Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's Late Again

It's late at night again. It's like 10:30...heh heh ^ ^;; *awkward*. LOL xD okay so not that late. But I need meh sleep. So this post will be quick (thus there might be some grammar errors :P).

Teachers have been giving stupids tests like every other day. It's bugging the crap out of me. So. Much. Studying. OTL. I'm going to die at this rate xP. My grades have been getting terrible lately too!! It's like no matter how much I study, I fail. You know how much that sucks?! And it's not that I don't study enough. Rin-chan forces me to study like every night (which is killing me as well!). I usually just wing it and get good enough grades xD. Studying with Rin-chan doesn't help though! It seems like the topic is either too hard for me to wing or studying just doesn't help me. I vote second idea :3 (haha if only xD). I formed a new way of studying though. Instead of Rin-chan asking the questions I do. Which helps much more than you would think. My brain is weird, so I learn better if I hear the answers instead of saying/thinking up the answers myself. I hope I do better on tests soon because if I don't start improving I will die of bad-test-sickness.

Kohai-chan is funny. She can't pronounce my name and/or doesn't remember how to pronounce it. The way she says my name is the equivalent to pronouncing Emiko (em-ee-ko) as Emuka (em-oo-ca). It's rather amusing. I would usually correct a person who can't pronounce my name, but it's not a big deal to me xD. Plus, I have a feeling she doesn't really care~. All the children, Boss-lady, and Kohai-chan can't pronounce my name correctly. It's cute when the children mispronounce it, but hilarious when adults can't xD.

I'm Chinese, and can't speak the language fluently. Lots of people make fun of me for it. You always hear them say, "You can't speak Chinese?!" or "Haha you suck." or "You're not a true Chinese!" ...yea >_> not very pleasant. So you would think with all these insults I would learn Chinese right? Well wrong xD. But I know a few words :3. Not enough to have a conversation, but it's not like I don't know anything at all. All the children at my work place is Chinese except for like three of them. The Chinese people can all speak Chinese, so two kids tried to teach me some of the language. ...except don't trust kids to teach you Chinese! These children are only in like elementary, so they were teaching me how to say "poopoo head" and "poop is on your head, now you die." and other stuff that I can't really remember at the moment. I relearned a bunch of stuff too. Like they were calling me stupid and crazy in Chinese, and I was able to understand xD because those are part of my very small vocabulary.   ....sigh *head desk* this is very sad and depressing. I'm so fail xD

*yawn* okay~ meh has to go to bed now ^ ^ so good night people <3

ps. yesh this is what I call a "quick post". and yesh I'm able to write this much in 20 minutes xD

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