Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The End Already?

Hmm....yea...I quit my job today :3. *silence....*
Lol xD yea so anyways~ long story short, I found out how much I was getting paid today. My dad and I think the payment is totally not worth the work. I work 3 hours a day everyday, and I get paid $30 a week. That means I'm only getting $2 an hour. My dad said with the work I do I should be getting at least $20 an hour. With such an amount difference, I decided to quit. Boss likes me a lot, so she said that she could fire someone else in order to keep me. Meaning, I'd get double of what she was paying me. That's still not reaching the desired value. Plus, if she does that, I think she's mostly likely to fire Kohai-chan. I can't let her fire Kohai-chan! That's just not right :\. Sigh~ the job was kind of fun too. However, luckily, Boss(or would it be ex-boss?), has a friend who does similar business as her. This friend can supposedly pay the amount of money that I wish. It's so nice of Boss to help me get a new job even though I quit from the one she gave me. My dad said it's because Boss likes me a lot. He also said he was very proud of me for doing so well that my Boss would like me so much just after working for two days. Even though I quit, I'm still going to finish up this week's work and still get paid :). . . . >_> I'm starting to think when my sister wasn't so wrong to call me a greedy....(but she was about the "stingy old hag" part!)
Hm...I wonder what my new boss will be like :3. And if I think I'll nickname them Boss-lady or Boss-man xD (I'm so not creative with names).

Anyways, I promised all the lil' kiddies that I'd make them origami lilies. Apparently, elementary kids are very fascinated about origami x). There's like 20 children, so I gotta start making them now ^ ^;;. I hope I get done with them quickly...

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