Friday, June 17, 2011

Last Science Project of the Year (what a pain)

There's only like one and a half weeks left of school, and my science teacher actually gave my class a project! I mean seriously? Why can't we just slack off. xD lol
So we're doing the body system. Each group (of 4 people) was assigned different body systems. My group got the circulatory system. Which kinda sucks because I can't think of anything creative for that! If it was the skeletal system, I could have just bought a skeleton. xD haha jk.
It was kind of funny. One group took long paper out, and traced an outline of the smallest person in their group. Somehow they were still able to screw it up, and it looked like the person was deformed. They are doing the muscle system.
Another group got the reproductive system. They were immature about it. I mean they drew a very nice picture of you know, the thing people use to reproduce. However, they were showing everyone and laughing about it like a pervert. I didn't get a good look at it so I'm not sure what it looked like.
So far I think my groups project is pretty good. Maybe I'll take a picture of it after we finish, and post it up. Tomorrow my group is coming over to my house to work on it. It's going to be the first time I invited boys over to my house. I wonder how weird it's going to be... >.>
Ugh. but this means I have to clean up a bit. I'm so lazy, I don't feel like cleaning. Sigh~ but I have too.
Gee, the things I do for an image. (lolz xD I talk as if cleaning is's not it's just a pain in the butt :P)

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