Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Roller Blading Accident

I love to roller blade! It's just so much fun. But I just started, so I'm not very good at it.
I can skate around without falling pretty easily... I just don't know how to brake. xD
So on Friday, my family and I went to the park. I put on my roller blades and was just rolling around the place. We all eventually met up at a bench and was getting ready to go. I asked my dad to get my shoes for me, so I can walk to the car. But he was like "No. Just roller blade over there, and get them yourself." I was like "But I can't roll down hills because I don't know how to stop." And he just left. I was like "-____-;; ...." I sat there waiting. Thinking my dad was going to get my shoes for me, but he seemed to be taking his time. I was able to see our car from where I was sitting. My sister looked at me, and I made a "hurry up and get over here" motion at her, but she just closed the car door. My family is pretty mean xD. Then I saw dad start to drive away. Panic surged through me. I thought maybe they either didn't know I was still on the bench or decided to ditch me! I sat there for a few seconds thinking "Oh..they're just tricking me...right?" But then I quickly put my roller blades back on and started roller blading. I was in a hurry so I didn't even fully strap them back on which caused me to be a little wobbly. I go all the way up the park and to a hill I know is not too steep. As I was going to this hill I was thinking, "Okay. Calm down. You know the way home. It's just a couple of blocks away. No need to worry." Then I got to the hill, and down I went. I started to gain speed, and I was like "OH SH*T!" I didn't think about the fact that even though the hill isn't very steep, I'll still gain moment. I'm such an idiot. I couldn't stop, and I was nearing the street. My first instinct was to grab onto the pole, so I can stop. And I unfortunately followed that instinct. However, you know those brown electrical wire poles that people staple stuff on? When That was the pole I grabbed. And you know those staples? Well the pole was covered in it, and I just so happened to grab onto a very staple filled section of that pole -___-. My hand got cut as it rubbed against the pole, and I fell on my bottom to top it off. And strangers were looking at me with pity filled eyes. Sigh....I fail at life. My sister opened the door and started laughing. I got up, and started yelling at my dad the whole way to my car. I got into my car, and took out my first aid kit out of my bag. (yes I carry a first aid kit with me everywhere. I'm very clumsy ^ ^;;) I had to put 5 band aids on my stupid hand because it got 5 stupid cuts in different areas. They were all relatively small wounds but they still hurt like hell! My brother started calling my dad a traitor for not helping me. My dad was telling me it was my fault for thinking he would abandon me, when he was really just driving the car to the bench I was at. My sister was just laughing the whole time xD. My other little brother was supposedly calling my name the whole time they were driving to the bench. At least I know that if I go missing my little brothers would be the first to notice/care.
Sigh~ my family is just too weird.... and my hand still hurts TT~TT. Good thing it was my left hand. I'm a righty.

ps. I bet you're wondering why I'm writing this now when it happened on a Friday. xD Well, I just remembered about it was I was staring at my hand. I decided to write about it because I thought it was blog worthy. lolz.

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