Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Exia-Near's Wish

Gahhh!!! This is soooo COOL!!! It's Exia-Near's dream room!! OwO
*cough (okay >.> my dream) cough*

*fan spazz* holy crap~~~!!!! That is just so to die for :O !!

^ ^;; okay so yea, ya all know that I'm a major Gundam fan. Therefore, it only makes sense that I would totally freak over finding a picture like this. I mean that is like heaven. I especially love the green haro on the third shelf x). Haro is so awesome; even cooler if it's green. TT^TT I wish I could have that many gundam models. I only have a few (which I should really take a picture of and show you), and they're so much fun to make! :3 I should really save up. OTL but I'm so totally broke. Plus, Exia's shield is so cool OwO *fan spazzes some more*. Okay, so I can't really tell why it's so epicly awesome. You can only really think that it is if you have a major appreciation of anime or a really big Gundam fan x).
My dad totally ruined my admiration towards this creation (diorama) by saying it's "easy" and you could just get the stuff at Michael's. >3< but I'm no good with my fingers, so it'd be really difficult for me to place all that stuff and what not.

Oh, and I found this picture while surfing around here on blogspot.
I found a really cool guy who posts about different anime products/merchandise.
Here's the link to the post about this diorama:
It has more detailed pictures of the diorama. Go check it out! :D see the awesome detail-ness of it.

Oh ho ho ho ho~!! *still fan spazzing*

 .....I should get a job -.-;;  (need money to buy cool stuff! OTL)
x) my "oh ho ho ho" laugh, but not as ...high pitched >.>
my friend says she's reminded of France's (hetalia) laugh when she sees "oh ho ho ho".
I like Renge's xD it has the weird crazy fan-girl feel to it.

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