Thursday, October 6, 2011

Funny(?) Stuff

Hahaha XD! I decided to google myself today. Yesh, I have no life, and google myself x3. I found out something pretty disturbing >_>....
If you start to type in "Emiko Seiei," guess what comes up?

Sex pistols really?!?! I laughed like crazy xD. As I read on, I found out it was a band or something (not sure because I didn't dare to click on any of the links >_>) If you could name a band anything, why "sex pistols"? (Sorry if you like this band, and feel offended by my comments.) But LOL xD google suggestions are so funny, ne? (I still laugh about that "I am extremely terrified of Chinese people" thing x3. That was hilarious.)

Haha, I'm able to see what kind of keywords that people find me with. It makes me laugh to see that I'm found through the search words "sexy japanese boy." Lol I'm not bothered by it. It's not really surprising x3.
I was also found by "perverted crazy anime face" once xD. Sadly, didn't get the chance to include that in the picture (forgot too ^ ^;;).
Anyways, I forgot to explain to you people something. I changed my name. It's no longer Emiko F. Seiei. I thought it was kinda lame to have the same middle name letter as Setsu-kun. So, I am now named "Emiko H. Seiei." Hehehe~ the "H" stands for "Happy" :D because I'm always happy(ish). It also stands for my nickname. Yesh, "H" is my nickname. Supposedly it's the Japanese pronunciation of "echii" according to my friend. As you all should know, I'm pervy~, so echii would make total sense x3. LOL but I'm really happy that there are people that actually look me up in google. (they're probably all people I know xD).

Also, Katrina-chan went on a trip to Canada recently. She got all of my friends souvenirs  (she's so nice!). We all got different colored bear pins. A trip to Canada is super cool. I've always wanted to try their bacon. ...does that seem weird? xD LOL I told Banana-kun this, and he said it's weird that I say I want to go because of the bacon and not the scenery or anything like that.
Canada is a super cool place to visit I guess :3. My social studies teacher has a toilet from Canada...don't know why I felt like mentioning that, but it's true xD. Katrina-chan likes the anime character Canada from Hetalia, so it's like 10x cooler to go to Canada for her!! That was so cool x3.

 I posted the first two on my deviant art account :3
I named my bear Mr. Alien because he's green. It was funny, since we all got different colors, we were comparing it to all sorts of things. We called Nyu-san's blue bear, Avatart-bear. Except she said since it was blue, it should be more like "Dead-bear" because people are supposedly blue when they die xD. Nyu-san is weird. Rin-chan's white bear was named Albino-bear. Which reminded Luka of the Albino llama thing from Deviant art. Rin-chan said it reminded her more of a polar bear, but liked the idea of an albino bear better, not sure why. Luka-chan said her pink bear was "caucasian"....yea she's stupid xD. I don't understand how she made that connection. So I offered the relation of color to a new born baby :3.

I show the side of Mr. Alien so you can see that he's a pin x3. I stuck him on the hood of Hunny-senpi's bunny hood. I have no where else to put him xD and I thought Hunny-senpi could protect Mr. Alien with his super martial arts skills :3.

Lucka-chan noticed that there was a hole on the butts of all the bears. ....*thinks pervertedly*. Lucka-chan is so gross xD. I said that it makes all the bears female :3. But then Lucka-chan argued that it could just possibly be the butt hole. So I then stated that they are a girl because even if that was the butt hole, the bears still don't have a dick  that thing that separates male from females...
> < I don't know why me and Lucka-chan argue about these things! We're quite competitive :3. Not because we don't get along, but we like to challenge each other. Yea..we we're weird people xD.


  1. *is annoyed of the idea of having a competitor on pervertedness* xD

  2. To Ai-chan...
    LOL xDD no worries.
    you'll always be your own kind of pervert <3
