Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Last Day of School

Sigh~ today was my last day of school. Well, I mean like the last day of the year. I know that's kind of obvious. But some of you people out there are very technical, and say that college is the last day of school. It kind of is, but still. I mean it was my last day of school in the certain grade that I am in.
Anyways, one of my friends [...or was it two...] cried saying that they'd miss everyone.
....>.> the stupid part is that we are all going to the same class(es) next year, and we're all going to hang out together over the summer. Thus, in my opinion the crying was useless.
I'm in the what my school calls the "advanced placement" class, but we just call it the "smart people" or "nerdy" class xD. It's much shorter, and easier to say. lol.
And I did say we're all going to be put in the same class(es). However, some of the people that were in aren't going to be anymore. Some people cried that they got into the "normal" people class. For a number of them, I felt sympathy for because they worked hard. Others, not so much...>.>
For example, a girl I really don't like. (Let's call her Uni..no specific reason. I guess because it rhymes with her name xD) She was in my class(es), but now she's not. I mean she's still in the nerdy class. But in my school there's "normal" people class, "nerdy" people class, and "super nerdy" class xD. I'm placed into the "super nerdy" class because I have no life. Lmfao xD just kidding. It's because I'm Asian, and we're smart like that. Okay, seriously, just kidding again. I'm super nerdy (meaning I study study study...not really >.>) because I care about my grades. Sigh~ which is a real pain in the butt.
Anyways, back to the point. I'm glad that Uni isn't in my class anymore. She didn't like me very much. >.> neither did I, but still. xD
OH! I got my report card today. :D
I did very well. 97.75% !! ^O^ that's really good.
Sigh~ but not good enough. Luka-chan, Rin-chan, and Je.-chan got higher then me TT.TT
Luka-chan : 98.something %
Rin-chan : 98.something % (Rin got lower then Luka I think)
Je.-chan (let's pronounce it as jay-chan or jee-chan ^ ^) : 99.5% !!!!!
Can you believe that?!?!? 99%
Sigh~ I should study with her xD
Plus, she's very pretty too ^ ^ so that's brains and beauty.
:) Lucky her~ nice combo
I forgot what Katrina-chan got....so don't ask xD
And Nyu-san got 95.something%
Sigh~ but Nyu-san is very smart in math, and does pretty well in English too. ^ ^ so I'm not sure what went wrong in her grade.
Anyways, after school, I went to my Je.'s house. :)
It was fun. Not only is she smart and beautiful, she's healthy!
Je. has sport-sy stuff at her house! She had volleyball and backbitten. I played it with her and Rin-chan for awhile. We also played a memory game with ordinary cards.
Whenever I'm with Je., I feel as though I have to be more sophisticated. (like sit up straight and stuff)
So she's a good influence ^ ^
The time I was at her house, we played educational games and sports. So it was very productive. Unlike at normal friend visits. Usually, we just sit around and do stuff on the computer or talk xD while gaining more calories by eating snacks. lol.

Sigh~ so even though school has ended, they still manage to torture its students with the agonizing summer homework TT.TT
I have a lot to do.
Write one essay, prepare to write two essays, read like 4~6 books (about boring stuff xD), and a math packet. I already finished the math packet because math is easy and fun ^ ^. But all the other stuff is waiting to be completed xD.

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