Sunday, September 4, 2011

Explanation Please?

Yay! Okay so I got an email asking to explain a few of my wishes ^ ^ from someone with the email name of  Ruwonki. Haha xD i'm kinda excited for some reason.
Anywaysu, I was asked to explain the following wishes listed on "My Wishes" list:

~I wish to live up to at least a 100 years old.

~I wish my dad will be able to buy his own house.

~I wish I had A or AB blood type instead of O.

So I shall give an explanation for these wishes of mine mostly because I said I would if I got an email...>.> and the person said "or else." I am usually afraid when people say that xD because you never know what it is. Who knows what if they send assassination ninjas >~< scary. But cool at the same time xD I mean I'd actually be somewhat okay with being killed by ninjas. Just think about it "Death by Ninjas" sounds pretty awesome, ne?

*cough cough* okay back to the subject. (i get off topic easily ^ ^;;)

Let's start with the first one. I do not wish to per say stop at a 100 years old. I would like to live up to at least a 100 years old ^ ^. Why? Well when you're 10 people usually make a big deal about your age being in the double digits. If double digits are cool; don't you think triple digits would be even cooler? x) haha so I wanna become old just so I can brag. lol xD i'm odd, deal with it.

Now I can understand why the second wish listed would be quite odd too. Just to let you know, it does not mean that I do not have a house and live in a box in a suspicious alley way xD. It just means that I live in a rented house. Meaning my dad has to pay a stupid extra $1000 or so to live in our house. You know "renting". I'm sure you all know what it is xD ....if you don't then you must be a wealthy person >.> or just stupid xD haha jk
Okay, now for the explanation: Well you see, people always want to own things right? So ever since my dad moved out of his house; he's always had to rent a house. And because of certain events, he's never been able to save up enough money to buy his own house. What's so special about owning your own house? Well think about it. If you own the house, you can do whatever the hell you want to it. You can paint your walls rainbow or doodle all over it as many times as you want. You can have your own garden and plant exotic things xD like a money tree (yes I believe they exist xD)! When you own the house then you don't have somebody tell you that you can't do what you want.
Thus, I wish for my dad to be able to one day buy his own house so he can do all the funtasitc things he has always wanted to do with his house.

Next wish! :D
I admit xD this wish is a little unreasonable and quite stupid. It's not like I hate O type blood or something xD I'm actually quite friendly with it (it's what keeping me alive right now xD).
It's just that my Setsuna-kun has A type blood, so I wish to have the same blood type. And if I cannot have A type then I want AB because Kyouya Ootori has that blood type. Why do I want their same blood type? Well think about it. If they're dying one day and need more blood, then I wish to be able to donate my blood to them.
.....yea >.> i know I can't donate blood to a fictional character. But it's fun to think so xD plus it just seems cool. Let's just say I'm really really obsessed and weird xP lol

Well I hope my explanation helped you understand the reasoning behind my wishes, Ruwonki. ^ ^
if it doesn't than too bad xD. lol jk, if you don't understand it then I'll try and explain it better :D

Oh and thank you for reading about my wishes! \(^O^)/ you've made me very happy~ x)

Edit: erm >.> originally I put my email to allow you guys to ask me questions about "My Wishes", but my dad told me that I'm not allowed to do that ^ ^;;. I sort of got in trouble OTL. So now, just leave a comment on this blog entry if you wish to ask me questions about "My Wishes". Or you can leave a comment on here:  Please and thank you ^ ^.

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