Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Atheist vs Agnostic

I wonder how many of you know either of these words... x)
I'm pretty sure most of you know what an Atheist is.
Today, I feel like distinguishing the two. I have no idea why. I guess I just feel the need to spread the knowledge(?) Haha xD yea I'm weird.

Most people(or at least some) think that they're the same, but in my opinion(well it's actually a fact xD), they're two entirely differnt things :3

!!~ Definition Time~!!

AtheistA person who does not believe in the existence of God or gods

Agnostic: A person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God

hehehe x) so with these somewhat simple definitions, you can see the difference more clearly now? If not than >_> ....you suck. xD LOL! Jk jk. It just means I'm going talk some more xD.

Atheist is someone who denies the existence of God(s) completely. Most of them, greatly believes in scientific fact. Meanin they believe in the big bang theory, and not the "God created the Earth in 7 days" thing.
....^ ^;; was it 7 days? xD I don't know. Gomen nasi >~<. my level of intelligence on religion is so low, and yet I'm teaching you people things like this, OTL that's sad (mostly for you, who's reading it xD).

An Agnostic person is someone who doesn't say the believe in God, and yet doesn't say that they don't believe in God. Meaning they're neutral people xD (i like neutral people :3). 

Haha xD I'm agnostic. I don't believe in any type of religion, yet I don't deny that there might be some kind of "almighty" being out there (it's me xD haha jk). I mostly believe a lot scientific fact, and common sense...

I actually made up a religion of my own just for fun xD. With a lack of a better name, I called it Emikoism x3.
It's quite a detailed religion (so much so I could probably right my own "bible" xD), so I won't really get into detail about it today.
Anyways, I realized that a lot of people use the word "Atheist" wrong. For example, people who are trying to describe themselves as an agnostic person, use the word atheist instead. Even my English teacher. Over the years, I guess people just generalized it into one word ^ ^;;. I told my friends about this, and they didn't believe me Dx. They said I was making words up ...which happens sometimes xD. I'm known as a great b.s.-er xD (aka bull sh** artist). For example, my friends were wondering why in some martial stance do they point two fingers in various ways. I was making a whole bunch of b.s. saying that "They hold their fingers this way sometimes to block the person from doing this to them." xD And I made up a bunch of random stuff. I'm very convincing when I want to be x3.

Anyways, I'm getting off topic.
Today, you've learned the difference of Atheist and Agnostic. So remember this information, and use words properly! Or else you'll look like an idiot in front of smart people x).
Hehe~ you learn something new reading my blog ^_^ (not really xD LOL)

Got tons of homework (sorta?), so I'll blog again laters~ ;D

ps. *skims through a bit* xD okay, so most of this stuff may or may not be correct. This was mostly based the (very lil) research I did on the subject, and my understanding of the definitions. Plus, what my dad has told me xD. So don't go researching the topic further and then come back complaining to me how wrong I was. That'd be too depressing for me Dx. you probably don't care tho LOL xD.

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