Monday, June 20, 2011

I Got a Hamster!

Well this title is self explanatory.  I got a new hamster!
It's a very cute hamster with brown spots and white fur. The hamster is a dorf hamster, meaning it's sort of small.
My brother decided to name it Cutie Pie. Yea...don't ask. Well I know you are, so I shall explain. My little brother thought the hamster was so cute that it should be called "cutie pie." Supposedly the nickname or short version of the name is "Cutie." What a nice name right...? The funny part is that the hamster is a boy.
It's cage is super adorable !! ^ ^ The cage is very colorful sorta like cartoon-like colors. :) [bright blue, lime green, and yellow] We got the little spinning wheel thingy, an "igloo thing", and the water feeding object..thingy (lolz I use the word thingy a lot xD there's no better adj./noun/verb/w.e.). This hamster is pretty lucky. It's got a second floor to its cage! On the second floor it has the food bowl ^ ^. Anyways, hamsters are pretty expensive. It costed $80 for everything. Well, at least we don't have to buy it ever again, just the hamster food [which lasts awhile].
Oh, if you're wondering, we suddenly got a hamster because it's my brother's birthday soon, like in two days or something. He's over 5 years old now! :D (which is a very vague answer as to how old he is xD 6+)
We used to have a tadpole named Jimmy, but he died. Long story short, my dad forgot to feed Jimmy. So we got my little brother (Za.) a pet hamster.
I wanted a lizard >.> ...but my little brother thought it better to get a hamster because it's cuter -.-
Lizards are cool! :D There was one lizard that could change colors or something. Sigh~ but it was a gift for my brother and not me, so I didn't get to pick :(
Oh well :) hamsters are cool too and pretty cute. So I'm happy. Pets are nice... :D

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