolz, yes I know that's a silly reason, but that's how I am. I'm weird. So deal with it :P. Fall and Autumn; two different words that describe the same thing.  I remember hearing a story about why the season was called Fall. It had to do with a turtle. I would tell you, but that seems like I'll get off topic and this blog entry will end up being super long. So I'll save the story for another time :). In my opinion, the word "Fall" describes the events of the season, and the word "Autumn" describes the elegance of it. I don't know what's the greek/latin/or w.e. language it originated from means, but Autumn just has this feeling of elegance and beauty to it. I like that :D
I also like Autumn because of the leaves. The leaves are nice and crunchy. So when they fall, they make funny sounds when I walk on them. In my neighborhood, the people shove the leaves to the sides of the sidewalk, and it collects up. I love running through it! Since it's all collected up on the side, there's a whole bunch. It makes walking in it easier and more fun. I like kicking it up in the sky, and hearing it crunch softly under my feet. It's so much fun! Last fall I gathered the leaves up in the park, and jumped in them. I've always wanted to that! Lolz, yes I know, I'm too young for that, but I couldn't help myself. I've always seen people do it on T.V. and it looks like fun. So I tried it out for myself, and it was fun! xD
Fall has nice warm weather too. It's not too hot or too cold. It's just right. Lolz is it just me or did me saying that remind of of the children's story "Goldilocks and the Three Bears"? Maybe it's just me... xD
Anyways, my friend said she likes Autumn because she likes the Fall fashion. I guess that's a good reason to like Autumn, and I like the Fall fashion as well. But I think that's a silly reason to like Autumn. :) Oh, well that's her opinion, and I shouldn't change it.
The meaning of Autumn is nice too. It's the end and a new beginning at the same time. My friends say it just represents the end. But I think it's both because when the leaves fall it is the end, but it also gives new leaves a chance to grow. So in a way it's like a new beginning as well. :) I don't think I'm explaining my theory well enough, but oh well.
I found out that K. likes Autumn as well :D So that's even more reason to like Fall.
All these pictures were taken off the internet. I must remember to take pictures of my own during next Autumn. Once I do, I think I shall post them on my blog ^ ^


  1. Oh, it is a great season C: Halloween, Thanksgiving and the smell of falling leaves

  2. To Kupkakes-Hime♥ ...

    I totally forgot about the awesome holidays during that season! :O
    My favorite is especially Halloween :). My dad says I'm too old for it, but hey, you're never too old to dress up. Plus who can pass up free candy? lol xD
