Sunday, October 16, 2011

Har har

Still working on my stupid Spanish project. Who knew it was so hard to do a power point project on Paraguay? xP. I only have like 2 more slides to do though! Yay!! :D

I talked to him today, like usual. Interesting conversation we had. I wish I could change what I said. Sigh~ I'm so hopeless orz. I would mention what it was about, but he reads meh blog, so that'd be very dangerous xD.

Ai-chan and I have reached a depressing point in our lives though. Our "love lives" are ending in doom, and it's terrible. I hope her guy will talk to her tomorrow. Sigh~ this really sucks xP.
(visit Ai-chan's blog plz:

Anyways, started reading MPD Psycho. It's kind of confusing at first, but it becomes clearer as you read further. I think it's pretty interesting.
Go check it out:
Except, I do not suggest it to people who don't like murder/mystery/detective involving stories.
Here's a summary of what it's about (which I stole from cosplay holic, which she probably stole from wikipedia xD): When Detective Kobayashi Yosuke was assigned to the case of a serial killer who dismembered his victims, he never thought his own girlfriend would later become one of the victims. She was said to have been mutilated but kept alive; the trauma of which began to make Yosuke lose his sanity. As a result, he developed a dissociative identity disorder, with two main personalities being a cool headed detective known as Amamiya Kazuhiko, and a reckless psychopath named Nishizono Shinji.

On a further note, my sister just got punished and now has internet restrictions >:3 I feel bad for her though. She's more addicted to the internet than I am xD LOL.

Anyways, this post was posted just to post something xD so it gives a  lil' bit of an incomplete feeling and it's random, but oh well.

Gotta go do homework. Don't want my internet to be taken away too ^ ^;;
might post again later today though :3


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