Friday, October 21, 2011

A Good Day xD

Okay, so today at lunch my friends and I got pretty hyper xD.
We were talking about random things like usual~.
I don't remember what it was about though. OH WAIT! I remember now xD.
Okay so there were these people sitting at a table across from my friends and I. They were eating ramen, and I was like "We should eat ramen too!" Except stupid senile Rin-chan was like "We should eat vomit too?! Wtf?" I was like "*facepalm* NO!...unless you're into that sort of thing" We then started laughing, and describing how gross it was to eat vomit. Then Luka-chan was talking to me about some movie/show she watched about a guy who eats young girls' noses. She was like "He would grab their face like this." She holds onto her cheeks, and then inches closer to me as she describes what the guy does. It came to the point where she grabs my arms, and then "GRAHAHAHA!" She screamed at me, and came like inches away to biting my nose off! IT SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!!! So it came to the point where we were laughing and banging on the table, and like totally spazzing out because we were laughing to hard. RIn-chan made a comment about how it looked like Luka-chan and I were mining xDD. We just bursted out into another round of laughter.

However, the the vice principal came over. She pushed Luka-chan over, and sat at our table.
She was like "Y'all shouldn't act so crazy. That is not very lady like! blah blah blah"

All of us got super scared and thought we'd get in trouble :P
Me and Luka-chan were like communicating with each other with our eyes while the Vice Principal was talking. It looked funny because we would open our eyes super wide in order to do so xDD.
The vice principal then decided to stop complaining, and was all like "So what the heck were you talking about anyways?"
"Mining." is what me and luka-chan said at the same time with a slight giggle. (we jinx each other a lot xD tons of mind reading involved).
She was like "wait what were you talking about?" our vice principal is like only 40-something, and she's already senile xD.
Nyu-san is a totally idiot! xD She decides to add in on the conversation, and was like, "vomit."
"MINGING!" luka and I shouted in order to cover up nyu's stupid comment about vomit. xD LOL idk why but we felt the need to make sure our vice principal didn't think we were talking about vomit xD. ..but now that I think about it, mining isn't as great of a conversation either xD.

the funny part was when she said, "Ooh~ mining."
she said as if it was the most natural thing to be talking about.
My vice principal is weird xD

It was so hilarious though!! xD we cracked up about it for awhile.

Today I became friends (or at least I think I have), with a classmate I've known for ..3 years xD LOL. He's quite funny and unusually perverted xD. I think we'll be great friends. Haha. It's funny though, he seems like the quiet nerdy type, but he's actually nice and funny :D. I might talk about him in the future, so let's give him a name. I'll name him Jay :3. It'll be short for Blue Jay, which is like the bird! ...there's nothing I can think of that connects the two beings xD but I like the idea of it, so I'm going with it!

Kashu-kun seems to be feeling better now :D. ...or at least he's smiling more :). ...or perhaps, he's just hiding behind a smiling mask..>_>
Gosh! > < I'm starting to think negatively. Let's continue to be happy :D. So I'm going to say Kashu-kun is happy. He's been laughing more, and has regained his weird hyper-ness back. I'm glad ^ ^.

Also, I got paid today! Yay! xD I love Fridays~. It welcomes the weekends, and it's my pay day x3. $$$

Anyways, I'm finished with this entry for now. Nothing else to report really.
Bye~. Don't forget to have tons of smiles today~ :D :D :D

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