Saturday, May 28, 2011

Science Project In Detail

I think I told you about my science project already, but I'm not sure. If I did, I don't think I told you about it in detail. So that's what I'll do now.
My science project, in my opinion, was pretty epic. I got a perfect 300 score on it.
It was about gears. I wanted to see how the size of the driver gear affected the driven gear. (if you don't know any of the terms, just keep reading or google it xD)
The most amazing part about my project though was the display board. :D That's what got my project most of its attention.
I like positive attention and compliments. ^ ^ When you compliment me, I'll act modest, but I'm most likely to be thinking "Ha! I know I'm awesome." Lolz, but don't feel offended because that's just how I am and I know I'm not that awesome. It just makes me feel better if I think I am xD.
Anyways, my project got so much attention (which I'll describe later) mostly because of the middle part. You know how display boards have like 3 parts? Well the large middle piece is where all the magic happened or at least that's where I applied the magic xD.
My dad and I wanted to go all out.
So first we decided to do the title for my board. We had this really great idea of putting  the word gear everywhere in different languages. My title for the board was the problem: "How does the size of the driver gear affect the driven gear?" But it wasn't just some simple word-art on Microsoft Office Word. We used photoshop to make the title. I used the directions on this website: to make the font for my title. It turned out pretty cool looking, and it was very simple. I suggest you to try it if you ever find something it can be used for. In the background of my title we put the word gear in different languages. The languages were sort of faded and light color, so it wouldn't take attention away from the title. The title has to stand out in order for it to be good. Afterwards, I pasted on my data tables, pictures, and charts onto Microsoft Publisher. Publisher allows you to edit the paper size and stuff, so I think that's why we used. I don't know, my dad is a total computer nerd so he must have had some special reason for wanted to use Publisher. I also put detailed captions on my pictures. I gave a whole explanation about the gears and the relationship I was showing between the two gears. It was mad crazy. I also bought pictures on istockphoto.
I went to a Office Supply store that prints stuff for you. I wanted to print the middle piece part on one giant sheet of paper, and my printer's too small, so that's why I went to the print store for it. When my dad went to go pick it up 4 hours later, he came home with it. I was so excited to see it. However, when I finally saw it, the paper was so messed up! The text somehow printed over each other, and the charts printed over each other. It was a mess :O we went back to the store and complained. We paid $48 for that giant 24" by 36" (about) paper! So obviously we're going back to complain. The guy tried printing it again, but something was wrong with the printer, and the tech guys don't work on Sundays, so it was terribly stupid. But on the bright side, the guy gave it to us for free! :) Good thing they can't give customers bad products, or else I could have sued them (not that I would have >.>). We got our money back! And ended up getting two giant papers!! My dad and I just pasted the correct text over the screwed up parts. It actually turned out pretty good. :) I was happy.
My dad screwed on gears to the left side of my board too! It was cool. When I was going to school, I accidently scratched my hand against it. It looked like I got a vampire bite on the back of my hand xD.

My board was so cool/impressive, that a teacher who teaches a grade higher then mine found it cool enough to show his classes. xD When I was talking to him one day (first time I've spoken to him) I was like "So, I've noticed you like showing off my board." And he was like "Which one?" "The one about gears." Guess what his answer was. "Oh! So YOU'RE the gear girl!" ...gee what a nice little nick name: gear girl. xD That sounds so stupid. Oh well. He said it was really impressive and he liked it.
Almost all my classmates voted for my board as first place. I don't know about anybody else, and the winners hasn't been announced yet.
My classmates, said they liked it too. One of my friends said they'll copy me and when the teacher asked where did they get the idea from he'll say "Emiko taught it to me! Oh yea!" xD It was a lot funnier when he said it.
My science teacher was showing it off to all the teachers, that I was asked about it randomly sometimes.
Being able see your hard work paid off is a good feeling. And it's not that hard either. You just have to want to do good, and if you try hard enough you can. :) just use the internet to its fullest. lolz.

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